Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S***hole. Volume 143 – Extremism is embedded in the culture.


Pakistan is a hellhole of monstrous proportions. It is a nuclear armed basket case where women, children, religious minorities including heterodox Muslims like the Ahmediyya, are to be quite frankly, treated like dirt or worse. If you understand the politics of the region or if you are a regular reader of this Pakistan shithole strand, then you will know just how bad Pakistan is and how poorly it compares with regards education, culture and the economy with its neighbour India which became independent from Britain at roughly the same time.

We may well be tempted to point at Pakistan and either laugh or shudder and that is, of course, a valid response to this basket case of a nation. But we should not ignore the fact that Pakistan exports the very worst of its culture to other nations in the world.

The recent stabbing incident near the former offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine are a case in point. The stabber who seriously injured two people was a religious Muslim who hailed from Pakistan and who had moved to France ostensibly to find work. Far from this stabber’s family condemning his actions, as anyone from a civilised nation or culture would do, they praised it.

Daniel Greenfield over at Frontpage Magazine, quoting from the Wall Street Journal said:

Mr. Mahmood said his son traveled to France as an immigrant two years ago along with two brothers and received his legal permission to work in the country on the same day as the attack.

Mr. Mahmood, who farms a small plot and lives in a village in central Pakistan, said his son, one of seven children, studied the Quran diligently as a child, prayed regularly and liked to sing religious songs. He said that people in the area were coming to congratulate him on his son’s actions. He said he traveled to France in search of work.

We are proud of our son. Whatever he did is in his love for Prophet Muhammad,” Mr. Mahmood told The Wall Street Journal. “I say whatever he did is right. There is no comprise on dignity and respect of Prophet Muhammad.”

Mr Greenfield then went on to state that the West has a choice. The West can either stop compromising with migration from countries who believe that heretics need to be murdered or we can see the death of both free speech and satire. It’s hard to disagree with Mr Greenfield on that point. Pakistan and nations like it, rarely produce stuff that we need, apart from oil. They produce no great technology or great art or great writing or great thought. What they do export, in enormous numbers, are those who are so deeply imbued with the sort of violent intolerance that Orthodox Islam has created in Pakistan, that they and their families see nothing wrong in killing for Allah.

Pakistan could have been a contender, like India. It could have taken a different path towards development, education and freedom. But it did not. It descended into the pit of madness all due to the nation using Islam and indeed the worst types of Islam, as its moral and cultural guide. This case of Pakistani extremist terror being exported to France, shows that although it’s correct to mock Pakistan, maybe we should also see it as more than a stand alone shithole but instead as a cancer, metastasising its extremism across the world.