From Elsewhere: Attention whore continues to attention whore.

It appears that the media and social media spotlight has been off the left wing commentator Laurie Penny for a short time and that she is probably disturbed by that removal of her place in the spotlight. Why else I wonder would she suddenly pop up and make a big fuss about clarifying what her pronouns are?

I found out about former public schoolgirl Ms Penny’s latest attempt at gaining both relevance and social media the David Thompson blog. There he features some Tweets by Ms Penny pointing out that when she’s being a ‘public feminist’ she uses the pronoun ‘she’ whilst in private conversations or a non professional setting she uses ‘they/them’.

What a crock of shit. Ms Penny is, as is readily observable and provably, a woman, therefore ‘she / her’ are the appropriate pronouns to use. There’s no possible need for her to have one set of pronouns in one part of her life and different ones in another part of her life.

Either, as one of the commenters on the David Thompson article said, she is trying to tick as many Lefty identity politics boxes as possible, or as is equally likely, she’s an attention whore? Sadly when it comes to Laurie Penny, either or both explanations could be true.

I suspect that Laurie Penny, whom I once described as an attractive woman with extremely ugly political views, is merely trying to raise her profile, ‘coming out’ according to one DT commenter as whatever is this week’s flavour of identity politics bullshit and getting plaudits for that from her shallow and deranged social media followers. If this is indeed the case then what we are seeing here may not be a genuine declaration that Ms Penny feels male/non binary/attack helicopter on every second Wednesday of the month, but that she’s merely attention whoring again. Laurie Penny is a career whiner and an extremely self unaware self promoter. Maybe we shouldn’t expect anything more from her but for her to be yet another celebrity leftist eager to virtue signal by jumping onto the gender identity bandwagon?


For your delight please click on the You Tube link below to see the historian Dr David Starkey CBE ripping the hell out of Laurie Penny for allegedly demanding such a high fee to speak at an event that the event had to be cancelled.

3 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Attention whore continues to attention whore."

  1. “Laurie Penny, whom I once described as an attractive woman”

    Cough, splutter…. and that Violet Elizabeth whining voice – shudder

    PS Starkey was superb in the entire debate

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 13, 2020 at 10:27 am |

      Well, to me at least Ms Penny does come into the ‘not a complete minger’ category, she can pull off the ‘elfin face’ look quite well. I completely agree with you on the voice though, it’s like nails on a blackboard. Agree also on Starkey he’s always good and especially there.

  2. “not a complete minger”

    Can’t argue with that – not fruit of ugly tree yet, but in 20 years she’ll be a Mary Beard cat woman walt

    Elfin – well, if you’re into Elves, Fairies, Harpies, Witches… hmm, best leave it there

    David Starkey vs. Laurie Penny – full video, Penny ‘cancelled’

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