Video – Cynical social media ‘influencers’


I don’t much about the YouTuber who uploaded this short video about the behaviour of social media ‘influencers’ during the current disturbances in the USA, but he is bang on with his condemnation of them.

In this video from Penguinz0 he shows various social media ‘influencers’ exploiting recent protests and civil disorder for clicks. We see ‘influencers’ pretending to help clear up mess left by rioters, pretending to be ‘shocked’ at destruction and using protests as backdrops for their own self-centred images.

What these ‘influencers’ are doing is full on fake news and really should be seen as such.

1 Comment on "Video – Cynical social media ‘influencers’"

  1. And the prize for the most opportunistic “influencer” who was desperate to get out of the public eye and into the public eye, wanting “privacy” but on her terms, Laydeeeeeeezzz an’ Gennahllmen, I give you, the shy & retiring, the self-effacing, the modest, the Nobel laureate intellect of the millennium, ME-ME-MEGHAN MARKLE, who bravely from the stifling confinement of a tiny $40 million mansion, protected by fences, state of the art surveillance, gates & armed guards plus instant response from the local police, spouts saccharin b0110cks about stuff she reall doesn’t understand, but has the addictive need for public adoration as the Kaliphornia Kretins hang on her every word because she has some extra Melanin and she’s married royal spare, Prince Doormat. Sorry Me-Me-MEghan, but we really don’t give a flying fourex.

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