I’ve seen a lot recently about The Great Reset, mostly critical and a lot that comes from sources that I’m not inclined to trust. But I cannot deny that a lot of what is claimed to be part of this Great Reset looks bad. It’s considerably anti-freedom and anti-democracy and something I believe should be politically resisted.
Mahyar Tousi is a person who I’m inclined to trust. He’s a refugee from a horrifically oppressive nation, Iran and like many who have come from oppressive nations to relatively free ones, is a supporter of those freedoms that it has taken generations of those in the West to create. Therefore when Mr Tousi says that this Great Reset thing is something that we should take notice of and create opposition to, then I’m inclined to agree.
This Great Reset looks to me like the sort of top down Keynsianist economics of the sort that was popular after the Second World War in the West but hit a wall when external economic threats such as the Oil Crisis of the early 1970’s came about. It’s all about centralised planning and centralised economies that are the antithesis of the sort of free market capitalism that has lifted millions of people out of poverty. At the heart of this Great Reset is the sort of Malthusian environmental fascism that will do nothing apart from bring misery to millions, smash the small businesses that are the building blocks of economies but bring great wealth to those large corporates that can afford to go along with ‘green’ policies.
Since the banking crisis of 2008 there’s been an increased interest in the sort of economics of government intervention of the sort that was promoted by John Maynard Keynes. However those who champion this path have little idea of or interest in where Keynesianism fails or how it strangles the free market and encourages government intervention in areas where the government should leave well alone.
So watch the video by Mr Tousi and tell me what you think.
Mahyar Tousi is usually accurate and initially interesting, then he drones on and on and on like Ackad – needs to be more succinct. Even worse is Peter Whittle, he sends interviewee to sleep too
The Great Reset is real and WEF do not hide it
Build back better…better for Them, not for us
That NZ PM Adern clip looked and sounded like a trailer for a dystopian “Brave New World” or “Fourth Reich” movie
What Is ‘The Great Reset’?
Paul Joseph Watson
It’s Huxley’s Brave New World made real