Something rotten in the state of Minnesota

The location of the US state of Minnesota.


Everybody with even the slightest knowledge of US politics, including those of us who live in the United Kingdom, knew that the Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar is dodgy. Many of us were aware of the questionable behaviour of this woman. We were aware, even before her election, of her Jew hatred, her outright hatred for the US and the American system of government along with her convoluted and frankly bizarre private life which includes relatively credible allegations that she married her brother in a marriage of convenience.

Many of us suspected that Ilhan Omar and her cronies were manipulating the Somali community of Minnesota in order to push for stuff that Omar and her backers wanted but which few Americans did. We now have a great deal of proof to back up our suspicions and it comes from Project Veritas.

Project Veritas have pulled off a major journalistic scoop, but one which I predict will be featured less than justifiably prominently in large parts of the US MSM, by infiltrating the network of vote buyers and vote fraudsters that surround and support Ilhan Omar. I would most strongly counsel you to watch the 13 minute video embedded below to see just how bad voter fraud has become in Minnesota and how intimately connected to that fraud is Ilhan Omar herself.

What you see in the video is flagrant and blatant violations of US law. According to the video at least $250,000 US has been spent in buying the votes of Minnesota’s Somalis. There is also voter intimidation with alleged ‘translators’ being allowed to enter the voting booth with the voter with the ’translator’ ensuring that the voter votes ‘correctly’. There is a by now indelible miasma of corruption attached to Ilhan Omar and it is allegedly being bankrolled by a shopping centre owner among others, who have a rabid antipathy towards the State of Israel.

As I said earlier, I’m shocked by the extent of the corruption related to Ilhan Omar’s congressional campaign, a corruption that goes far far beyond the normal ‘pork barrel’ politics that has afflicted US politics in the past. This is not just a candidate merely promising new jobs or investment for votes, this is the direct buying of votes and the intimidation of voters.

How to deal with this matter is one that ultimately the law enforcement organs of the US government need to decide, but I tell you this: If I became a US citizen and said or did stuff that was even a fraction as bad as Omar has done then I’d be expecting my shiny new US citizenship to be removed along with myself from the country. There are obvious criminal activities going on in Minnesota and these criminal activities are intimately connected to Ilhan Omar herself.

Despite this being an American story, there is unfortunately a British angle to it. High profile and publicly funded Islamic apologist groups heaped great praise on Ilhan Omar when she was elected. They did this in spite of there being a great number of stories circulating about Ilhan Omar’s conduct. At least one of these Islamic apologist groups are among those who have taken great care to court the communal organs of Britain’s Jewish community and have helped to create and promote the disgusting and dishonest conflation of anti-Semitism and ‘Islamophobia’.

It is wise to point out here that this is still up on this group’s Facebook page as of the time of writing.

These Islamic groups and the Jews who have foolishly aligned themselves with them should feel both ashamed and mortified that they have either directly or indirectly been giving support for a woman who gets money from those who wish to destroy or impoverish the State of Israel and harm the United States.

I don’t know exactly what can be done by the US Federal Government to deal with an obvious and damaging episode of voter fraud, but the evidence is now there that this fraud is going on and something needs to be done. Elections should be decided by an honest vote of all the people at every occasion, not just a relatively small group of 80,000 to 100,000 Somali-Americans who have been bribed or strong armed into voting for Ilhan Omar or her cronies.

4 Comments on "Something rotten in the state of Minnesota"

  1. Omar should be expelled from USA. Shocked? Long past that stage, it’s DoJ still ignoring that’s shocking.

    Project Veritas do excellent work, I hope Toby & FSU emulate them

    Watch also
    ELECTION INTEGRITY CRISIS Dirty Voter Rolls, Ballot Harvesting & Mail-in-Voting Risks
    Not here:
    But here

    Can anyone see anything untrue which justifies YT censoring?

  2. Omar should be expelled from USA. Shocked? Long past that stage, it’s DoJ still ignoring that’s shocking.

    Project Veritas do excellent work, I hope Toby & FSU emulate them

    Watch also
    ELECTION INTEGRITY CRISIS Dirty Voter Rolls, Ballot Harvesting & Mail-in-Voting Risks
    Not here:
    But here

    Can anyone see anything untrue which justifies YT censoring?

  3. Try again (note to Ed, thought you’d fix)

    But here

    Can anyone see anything untrue which justifies YT censoring?

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 1, 2020 at 5:41 am |

      I saw nothing in the Project Veritas video that would in any way justify a YT ban. The YouTuber Salty Cracker the other day spoke about the ongoing problem of voter fraud in the USA and remarked how the US MSM is virtually ignoring this story. I believe that what we are seeing is the election interference that many warned would happen in 2020 when Trump was elected in 2016.

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