Dominic Raab did nothing wrong

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab


The media, the Left and race grifters like David Lammy and Dianne Abbott are attacking Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab for refusing to conform and kneel for the BLM/Marxist mob. But Mr Raab has done nothing wrong, all he’s done is stood up to bullies and those like British footballers who conform with the diktats of bullies in order to keep their cash rolling in.

Mr Raab is correct in his assessment of this kneeling craze. It is not as Abbott and Lammy try to say it is, a gesture of support for the BLM/Marxists, it is a gesture of supplication and subservience and nobody with a shred of self belief or dignity should be doing it.

There are only two things that any self respecting Briton, no matter what the colour of their skin should be kneeling for and that’s either God or the Queen. I will not bow to race grifters or violent iconoclasts or thugs, as no good could possibly come of it. It will not be taken as a show of support but as a show of subservience.

Bowing or kneeling has meaning in Britain. As Sargon of Akkad said in a recent video on the subject, kneeling has a specific meaning in Britain based on our history. It means that you are showing fealty to a King or a feudal Lord or to one of their representatives and in modern Britain only exists when dealing directly with the monarch or with a judge who is or rather was a representative of the monarch in their role as a judicial entity.

Dominic Raab was correct to dismiss the kneeling fad as ‘Game of Thrones’ style flummery and I believe that this country would be far better off if others took the same view. In Britain kneeling shows that you are on the side of the person you are kneeling to, which is why the sight of kneeling police officers during the protests by BLM/Marxists has disgusted an disturbed so many Britons.

Nobody should be kneeling for the BLM/Marxists just as nobody should be kneeling for Stalinists or neo-Nazis. It is undignified and incredibly stupid. It is also something that is likely to backfire badly on those who choose to kneel. It will be taken as a cue by those demanding the kneeling to make ever more outrageous demands of the kneeler and will also anger those who disagree with the BLM/Marxists and cause all manner of hostility towards the kneelers and boycotts of the products, sports and entities that the kneeling cowards are associated with.

Do not kneel for BLM/Marxists. By doing so the only person you debase is yourself.