Britain’s Cucked Cops


It’s really not been a good couple of weeks for Britain’s police forces. The various Jew hating ‘Palestine’ demonstrations. that have mostly been attended by violent and aggressive Muslims and their Leftist handmaidens, have exposed to the public the massive double standard that Britain’s police forces operate.

We’ve seen police forces behave in an astonishingly tardy way with regards stopping these mobs of aggressive Muslims from harassing Jews with police allowing the ‘Palestine Convoy’ to traverse the country, without much hindrance from the police, in order to intimidate Britain’s Jews in places like London and Manchester. We’ve also seen uniformed officers throw any vestige of impartiality away and join in with the pro ‘Palestine’ chants of the demonstrators in London.

The mainstream media has covered some of these incidents but not all and in some cases broadcast media has censored the worst of the chants from the Muslim mobs that are aiming at Jewish Britons. However even this imperfect coverage by the MSM is starting to wake up Britons to the extent of police cuckery towards Islam, Islamic groups and Islamic causes. We’ve all been exposed via these ‘Palestine’ demos, to the disgusting and disgraceful sight of police forces whose officers would have no hesitation in smashing the faces of for example Tommy Robinson supporters or those demonstrating against lockdowns, acting obsequiously towards sometimes highly aggressive Muslims. We’ve also seen police forces that spend an inordinate amount of time on social media looking for stuff that various identity politics groups would find ‘offensive’, kow towing to these aggressive Muslim demonstrators and basically saying to them: ‘Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir’.

It appears that certain police forces, such as the Met for example, have thrown away any pretence of impartiality. According to a report in the Daily Mail, the officer involved in the ‘Free Palestine’ chant incident, PC Nasheen Jan, is unlikely to be sacked due to precedent of the Met permitting officers to kneel to the BLM/Marxists during demonstrations last year.

The Daily Mail said:

Colleagues of a policewoman who publicly supported Palestinians during a demonstration believe she may escape dismissal because officers who took the knee during Black Lives Matter protests last year faced no sanctions.

PC Nusheen Jan was recorded shouting, ‘Free, Free Palestine’, while on duty at a rally in Central London last weekend.

Senior officers are now considering whether to bring a gross misconduct charge against the 20-year-old, who is from South-East London and of Iraqi origin.

Personally I believe that because a precedent has been set by the Met permitting kneeling to BLM/Marxists, a gross misconduct charge is unlikely to stick. I suspect that the Met will merely issue her a warning and try to brush this issue under the carpet.

But the free pass that is likely to be given to PC Jan and the tardy way that police forces have behaved towards the ‘Palestine’ Convoy are not the only incidents that show the police in a biased and very bad light. There is of course the incident where mostly Muslim demonstrators attacked a man in a car whilst seemingly ‘Jew hunting’ in a British city. Video of the incident, embedded below, shows a massive group of mostly Muslim thugs being faced by only a small number of ill equipped police officers.

Further evidence of how Britain’s police forces are failing to stand up to these violent mostly Muslim demonstrators can be found in the videos below.

Firstly this video that I saw on the Brian of London feed which shows an aggressive Muslim activist threatening to kill any dogs that go near his demonstration. It’s not clear whether the aggressive Muslim is talking about all dogs or specifically police dogs but what is clear is that the officer dealing with the aggressive Muslim is treating him with kid gloves. If anybody else whether on a demonstration or elsewhere had threatened to kill dogs as this Muslim did you can guarantee that they’d be at the least nicked for behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace. The officer in this case behaved in an unnecessarily obsequious and cringy manner when what was required was for this aggressive Muslim to be arrested.

Another example of the police, in this case it’s the Met again sadly, giving aggressive Muslims a free pass comes from this video below from the social media account of Jewish Brexit Voice. Apparently according to Jewish Brexit Voice, two Muslim agitators, one named by some commentators as Ali Dawah, turned up in Golders Green in London on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, with a video screen truck showing scenes of bombing and anti Israel slogans in order to intimidate local Jews.

