Quote of the Day 04/10/2020 – A small but welcomed nugget of good news.


Many of us, especially those of us who are parents of school age children, have been worried greatly by the Government’s plans for Relationship and Sex Education. It has been noted not just by me but by others as well, that the various curricula for this subject, a subject that we cannot withdraw our children from, was almost entirely a product of the far Left and those who are gender ideologues.

We’ve seen how groups like Stonewall and Mermaids have been given an awful lot of influence over the way that RSE is to be taught and this influence and the content of teaching materials has caused many parents, some with religious beliefs and some not, to become disgusted at some of things that are being taught. Many of us have no problem with teenagers being told that gay and bi people are to be treated as equals, that to me is just common sense. However, where many of us do have problems is with how the issue of gender is being taught. Children are being fed disgracefully anti-science propaganda by the gender ideologues who have been given far too much influence over RSE curricula and teaching.

But, there may be signs that the UK Government may be taking some belated action against the promotion of gender ideology in schools. According to the Conservative Woman website, HMG has made the following statement about the teaching of gender issues in schools.

Conservative Woman said:

We are aware that topics involving gender and biological sex can be complex and sensitive matters to navigate. You should not reinforce harmful stereotypes, for instance by suggesting that children might be a different gender based on their personality and interests or the clothes they prefer to wear. Resources used in teaching about this topic must always be age-appropriate and evidence-based. Materials which suggest that non-conformity to gender stereotypes should be seen as synonymous with having a different gender identity should not be used and you should not work with external agencies or organisations that produce such material. While teachers should not suggest to a child that their non-compliance with gender stereotypes means that either their personality or their body is wrong and in need of changing, teachers should always seek to treat individual students with sympathy and support.’

That this has come from the Department for Education itself is a big change and a welcome one. I’m an opponent of paediatric gender reassignment anyway as I view it as child abuse, but I’m also opposed to it as it strengthens gender stereotypes. There’s always been tomboys and girly boys, such gender expression is normal and not all girly boys or tomboy girls grow up to be gay or lesbian. Such people also in the main don’t grow up wanting to be transgender. There is a wide variety of gender expression in people but this variation does not mean that the person concerned has any sort of gender dysphoria and it is dishonest to make that claim. Even when a person’s gender expression goes way beyond the norm, such as with Transvestites, such gender expression may not be reflected in something like sexuality for example, there are after all plenty of straight transvestites out there. Also there are many Transvestites who would not dream of drugging or mutilating themselves in order to become a better simulacrum of the opposite sex.

It’s good to see the Department for Education taking this step to stop teachers and activists feeding gender non-conforming children into the transgender mincing machine. I hope this marks the beginning of more Government departments and more non governmental agencies and organisations, taking a stand against what has become a cult of Transgender.

4 Comments on "Quote of the Day 04/10/2020 – A small but welcomed nugget of good news."

  1. I love, “The transgender mincing machine”!

    Having a grandson about to start school, I’m very concerned about the vile influence Mermaids and similar pressure groups are being allowed to have on impressionable young minds. It seems to be mainly CP-indoctrinated “teachers” (quelle surprise) arranging and encouraging primary school talks by these groups. I shall soon be writing to his school requesting a statement about their intentions with RSE talks.
    So the statement by HMG is very welcome. Perhaps the last 6 months of inactivity has cleared some minds in HMG from the fog of gender confusion.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 4, 2020 at 11:33 am |

      An interesting aside re Mermaids. If you read the rest of the Conservative Woman article, you will see Mermaids making statements contrary to what they’ve made in the past, that children are not ‘born in the wrong body’. This ‘reverse ferret’ from Mermaids as CW called it, may well in my view be down to potential future lawsuits aimed at Mermaids for encouraging children to ‘transition’. I’ve no problem with adults over the age of 21, choosing to take the transition route, as that is their right to do so and there are indeed a tiny number of people for whom transition does help (there are however a lot who are not helped by transition as their sadnesses and problems may be unrelated to matters pertaining to gender), but I believe that it is morally and ethically wrong to push children down the transition route.

  2. I agree – adults may do whatever they like with their bodies (as long as no-one related etc. is affected). Children should and must be protected from the influence of these groups. But I do not object to morality tales and other ways of teaching the young, as long as the core messages are positive and in keeping with our constitution and culture.
    Perhaps these “Mermaids” have studied Nazi propaganda, as they are employing similar techniques.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 4, 2020 at 2:15 pm |

      Mermaids have most certainly made use of well established propaganda techniques to convince people that they know best. I do hope that the lawsuits that may well be coming towards Mermaids are successful. Those behind this organisation have been quick enough to use the law against their critics in the past so it would be fitting to see them hoist by their own petard.

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