A monster is gaoled – But not for long enough and the agents of the state who failed us all go free.


Work and vocation has over many years exposed me to some of the worst of how humans treat one another. As a court reporter I saw the dregs of humanity sitting in the dock accused and often convicted of some of the most bestial behaviour imaginable which included murder, child abuse and the conscienceless exploitation of others. Later, as someone viewing and writing about the Islamic world I saw the depths of savagery that mankind can sink to when propelled to do so by an ideology that commands its adherents to kill, maim and oppress.

Many of the cases that I covered and the atrocities that I have helped to document, have become part of my nightmares. They have stuck with me like the sticky seeds of a particularly obnoxious plant informing me of how inhumane people can be and propelling me to demand that such inhumanity be curbed.

But, there are a few cases that stick out because of their general horribleness, senselessness and randomness. One of those cases is that of the seven year old girl Emily Jones who was murdered most brutally whilst out with her parents on Mothers Day earlier this year.

It’s not just the horrible nature of this murder or the sheer randomness of the killing carried out by an Albanian migrant, Eltiona Skana, that sticks with me but the knowledge that this is a killing that could have been prevented. It was not inevitable that Emily Jones was to be murdered, a whole host of things had to happen for this killing to happen.

The first and primary thing that could and should have been done to prevent this murder was for the murderess Skana to have been prevented from entering the United Kingdom. If Britain’s borders had been more secure then Skana would never have been allowed to enter the UK illegally and carry out this murder. Whilst I acknowledge that all cultures and all nations produce murderers, this particular murder would not have happened had Skana been kept out. This woman should never have have been in the UK in the first place let alone being allowed to roam free and to kill. Both the Home Office and Border Force failed in their duty to keep monsters like Skana out of the UK.

Another group that has failed dismally and which contributed to this horrific murder was the National Health Service. Despite probably knowing that Skana was an illegal suffering from significant mental illness and therefore destined to be another unwanted burden on Britain, the NHS showered her with treatment options many of which are unavailable to those who’ve actually paid into the taxation fund that pays for the NHS. The NHS did not, as far as I can ascertain, inform the Home Office of Skana’s illegal migrant status and allow her to be removed from the UK, but instead put her on medication that we all paid for but which Skana refused to take.

The NHS seemed to pander to Skana to a revolting degree and she seemed to get better treatment, despite being an illegal than many Britons get from the NHS’s creaking and dysfunctional mental health treatment system. I could regale you, but I won’t at this time, with many tales of Britons who’ve suffered from the effects of trauma, abuse or mere chemical imbalance who’ve gone to the NHS in a state of mental distress, only to be palmed off with the cheapest antidepressants and the cheapest and most ineffective counselling. Such piss poor treatment was not what the NHS gave to Skana. From reading various accounts of this case out there such as this one from Ambush Predator, the NHS went out of its way to pander to Skana and in one report even called her a ‘lovely person’ when she was – expensively – medicated. Skana is a person who should have been sectioned and incarcerated long before she carried out the murder of Emily Jones, but she was not. She was allowed to roam free, unmedicated and without the legal right to be in the UK and the result of that was one of the most horrific child murders of recent years. Both the Home Office and the NHS have failed to keep Britons safe from foreign nutcases like Skana of that it is quite plain yet I doubt very much that any of those involved in either failing to prevent her coming here or remove her or failing to ensure that she was kept from harming others, will face any sanction. The agencies involved will trot out the usual ‘lessons have been learned’ from this case but will continue to fail Britons and probably create the situation where other foreign murderers can prey on Britons.

Another group that has failed in this case are those who so desperately wanted Skana to be a criminal Somali, of which Britain has far too many, that they put out fake news about this case when it first occurred. These people put out memes stating that this was a murder carried out by a Somali and by doing so gave ammunition to the Britain hating Left and those Islamic groups that wish to censor negative news about Islam especially after it turned out to be the case that the offender in this case was not a Somali. For the record Skana is not a Somali but an Albanian and this news that she was from Eastern Europe became clear once she had been charged, yet idiots continued to push the ‘Somali’ line despite evidence to the contrary.

No child or family should suffer what Emily Jones and her family have suffered and as I said earlier, this suffering could have been prevented had the Home Office and the NHS done their jobs and put the safety and security of Britons first in their priorities, something they did not do. This was it needs to be said an eminently preventable killing.

Unfortunately the suffering of Emily Jones’s family has been compounded by the criminal trial of Skana. Whilst I can see good legal reasons, such as the ‘M’Naughten rules’ for reducing the charge from murder to manslaughter in the case of insanity, on the grounds that it may be difficult to persuade a jury that there was murderous intent, I am livid at the relatively lenient sentence that has been handed down to Skana.

According to a media report Skana had her plea of guilty to manslaughter due to diminished responsibility accepted by the court and was gaoled for life but with a minimum sentence of only eight years. This is appalling and unnecessary leniency. Because of the nature of this crime and the nature of the victim I would have expected that Skana should have been given a minimum term of at least twelve years and hopefully more. I also see no evidence from the media report that I looked at that there was any recommendation that Skana, who has a record of violence, will be deported after her sentence is completed. It looks like Britain will be stuck with and stuck with paying for, a violent madwoman who had no right to be here and who was showered with healthcare resources that are almost unavailable to many Britons.