One thing that may grab your attention about the above video is not just the fact that these Muslims turned up in Golders Green with the express intention of intimidating people in a residential street, but more specifically the behaviour of the Met officers present. They are you will quite plainly see doing the square root of sod all. They are hanging around doing nothing and just letting these aggressive Muslims do their thing. These Met officers were about as much use in protecting the local population as a chocolate fireguard.

Even more cucky behaviour by the police towards these aggressive and violent Muslims can be found in a video being shared by the journalist Jake Wallis Simons. This video which appears to have been filmed in London (looks a little like the area around St John’s Wood to me. Ed) shows police officers doing absolutely nothing when some of these violent mostly Muslim protestors shout out ‘We’ll find some Jews here. We want the Zionists. We want their blood’.

These savages were shouting out their violent threats towards Jews right next to officers, yet these police officers did nothing, absolutely nothing. Now I’ve been on hundreds of demos over the decades,sometimes I’ve been an attendee, sometimes as an organiser and also, when working for the Press, as an observer with a camera. On many occasions I’ve heard demonstrators shout out stuff that crosses the line into incitement to violence and I’ve seen many occasions where police officers have had a quiet word with the miscreant about their behaviour and ask them to tone things down a bit. There was none of this from the police from what I could see in the video above. The police just let them get on with their ‘kill the Jews’ shtick.

To conclude this piece. Britain’s police forces and especially it seems the Met, have turned into complete and utter cucks where Islam and Muslim demonstrators are concerned. Police forces have so very obviously permitted and sometimes facilitated behaviour that, if it came from any other group or follower of a political or religious cause, would have been cracked down upon hard. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, civilised and functioning societies need police forces but the citizens of such societies require their police forces to be impartial, honest and willing to counteract those who promote and incite violence. Sadly Britain’s police forces have in recent weeks with regards the ‘Palestine’ demonstrators and over the long term with phenomenon like Grooming Gangs, fallen extremely short of what we should expect them to be. They are policing partially and not in the impartial manner that they should do. The police appear to have one policy with regards Muslim agitators and a completely separate and more harsh policy towards everyone else. This is not a sustainable or welcome situation and one that needs to be tackled by the Home Secretary as soon as possible.

7 Comments on "Britain’s Cucked Cops"

  1. The very fact that islamists are being treated with kid gloves shoss the powers that be are terrified of what they have imported over recent decades. I dont say this lightly but within 20 years if changes are not made civil power in Britain could break down resulting in a civil war to decide who fills the power vacuum like Iraq or Yugoslavia. Same for France and Germany too if they are not careful. The only certainty is that the demise of the woke liberal left as any significant force in UK politics when this happens. Either I slamists or nationalists will prevail when the storm subsides. The metro woke left are actually hastening their own political demise. We have already seen the first tremors in this earthquake with the collapsebof Labour in its traditional Northern working class heartlands. It is ironic that former communist countries in Eastern Europe face no such peril.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2021 at 1:57 pm |

      Don’t worry about the typos, we all make them. Your point came over quite clearly The kid gloves way that the police are treating these Islamists, because that is what they are, is not down to the police having a generalised ‘soft’ policy of policing, but because they don’t want to trigger members of a violent and savage cult into becoming violent. It’s the equivalent of a timid schoolchild crawling and fawning over the school bully in order that they leave them alone. What we’ve seen recently with the ‘Palestine’ demos, the behaviour of many of the Muslim participants in them and the police’s softly softly treatment of them is only a very visible demonstration of what has happened across the country with regards how police undertake policing in Muslim communities over the last few decades. Police have failed to deal with obvious criminality in Islamic areas whether that be extremism or the appalling and ongoing scandal of Muslims committing sex crimes against non Muslims. They’ve failed to deal with these problems because they are fearful of the violent reaction they might get should they do so. This has had significant negative results. It’s emboldened the Islmaic extremist headbangers, left non Muslim women with little protection against Rape Gangs and also endangered the security of moderate and secular Muslims or those who wish to leave Islam and left them with little or no support from the police. In this latter case the police would far rather keep on good terms with the headbangers than keep safe an individual Muslim who either wants to leave Islam to interpret it in a more peaceful way.

