Big Savage House 2020 – Final Death Toll


So, Ramadan 2020 is over. It’s over and the final death toll for this year’s ‘Big Savage House’ event is finally totted up. The death toll at the conclusion of Ramadan, when apart from fasting, some Muslims take it as an auspicious time to murder for Allah, is 716.

This death toll is pretty astonishing in the circumstances with much of the world suffering from the Covid19 lockdown. It is only 184 deaths less than last year’s Ramadan death toll which was 900.

Whilst some Muslims have indeed used this time for personal reflection and self mortification via fasting, other Muslims have used this time in order to kill both Muslim and non-Muslim alike. They have killed in countries across the world but some countries such as Afghanistan have seen more deaths than others. In that failed state, the Taliban have killed 146 civilians during Ramadan.

According to the ‘Religion of Peace’ website which monitors Islamic violence across the world the 716 dead this Ramadan were the result of 175 separate attacks by Islamic terrorists. Interestingly there were zero attacks during this time by members of other faiths and also zero attacks by members of the far right, which government’s like that of the United Kingdom insist are just as much a problem as Islamic extremists. The annual and horrific Ramadan death toll is also a stark reminder that ‘Islamophobia’ is far far less of a problem to the world than is Islamic violence.

As I’ve said before in this ‘Big Savage House’ strand, the shocking death toll caused by Islam at this time of year is not replicated by other modern day religions during their festivals or celebrations. We do not see Jews going on violent rampages in the name of the Jewish deity at Pesach and neither do we see Christians doing the same at Christmas. Only Islam has its primary religious festival regularly become a bloodbath. Islam as we can see is different and not I’m afraid in any nice sort of way. I believe that an alien, monitoring Earth from above, would look at Islam and conclude what many opponents of Islam have concluded, which is that although there are many individual Muslims who are peaceful and decent individuals, Islam the ideology is little more than a death cult.

I had hoped that because of the circumstances of this year with a novel virus from China causing consternation and lockdowns across the world, that the death toll this year would be relatively light and around 500 or so. Unfortunately I was wrong. The death toll soared above 500 towards the end of Ramadan to end up at its final inglorious toll.

Islam is not a religion of peace. We can see that by looking at its scripture. We can see that by looking at the way it runs societies. We can see that by listening to the outpourings of its most followed clerics and we can see little peace in those who take Islam extremely seriously. A genuine religion of peace, such as that practised by the Jains for example, would produce extremists who would be little more than harmless eccentrics who agonise about killing even the smallest of the Earth’s creatures. We can ascertain by examining Islam and what its extremists get up to and what its theology tells Islam’s followers, that ‘peace’ is not an attribute of Islam. Peace is the very last human value that can be ascribed to Islam and to say it is a ‘religion of peace’ as so many Western politicians are habituated to do, is little more than a monstrous lie.