From Elsewhere: Eco fascist is alleged Islamofascist


Guido Fawkes has pulled off a great scoop today with a story about one of the activists from Extinction ‘Stinky’ Rebellion. Whilst many of the XR activists are comfortably off middle class Leftists LARPing as revolutionaries and eco-authoritarian nutjobs who would happily gulag anybody who questions their motives and tactics, some are even more questionable and maybe even more dangerous.

According to Guido one of the activists arrested for blockading newspaper printing works is not just an eco-fascist but is also an alleged Islamofascist, a ‘jihadi bride’ to be accurate. Pop over to Guido for the full story.

Personally I’m not surprised that there is a crossover from the followers of a medieval death cult like ISIS and the Unabomber-a-likes of Extinction Rebellion. They both hate the West, they both hate freedom and free markets, they both hate everything about the modern world (except welfare it seems) and they are both ready and willing to use violence and authoritarianism to get their twisted way.

Natalie Bracht although brought up in Germany holds British citizenship and was expelled from Germany a month ago to Britain. It has not taken her long to get involved with the eco-fascists of XR. Bracht is a self described ‘full time terror suspect’ after she went to Syria in 2014 and married a jihadi fighter there and had nine children, children who are probably being supported by the British taxpayer most likely.

So there we have it, direct crossover from one Islamic death cult to a green death cult with no pausing for thought. Those who think that XR are just a bunch of nutbar Green extremists need to rethink. If people like Bracht are welcome than XR are considerably worse than you think.