      As regards civil disorder I believe that France is further down that road than Britain is. Don’t forget they’ve suffered far more terror attacks than Britain has and also they’ve got a larger Muslim population and therefore a larger number of headbangers inclined to cause trouble. Also elements of the French military are voicing their concerns about the growth of Islamic extremism and of hostile Islamic ghettos, something that we’ve not seen coming from high level serving or ex military officers.

      Germany is a special case. Because of Germany’s 20th century history their politicians are desperate not to be tarnished by the ghosts of the past. This desire to be seen by current and future generations as the humanitarians rather than the butchers of Europe, was partly why Merkel foolishly opened up Germany to hordes of fighting age Muslim men and it is why Germany may come later rather than sooner to recognising the problems that Merkel has caused. I find it depressingly ironic that Germany’s government thought it could atone for murdering millions of Jews by importing hundreds of thousands of people from cultures, such as that of Syria etc, that are deeply soaked in Jew hatred.

      It is indeed a great irony that Eastern European nations decided to not emulate Britain or Germany and import those who have no interest in merging with their societies only in destroying them. Maybe this is because the Eastern nations have been victims of both Nazism and Communism that they decided to plough their own furrow on this issue.

      As regards Labour they’ve got much further to fall before they -deservedly – end up as irrelevant as the Lib Dems. As an aside some evidence of that comes from the fact that they’ve lost Durham council to a coalition of Tories and independents.

  2. Ps sorry about the typos in my above post.

  3. Also proof that the CuckPlods selectively apply the law & would have been within their remit to arrest these agitators under Sections 5 & 6 of the Public Order Act “using words intended to cause harassment alarm & distress”, but they won’t as they’re more afraid of being called waaaycist or phobic, than upholding the law.
    You can be absolutely certain that had one of the Jews present responded, the CuckPlods “in the interests of community relations” would’ve moved them on or more likely cautioned THEM under the Act. By going after a soft target who won’t riot or call them waaaycist or phobic, gives an illusion of activity while camouflaging derisory clear up figures.
    I can tell you from PERSONAL experience that they do this, “interpreting” applying & making up the law as they go along. From my experience any confidence in the CuckPlods who are more interested in trawling Twitter for hurty-words, is in negative equity territory.
    Email me and I’ll give you my contact details for a chat about our inglorious persons in paramilitary black.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2021 at 1:59 pm |

      Yes I will email you. I most certainly agree that if a Jew had responded to the violent provocation of these savages then Cuck Plod would most definetly have arrested the Jew.

    • Fahrenheit211 | May 24, 2021 at 4:18 pm |

      SAV. I don’t know if you’ve seen this but it’s worrying. It seems that the police are going around giving out Osman type warnings to Jews who have flown Israeli flags on their cars. Apparently the Left / Muslims have been noting down the reg numbers of cars with Israeli flags and circulating them around social media. See

      Also it seems that the police finally nicked one of the ‘kill the Jews’ chanters but they only appeared to do this after public outcry.

  4. ” Britain’s police forces and especially it seems the Met, have turned into complete and utter cucks where Islam and Muslim demonstrators are concerned.” Not to mention BLM.
    Interesting how they are soft on the Marxist-Islamist alliance yet get out the riot gear for Vets protecting statues.

    Yet it’s one of a piece with the BBC’s “Mostly peaceful” demos that get 27 cops injured (one with life changing injuries) when its Marxist BLM yet “violence erupts” at a “right wing” demo that slightly injures 7 cops.

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