The Fabulous Frenchies Funky Free Speech protest.


There has been righteous and justifiable anger among normal French citizens over the Islamic murder by beheading of Samuel Paty, a teacher who incurred the violent hatred of some of France’s Bearded Savages, for using Charlie Hebdo ‘Mohammed’ cartoons to show why freedom of speech is so important to free societies. Some French citizens have protested in the usual way by taking part in demonstrations but others have decided to be much more creative in how they fight back.

There are several videos circulating around the more free speech oriented internet platforms that show that the French are no slouches when it comes to non-violent direct action. The first video shows angry Muslims and Leftists desperately trying to pull down posters showing a cartoon of the Islamic ‘prophet’s’ naked arse that seem to have been up in their hundreds in an unnamed urban area in France. Not only has this act of righteous and rightful defiance annoyed the usual suspects but it has highlighted just why we should NEVER surrender the hard won right to free speech to obscurantist religious types and especially not to Islamic obscurantist religious types.

The second video is of a protest that must have taken a whole lot more organising than merely flyposting hundreds of hastily printed posters. Someone has got hold of an industrial projector and has been projecting Charlie Hebdo cartoons, including one of the Islamic ‘prophet’ Mohammed on to the facade of a government building in the city of Montpellier, a city on the French Mediterranean coast.

These two protests are an example of NVDA (Non violent direct action) at its very best. Nobody was hurt, the correct groups were pissed off by the action and the message got across very strongly. This is NVDA being done as it should be done and I congratulate those French citizens who organised this action and took part in it. Maybe this is the way to go for those in other European nations in order to protest the increasing lack of freedom of speech in our nations? May this Briton say to the French citizens behind this action ‘Vive la France’.

h/t for videos – Tommy Robinson on Parler

For the benefit of this blog’s many French speaking readers there is below an electronically translated version of the above story.

Il y a eu une colère juste et justifiable parmi les citoyens Français normaux au sujet du meurtre islamique par la décapitation de Samuel Paty, un enseignant qui a encouru la haine violente de certains des sauvages barbus de France, pour avoir utilisé des caricatures de Charlie Hebdo Mahomet pour montrer pourquoi la liberté d’expression est si importante pour les sociétés libres. Certains citoyens Français ont protesté de la manière habituelle en participant à des manifestations, mais d’autres ont décidé d’être beaucoup plus créatifs dans la façon dont ils ripostent.

Il ya plusieurs vidéos circulant autour des plates-formes Internet plus axée sur la liberté d’expression qui montrent que les Français ne sont pas des slouches quand il s’agit de l’action directe non violente. La première vidéo montre des musulmans et des gauchistes en colère essayant désespérément de retirer des affiches montrant une caricature du cul nu du « prophète » islamique qui semblent avoir été dans leurs centaines dans une zone urbaine anonyme en France. Non seulement cet acte de défi juste et légitime a agacé les suspects habituels, mais il a mis en évidence pourquoi nous ne devrions jamais céder le droit durement gagné à la liberté d’expression aux types religieux obscurantistes et surtout pas aux types religieux obscurantistes islamiques.

La deuxième vidéo est d’une protestation qui doit avoir pris beaucoup plus d’organisation que de simplement flyposting des centaines d’affiches imprimées à la hâte. Quelqu’un a mis la main sur un projecteur industriel et a projeté des caricatures de Charlie Hebdo, dont l’un des « prophète » islamiques Mohammed sur la façade d’un bâtiment gouvernemental dans la ville de Montpellier, une ville de la côte méditerranéenne Français.

Ces deux manifestations sont un exemple de NVDA (Non violente action directe) à son meilleur. Personne n’a été blessé, les bons groupes ont été énervés par l’action et le message est tombé très fortement. C’est que la NVDA se fait comme il se doit et je félicite les citoyens Français qui ont organisé cette action et y ont participé. C’est peut-être la voie à suivre pour que ceux d’autres pays européens protestent contre le manque croissant de liberté d’expression dans nos nations? Que ce Britannique dise aux citoyens Français derrière cette action ‘Vive la France’.

2 Comments on "The Fabulous Frenchies Funky Free Speech protest."

  1. Hubert Wagner | October 26, 2020 at 4:14 pm |

    The gloves are coming off and if not now with Macron then later with Marine le Pen. We are in a much better position than the Brits. Most if not all communes across France has a chasse. That means we have many sensible, well armed country men. Those men will become the citizens militia when they are needed. It would be wise to join a range, acquire a good rifle and get in some practice.

    The Talmudic discussion of Exodus 22 introduces the classic Jewish principle of self-defense, “Im ba l’hargekha, hashkem l’hargo,” “If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him (first).” If there is homicidal intent, self-defense is more than permitted; it is required. This is a common principle of all legal systems, America’s included.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 28, 2020 at 6:07 am |

      For all his faults Emmanuel Macron is streets ahead of successive British Government’s when it comes to speaking publicly about the problems caused by Islam. I would assume that M Macron is speaking out for two reasons: The first is that France now faces a very obvious problem with Islamic extremism and he recognises that this is something that he needs to be dealing with. The second reason is I believe electoral. The next Presidential election is in 2022 and Ms LePen’s party did pretty well last time and with the increase in Islam related terrorism could do even better next time. Islamic terror is an electoral gift to National Rally as it builds support and inaction will make Macron look weak.

      As for the citizen’s militia situation, well I hope and pray that it doesn’t come to that. I agree that hunting is a much more common activity in France than in the UK and it’s likely that people in rural areas would be likely to join such a militia. However in my view it would be better for the problems to be sorted out politically either by Macron or by LePen as civil conflict once started is often difficult to stop.

      I’m aware of the Talmudic discussion of self defence and that it is allowed in many legal systems including that of the USA. However in the UK it is much more difficult than for example in the USA. In the UK there is the concept of ‘reasonable force’ and force which is ‘proportional’ which is a slippery and vague phrase that can be very debatable. For example hitting a burglar armed with a knife with a piece of timber and doing the burglar harm may just about be permissible under UK law but harming the burglar if they were planning to break in and there was a reasonable expectation that the person targeted by the burglar could call the police instead of attacking the presumed burglar, might not be. The guidance from the Crown Prosecution Service regarding self defence can be found here:

      I think that France can turn around it’s Islam problems but it will take politicians with sufficient balls to stand up to the inevitable whining which will come from the political Left should they do so. In Britain the political classes run scared from the Left and from identity politics based groups, which is why I believe that the UK Home Office will not release its report into Islamic sex crime. If Britain’s government cannot even bring themselves to release the grooming and sex crime report then I have little confidence that they will tackle other Islam related problems.

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