Biden’s ‘N’ bomb.


When I saw this video I was in two minds how to view it or what opinion to take about it. Whilst like anybody else in this world it is possible for even the President of the United States to go wrong with public speaking, most of us and indeed most US Presidents don’t make the sort of mistakes that involve uttering a slurred word that sounds rather too much like ‘N***er’. Biden’s gaffe, made at a virtual security meeting with European political leaders may have been a misreading of a Teleprompter,or it might be yet more evidence of Biden’s cognitive decline.

Look, I’ll put my hands up here and confess my errors to show that we are all capable of errors. I once said ‘incest’ instead of ‘insist’ in a speech and my crappy level of French once led me to introduce myself with the word ‘enceinte’ (which means ‘pregnant’) instead of ‘enchante’ which I was using to mean ‘delighted to meet you’. I also once spelled ‘Libya’ as ‘Labia’ on a Customs document which I thankfully caught before transmission. We are all fallible with words because we are all human. However, I’m not the President of the United States speaking at a major international political event. The very least we should expect from the holder of such a high office is to not misread a Teleprompter script so badly that the word sounds like ‘N***er’.

This video has been obtained and is being shared around by Steven Crowder of the ‘Louder With Crowder’ show. I must admit that if this video had come from another source then I might have been tempted to pass it by, but Mr Crowder is more credible a source than most and also more trustworthy than most. I really don’t believe that there is any deceptive editing here and I believe that this clip of the latest Biden gaffe, which can be found at around 1:20, is genuine.

I’ve played the relevant section of this clip over and over again and it really does sound like he’s saying ‘N***er’. I’ve tried to look for alternatives to what he said and it’s unmistakeable. Was he trying to repeat the words ‘I’m eager to hear next…’ and got it wrong or maybe trying to move onto some other phrase but mangled it? I don’t know but this is a pretty bad Biden gaffe.

It’s also worth checking out the silent footage that precedes the Biden gaffe and Mr Crowder’s introduction of it as it shows Joe and Jill Biden sitting in what I presume is the White House. When you look at Biden’s face it is a face that does not look like it belongs to a person in full possession of his cognitive abilities. Instead it looks like the face of all too many people whom I’ve seen with dementia or other age related cognitive problems. It might be cruel to say this but these are the sort of facial expressions that you see on people and wonder if they are OK to be out on their own or whether they’ve lost contact with their carer.

Now I’m old enough to remember the very many jokes about Ronald Reagan’s cognitive abilities that circulated around the UK when Mr Reagan first became President, such as the famous cretin president’ sketch by the Not The Nine O’Clock News team. However Ronald Reagan, even in his second term and he was starting to suffer the early symptoms of cognitive decline was never as publicly disconnected from reality as Joe Biden appears to be. Joe Biden’s decline is simply shocking and he looks increasingly like a man who should not be occupying the office that he holds.

What bothers me about this gaffe apart from the gaffe itself is that it may well be only conservative aligned media that covers this story and picks it up. The vast majority of mainstream media outlets, which lean to the Left and which are the outlets that most Americans seem to rely on for their news, may well ignore this story in order to protect their man. This means that the vast majority of Americans will be kept in ignorance about yet another gaffe made the man who is their Commander in Chief and their country’s main voice on the world stage.

10 Comments on "Biden’s ‘N’ bomb."

  1. Yes, we all make mistakes, although your Labia beats my repeated typos:

    Adrain instead of Adrian
    Alsion instead of Alison

    Biden: we know he’s racist, he made that abundantly clear during campaign

    Bomb – I expected to read he attacked Syria, Iraq…. Talking of which: what are those troops Biden deployed to Syria on day 1 doing?

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 22, 2021 at 9:38 pm |

      LOL I’m so relieved that I noticed that one before I hit ‘send’ – I really don’t know where my mind was on that occasion LOL.

      Yeah Biden has a record for racialism, for example his comments about integrated schools in the USA.

      I suspect that Biden’s honeymoon might end when the first coffins of dead young Americans come back from his new military interventions.

  2. Didn’t watch Crowder, found YT clips – all a nothing burger, the old fool was trying to say Eager

    However, Sky Aus did hit him:
    Joe Biden’s inadequacies were on show during this week’s CNN townhall, with the president forgetting when he received his COVID-19 vaccine and his shameful decision to excuse China’s evil policies

    Jump to Racist Biden

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 24, 2021 at 6:41 am |

      Not sure. He could have been trying to say ‘eager’ and messing it up big time but when coupled with his record of racism of low expectations, it’s more damaging. Good to see one media out let at least going after Biden for his stance on China. On the subject of Biden’s gaffe, it’s not the sort of thing that we should be seeing from a US President, especially as the man is not alone but has a lot of back up to make sure that there are not hostages to fortune like this.

      • “Nigger” didn’t fit context. Not watching again, but it was akin to

        “Everyone should be nigger to, nigger to take the vaccine”

        However, it does show what words are on tip of his tongue – maybe he has tourettes, lockdown has done that to many children

        Biden is an existential threat to USA and world. His current performances vs basement ones indicate he’s drugged up on stimulants

        OT: I’m furious about BBC etc constant ‘Biden reconnecting USA with world after Trump’s isolation’ – absolute blatant lie

        • Fahrenheit211 | February 25, 2021 at 7:17 am |

          It may have been just a slip of the tongue but it shows just what words are on the tip of his tongue. I believe from my own studies that Biden is down there with some of America’s lesser Presidents like Millard Filmore who tried to compromise over the issue of slavery and who presided over the destruction of his own Whig Party. Biden and his far left and billionaire backers are indeed a big threat to the USA.

          I’m also revolted by the BBC’s Biden worship

  3. To be honest the way his wife keeps checking on him is instructive – she knows whats going on here.

  4. Joe Biden Sends Black Lives Matter Missile To Bomb Syria

    Katie Hopkins said, they reminded Biden they bombed Syria last night, he took his face mask from the back of his head and asked, “Did we get Bin Laden?”

    • Fahrenheit211 | March 2, 2021 at 6:26 am |

      That’s a good joke from Ms Hopkins. Sadly the bigger joke is sitting in the Oval Office.

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