A small bit of good news. Troon loons told no.


In among all the bad news such as the rampant thuggery on our streets, the government and police capitulation to whining extremists and race hustlers and of course Coronavirus, there has been a small bit of very very good news from Britain. No it’s not that the pubs are going to open again or David Lammy suddenly and temporarily losing the ability to whine speak, nothing that good I’m afraid, but something that will seem to many to be a victory for common sense and reality.

According to a report on the Women are Human blog which is in turn quoting from the Sunday Times, the Government is going to abandon plans to allow people to self identify in the gender of their choice. Prior to this decision it looked as if someone could decide, without any medical or psychiatric intervention of gatekeeping to legally become the gender of their choice. It would have meant that someone, a male, could wake up on a Monday morning and suddenly decide that they were female, non-binary or even an attack helicopter, and the government and the state would have to go along with their delusion.

It would have meant the end of women only spaces as a man could just decide one day that he was a woman and have access to women’s toilets, women’s changing rooms and services such as domestic violence refuges that for a multitude of good and cogent reasons cater specifically for women. It would have meant that women would have to share their spaces with men who were deluding themselves and others into thinking they were women.

Women are Human said:

Controversial plans to enable people to change their legal sex through a process of self-identification have been scrapped, according to a report in the Sunday Times.

Proposed changes to the 2004 Gender Recognition Act, which would make the process for trans identified people to change their legal sex simpler and cheaper, had become a political battleground since a public consultation was carried out in 2018.

The key proposal – gender self identification without a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria – would have meant that the sole criterion for determining that someone is a woman would be that person’s stated belief that they were a woman. Alarm was raised over implications for the protection of women and children from male violence, with self identification being seen as too easily open to abuse by predators.”

The government has made the right decision here in my opinion. There needs to be some medical diagnosis of GD to trigger the process of a change of identification. I’ve met loads of sensible trans people in my life and they work damned hard to achieve the simulacrum of the gender that they believe themselves to be. On this area I take the view ‘you do you’. However, I don’t think that gender reassignment is the be all and end all treatment for those with gender identity issues, but for the tiny minority of individuals they are helped by this process it can help. This decision will in my view protect both natal women and those who may be being pushed by peer pressure down the trans route. Having to get a medical diagnosis of GD may help to divert some people with gender identity issues that are unrelated to transition and which may instead have their roots in past trauma, away from what might be inappropriate and possibly disastrous treatment.

This is a common sense move by the Government and one that should have been made much earlier. This is really going to upset and trigger the ‘troon loons’ who believe that a person can change their gender more often than most people change their underpants, but to them I would say, this is a grown up decision made by grown ups and one that you will have to put up with. I really applaud this decision by HMG but society would have been saved a whole lot of unwanted aggravation if the Govt had told the transgender extremists no they cannot have self ID at the outset of this review into the GRA.