It’s interesting to compare the sentence in this case with that of another disturbed individual who murdered a random child, that of Mark Bridger of Wales who murdered a five year old girl April Jones in 2012. This murderer, who had a similar record of previous violence and delusions to Skana and had had contact with the mental health system, was given a whole life tariff and will never be released. Skana on the other hand could be released in less than ten years and may well still be a danger to others upon release. The big difference between the Bridger case and the Skana case is that Bridger was a home grown monster. Bridger came from Britain and committed his offences in Britain and to some extent Bridger’s offences were not preventable as his monstrous and unhealthy interest in young children did not come to light until after he had murdered April Jones. He was to a large extent under the radar. With the Skana case we have a murder that was preventable. It was preventable by the Home Office who allowed her to stay in Britain despite being an illegal and it was preventable by the NHS who not only failed to ascertain whether or not she was entitled to free treatment by the NHS, which she was not being an illegal migrant and all that, but also failed to supervise Skana properly. The NHS knew of her propensity for violence and delusions but did absolutely bugger all to prevent Skana killing.

We’ve all, especially the family of Emily Jones, been monstrously let down by the State. We’ve been let down by the Home Office who did nothing to prevent an Albanian madwoman entering or staying in the UK. We’ve been let down by the NHS who failed to refer Skana to the Home Office for removal when they should have realised that she was illegal and we’ve been let down by the NHS’s failure to keep Skana in medical custody when there were plain and obvious reasons to do so. We’ve also been let down by the judicial system who have given Skana a notably lenient sentence that will do nothing to protect the public from a deluded madwoman who took the life of an innocent child.

May the memory of Emily Jones be for a blessing and may the Eternal One punish those in authority who so shamefully created the conditions that allowed Skana to commit this terrible and horrific murder.

9 Comments on "A monster is gaoled – But not for long enough and the agents of the state who failed us all go free."

  1. Our elite are all so scared that Starmer, Abbott, Lammy & co. will call them “racist” etc. that they attempt to outdo each other in virtue-signalling SJW babble and deeds, and sod the rest of us.

  2. I call Pussy Pass on sentence

    Sarah Vine (Mrs Gove) today:

    After Eltiona Skana, the schizophrenic who stabbed seven-year-old Emily Jones to death, was sentenced to life, let us not forget Jonty Bravery, another sick individual who threw a boy of six off a viewing platform at London’s Tate Modern.

    In both cases, the authorities were aware of their criminal tendencies. Skana had stabbed her own mother — so how was she able to buy the craft knife that she used to kill Emily?

    It’s not just the attackers who must answer for their actions, but a system that identifies them as a danger — and fails to stop them carrying out their terrible crimes.

    No doubt Skana will be given a new identity on release

    “but a system that identifies them as a danger — and fails to stop them carrying out their terrible crimes”

    Like so many Islamic terrorists have been

    But, but, but say Met, msm, Gov’t “Far Right is the biggest threat” – like Harry in his nazi uniform?

    A question: Does ‘minimum eight years’ usurp the ‘release after half sentence served’ rule?

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 10, 2020 at 7:19 am |

      There is a strong possibility that as you say the ‘pussy pass’ has been used in this case. This monster has a significantly lower sentence that would be the case had it been a male mentally ill person who had carried out a similar murder. I concur that there are similarities with the Skana case and that of the Tate Modern case with healthcare workers disregarding prior incidents of violence and taking the side of the dangerous mental patient and disregarding any threat to the public. I doubt very much that these cases are the only incidents of NHS mental health staff being too easy on the dangerously mentally ill, the Skana case and the Tate case are just those that have come to light due to offences being committed by patients under NHS care. I suspect that there are many more dangerous mental patients in a similar position that we don’t know about.

      Sadly I suspect that you are correct that Skana will not only be given a new identity on release but her illegal migrant status will be disregarded and that she will be allowed to stay in Britain and continue to be a potentially dangerous burden on the rest of us.

      I suspect we will see the usual ‘lessons have been learned’ bullshit from the NHS after the inevitable enquiry into this crime with no change in reality to the NHS’s usual awful procedures.

      As regards the eight years matter, I don’t think she will be released in four but she probably will be released in eight which is still not long enough in my view for such an offence.

  3. The judge is alone to blame for this pathetic sentence but are there not channels of appeal to increase the length due to undue leniency? I hope such a measure will be undertaken.

  4. @FH

    Happy Chanukah

    God Bless


    • Fahrenheit211 | December 11, 2020 at 6:59 am |

      Thank you. We have the religious commandment to live off fried food for eight days and I’m going to be kept busy cooking potato latkes and doughnuts.

  5. You seem surprised that Skana had better treatment for mental illness than British natals that are in need of treatment. This happens often. With most of the NHS staff run by foreigners and people of colour, there is much prejudice against natal Brits and it is often that foreigners and people of colour are prioritized for the more expensive and effective treatment.
    Little wonder why some will not take the knee. We are being pushed into second class citizens and are therefore being branded racist.

    Yes the minimum sentence of eight years is too lenient.

    I have spoken to many people who have mental illness. Some who have killed. These people all admit that even when they didn’t take their medication (which admittedly is when they committed their crimes) they still had a sense of right and wrong. Those that have crimes like GBH say even though they were not on medication they would not have taken it further than assaulting someone. Those that killed say they knew it was wrong but did it anyway.

    So I believe Skana still had the sense of right and wrong despite her delusional state.

    I agree with you that there will be judgment made by a higher being .

    May the soul of Emily Jones find comfort in her next life.

  6. Frying tonight? ….in an electric chair

    More RoPer child rapists to go on trial
    – 32 Men Named & Charged West Yorkshire

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