The Labour MP for Hackney North, Diane Abbott, is the gift that keeps on giving. To say that Ms Abbott is gaffe-prone would be a complete understatement. She’s provided endless entertainment to the British people by making so many cock ups that her name is now indelibly associated with incompetence. She’s earned this reputation for a number of reasons such as failing to understand how much it costs to recruit and pay police officers, via consistent race baiting (which the left never call her out on), putting two unmatched shoes on her feet and making a complete pigs ear of a zoom meeting amongst other things. She must be providing significant levels of entertainment for her constituents as they keep voting her back in. All I can say is the people of her constituency must enjoy being represented by one of the worst MP’s in the current House of Commons.
Now, in addition to her previous cock ups, she has excelled herself by berating a minister over a matter that Ms Abbott herself had voted for in 2007. Ms Abbott was well into her stride giving Parliament her usual ‘won’t somebody think of the criminals’ shtick over the issue of the deportation of foreign criminals after the conclusion of their sentence. However the minister who Ms Abbot’s ire was aimed at, pointed out that the legislation that Ms Abbott was criticising was legislation that Ms Abbott had voted for. Dopey Dianne was therefore humiliated before the House over this.
For an MP to not remember the legislation that they voted for is both startling and shocking. It’s entirely possible that an MP can vote for a measure but later come to regret it when more is known about it. However I don’t think that this is what has happened in Ms Abbott’s case. I think that she was so intent on flogging her race baiting ‘think of the poor criminals’ spiel that she genuinely forgot that this was legislation that she had previously supported. People who forget that they are criticising legislation that they previously supported and who have not stated that they have had a change of heart about it, are not people who can effectively represent their constituents in Parliament. Maybe it’s time for Diane Abbot to ‘take the office of the Chiltern Hundreds’ and make way for someone who can give the constituents of Hackney South the proper representation that they both require and deserve?
Watch the video below for the full humiliating encounter between Dianne Abbott and a government minister courtesy of Alex Belfield.
Er….what is the significance of Christmas in this exchange regarding deportation ? (A) It’s Christmas wherever you are – it doesn’t just happen in England, and (B) the people most in need of deportation don’t celebrate Christmas….
It’s just Diane Abbott trying to appeal to the emotions of the stupid again.
“Maybe it’s time for Diane Abbot to ‘take the office of the Chiltern Hundreds’ and make way for someone who can give the constituents of Hackney South the proper representation that they both require and deserve.”
Time and past time.
But she will not. She probably wouldn’t “earn” as much if she took the Chiltern Hundreds (I wonder how many she thinks that is, 20 maybe?) and – let’s face it – anything with a Labour rosette on would be voted into parliament in Hackney North (the labour vote is an *order of magnitude* greater than any other).
She reminds me of Gerald Ford, an American President so stupid it was said he couldn’t walk and talk at the same time.
Ford did at least sign the Helsiki Accords with the Soviet Union. With Ms Abbott on the other hand it’s doubtful that she could sit the correct way around on a toilet.
Taking the Chiltern Two Hundred and Twelvety Thirteens, surely.
LOL ! Of course it would be if it was Diane ‘Eleventy’ Abbott wouldn’t it.