More Boris bollocks. Another useless and damaging lockdown for London and the South East.

Boris Johnson shits on Britons yet again.


The definition of stupidity or insanity has been said by a number of writers and thinkers, to be to try something, see it fail and then get up and do the very same thing that failed in the first place hoping for a different result. That definition is I’m afraid one that amply applies to the British government in its approach to Covid. It certainly applies to the current government’s policy of lockdowns to ‘contain’ covid especially the latest Tier Four nonsense in London and the South East. The latest from Sky News, a channel that is now little more than a mouthpiece for government, can be found here.

The British government has continued with one policy and one policy only with regards covid, that of lockdowns and has done so even though it is now well proven to both my satisfaction and the satisfaction of others with greater knowledge than me, that this policy is ineffective in containing an airborne virus. A policy of lockdowns of those afflicted by the Black Death in London in 1665 did nothing to stop this disease from rampaging through the population of London just as Boris Johnson’s King Canute (or should that be King C**t) act has failed to deal with covid either in London or elsewhere.

Johnson’s policies have failed, as many people predicted it would, to restrict the spread of a disease that is considerably less lethal than either the Black Death or many other diseases that I could mention and which as far as I can see little or no action is being taken to prevent their entry to the UK or their spread within it These include the various diseases that can be present in smuggled Bushmeat and which include Anthrax, Brucellosis and a nasty respiratory infection called Q Fever.

The ostensible reason for Boris and the rest of the tyrants locking down London again is the emergence of a mutation of covid that is more infectious but not said to be any more serious than the existing version. The Health Secretary Matt Hancock, it has been claimed by the Time For Recovery group, knew about this mutation, a mutation that is normal among viruses, back in September but waited until now to announce its existence to the public in an act of blatant and in my view unnecessary, scaremongering.

This action by Boris and his increasingly tyrannical cabinet is a massive kick in the teeth for London and the South East and will probably fail again, as have all his other policies regarding covid, such as lockdowns, ‘tiers’ and a test and trace programme that is meeting significant civil disobedience pushback from the public. In a previous article on this subject on this blog I commented on how a nurse claimed that 70% of those contacted by Test and Trace blocked or refused to answer calls whilst a lot of the calls that were answered were answered with hostility, refusal to cooperate and with lies.

This madness of King Boris is going to afflict greatly the many London businesses that were already suffering and suffering badly. It is especially going to affect adversely the hospitality and entertainment industries that many Londoner’s rely on for employment. It’s also an indication of what this awful and tyrannical government has planned for the rest of the UK in January. I suspect that the sudden decision to oppress London in this manner is a dry run for what these bastards are going to do next year.

I do wonder however whether what Boris is doing to London will be one of the final straws that breaks the camel’s back? London these days is hardly what one would call ‘heterogeneous’ and expecting the population there to ‘pull together’ like Britons did when London was mostly British in nature in 1940 is not going to wash. It is far too diverse in nature now for this message from the government and the mayor to be taken up and taken seriously. Those who have continued to do their own thing in London will continue to do their own thing, especially if what is being restricted, such as pubs, is of no interest to them or if they have their own ‘underground’ social system in which to meet.

It’s likely that the expected failure of Boris’s Tier Four nonsense in London and the South East could be the thing that sparks a much wider reaction to the covid tyranny than we’ve seen so far. The Tier Four insanity, when it almost inevitably fails, may illustrate to the public the absolute futility of lockdowns and the insanity of many of the Government’s other policies towards Covid in a far more dramatic and shocking way than has been the case with the other failures of lockdown and tiers in places like Liverpool and Manchester? What happens then is a big question and one I expect to see answered very soon? I don’t however think that things will end well.

At best I hope that a critical mass of the public (with the obvious exception of those who get their entire news diet from the BBC) will just start to and demand to live normally again. It is, I have been told, that some people are openly admitting to MSM outlets that they will tell Boris to FO and do what they want, see who they want and go where they want.  If people are willing to tell an MSM outlet things such as this then this may be the green shoots of common sense scepticism about the current government’s serially failing policies.  At worst I fear civil disorder which will be met with violence by the police thereby setting off a chain reaction of attack and counter attack that is not good for the long term health of the nation. Up until the end of the Second World War it could be said that Britain and Britons still bore, although by then quite lightly, the political and social scars of the Civil War of the 17th century, I’ve no desire to see future generations of Britons afflicted by similar or worse scars in the future.

The government has got itself in a sort of feedback loop where every question is answered with the same policy, which is more tyranny. The big question is how do the people who are suffering due to government policy break the government out of this feedback loop? I suspect we will see the first signs of this at the English local council elections in May. I predict no change in London where Sadiq ‘Saracen’ Khan has the benefit of the whipped mosque and fraudulent Islamic postal vote as well as the votes of the middle class Left, but outside of London may be a different matter.

We’ve all, no matter where we live been woefully let down by the Tories in a number of ways, mostly covid related but also with regards to other government policies and policy failures such as border control and protecting British culture and the freedoms that were bought at great cost by our ancestors. I would hope that the new and increasingly popular alternative parties also recognise that the Tories have failed and neither Labour nor the Lib Dems are much better. Common sense should dictate that one of the more popular and sensible Alt Parties, such as Heritage, Reform or Reclaim, should stand in each ward but not against one another, something that would by necessity require sober and thoughtful negotiations. I’d like to see only those alt parties that are popular in an area and which stand a good chance of being elected stand in contested wards. This would be a way of gaining real political power for the alt parties rather than merely engaging in pointless and ultimately futile political ‘wank’ campaigns which split the anti-Establishment vote and allow the same ambulant political crap to run our councils just as they always have.

The decision to lock down London and the South East is yet another disastrous decision from an increasingly incompetent, dishonest and tyrannical government. I voted Tory back in 2019 but I will not ever vote Tory again after the government’s handling of covid, its other policies and its failure to secure Britain’s borders. A government that should be conserving Britain, instead appears dead set on destroying Britain and have therefore forfeited any right to be trusted.

I conclude by pointing out that as with the previous lockdowns and the tiers of lunacy,it is mostly Britons, whether we be white, black,brown or whatever who are locked down, prevented from earning a living and generally shat upon by King Boris and his crew. As before, in other lockdown situations, we in the UK have a situation where the pubs are closed, but our borders are wide open. That fact alone should make people righteously angry and to demand political change and to be governed by those who truly represent us and not other interests.

2 Comments on "More Boris bollocks. Another useless and damaging lockdown for London and the South East."

  1. Boris et al are following Socialist plan: it didn’t work last time because xyz. This time it will because zyx

    Also known as Sunk Cost Fallacy

    C4 News – Rebels say FO

    Handcock Slams Hordes Escaping London as “Totally Irresponsible”

    Revolting little school bully, detested him since first time I saw him speaking

    The previous central planning commies were clever enough to build a wall before implementing their plan. Hardly surprising people don’t accept this. I refuse to obey.

    I am not a number, I am a Free Man

  2. Update
    Christmas Banned by Bottler Boris – but illegal immigrants welcome and anyone can fly in

    Ban Christmas to appease RoPers?

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