The neo-Maoist iconoclasts meet some pushback

The Churchill statue. This is one of the national icons that has attracted thousands upon thousands of Britons to them in order to protect them from left wing vandals


The attacks by BLM/Marxists on symbols of British history in their attempt to erase it has not gone down well with ordinary British people. Across the country ordinary Joes and Janes,some white and some black have linked arms to protect statues and monuments from destruction by the BLM/Marxist thugs and neo-Maoist iconoclasts.

From what I can gather this pushback against the BLM/Marxist thugs (and it should not be forgotten that much of the driver for BLM is not racial grievance but Marxism) started out small but has snowballed into something much bigger. First it was ex Scouts gathering around a memorial to Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scout Association, to prevent the local council from removing it at the behest of Leftist campaigners. Then there started to emerge claims from social media of groups of lads going into big cities like Manchester in order to protect other cultural artefacts from destruction by far Left thugs. In Whitby, it is reported that people started to gather around the town’s statue of the famous explorer Captain Cook because it was assumed that being an explorer his statue would be targetted by far Left vandals. Ordinary Britons also turned out in Newcastle to defend the statue of Earl Grey the 19th century Prime Minister from assault by the Left after it became known that his name was on the list of statues that the BLM/Marxist thugs would want to tear down.

London has been somewhat of a focus for both the neo-Maoist icononclasts of the BLM/Marxists and those who want to defend British history, whether that be positive or negative, from erasure by the Left. This is because London is the capital city and also because London has so many monuments to great men and women of the past. London saw members of the Democratic Football Lads Alliance along with a great many armed forces veterans and people of no political affiliation at all turn up to defend statues of Winston Churchill and others from assault by the Left. Yes there were some clashes at this counterprotest against the Leftist wreckers, which have been reported untruthfully by the ‘Lugenpresse’ (trans: lying press) as ‘far right demonstrators’. However, if more reliable reporters such as Mahyar Tousi are to be believed, some of the violence was started by the Left. In his video linked here, you can see BLM/Marxists climbing a low wall in order to attack patriot Britons whilst these patriot Britons were being escorted down the road by the police.

One thing that Mr Tousi noticed and I did as well, is the double standard as to how BLM/Marxists are policed and how the patriot counter-protestors were policed. With the BLM/Marxists demonstration senior officers sent their officers out to deal with the demo in ordinary uniforms. When it came to the patriot counter-protestors however the police lost no time in sending in officers equipped in riot gear. Why we should ask was there this double standard in policing? It should have been plainly obvious to the London Mayor Sadiq Khan and to the senior officers in the Metropolitan Police, going by what has happened in the USA, that the BLM/Marxist demonstrations were going to be violent and the Met should have policed accordingly. Instead when it came to the BLM/Marxist gathering, what we got was a kid gloves approach to the demonstrators and even abject appeasement of the mob by police officers kneeling to the demonstrators.

From what I can gather from reading and watching around the reports from the current situation, the BLM /Marxists have, along with police forces that have chosen to appease them rather than control them, seriously riled up ordinary Britons. There appear to be people choosing to defend memorials and statues who would otherwise have had little to do with politics whether of either the Left or the Right. What they see in the BLM/Marxists is a violent iconoclastic mob that if not defeated will end up destroying British history just as effectively as the Left has destroyed police impartiality and the education system. To quote from the Biblical book of Hosea “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind”. In other words the violence and destruction and rabid intolerance that the Left have shown in places like London and Bristol and the utter disgust that people feel at politicised police officers who just sit back and let the destruction happen because such destruction chimes with their own political view, will ultimately rebound on the BLM/Marxists.

As I have said before on here, the BLM/Marxists are fomenting racism where there once was none. Britain is probably one of the least racist countries in Europe and has in large part made Martin Luther King’s dream of a colourblind society a reality, yet the BLM/Marxists with their oafish violence and iconoclasm may yet ruin in a few weeks that which took years to build. At the end of the day we must defend British history and the expression of it, both its good and its bad bits so that future generations can have as full a picture as possible of how Britain came to be. The Left want to replace history with propaganda that suits their political ends, they should not be allowed to have such a victory. Hopefully by peacefully protecting cultural artefacts from the mob and getting elected politicians on side this may be achieved and we can consign the BLM/Marxists to being what they should be, which is a very small footnote in the annals of history.

1 Comment on "The neo-Maoist iconoclasts meet some pushback"

  1. Interesting how these things spiral.
    First BLMarxists were saying “tear down the slavers”. This quickly became “tear down the racists”.
    But who are the racists? Two points:

    1. the modern definition, courtesy of Critical Theory and intersectionality is that “racism” is inherently linked to power/privilege and so “white privilege” makes whites the “oppressors” and non-whites the “oppressed”. Ergo only white people can be “racists”. You might remember Bahar Mustafa of the infamous “killallwhitemen” tweet who when challenged replied in all sincerity “I can’t be racist because I’m an ethnic minority woman”. And she was right (by this definition). She is doubly oppressed (by white males) – first as a woman and secondly as a “ethnic”.

    2. White people also suffer from “Implicit (aka unconscious) bias”. That is we are racists even if we don’t know that we are racists – it’s all in our subconciousness. So we can’t defend ourselves from the charge of being racist – de facto we just are. Never mind that the tests used to show this “Implicit bias” have a reproducibility factor of 0.4 (if you re-test people you get wildly different results). Nevermind the fact that even in soft sciences this factor is usually required to be at least >0.7, more often >0.8 before the test is considered worthwhile. Nevermind the fact that even allowing that this test is “meaningful” it is a weak indicator of bias in real life.
    The point here is that according to this generally accepted falsity, all whites are racist. period.

    Thus: given that non-whites cannot be racist whereas all whites are inherently racist, the logical conclusion of this “tear down the racists” demand is that all statues, memorials etc. that are to “inherently racist” whites MUST be removed and only statues and memorials to “inherently non-racist” BAME people can be allowed.

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