From Elsewhere – Video – An intelligent examination of three different electoral systems.


With the current, increasingly widespread and seemingly credible accusations of electoral fraud coming out of the USA, I just wanted to point this blog’s readers to a video post by the blogger Brian of London who’s originally from London but is now an Israeli or at least an Israeli resident.

It is a brilliant comparison between the electoral systems of Israel, the USA and the UK. In this video he speaks about the almost complete lack of postal voting facilities and chain of vote custody systems in Israel which in my view contributes to the lack of widespread electoral fraud in Israel.

Yes of course any electoral system can be used fraudulently but having listened to Brian of London’ explanation of the Israeli system it appears to me to be considerably more free of fraud than either the British system or the US system. It probably helps that Israeli elections are carried out on a strictly proportional basis and there are few if any links between what we would understand as constituencies and the member of the Knesset who is elected. The use of the constituency system has been said to be one which gives a named person to represent people living in a particular area, but having heard Brian’s explanation of the Israeli system I find myself admiring it and wondering whether Britain would have more accurately representative politics if we de-linked constituencies from members and had proportional elections like Israel? It’s an interesting line of thought and I’d like to thank Brian of London for putting this video up.