Another innocent death in Khan’s craphole. Khan fiddles while London burns.

Roman Emperor Nero fiddling whilst Rome burns. A more than apt metaphor for London's Mayor Sadiq Khan.


The more I look at London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan, the more I have the image in my mind of the Roman Emperor Nero and the legend that whilst Rome burned, Nero just played his fiddle or harp and watched the city be consumed by fire. Of course the story about Nero is untrue, Nero was in many ways a terrible Emperor but he didn’t sit by and watch Rome burn. Sadiq Khan the London Mayor on the other hand, is indeed sitting by fiddling around while the city he’s supposed to be properly managing, becomes a crime ridden shit pit and his policies drive away and destroy small businesses. Khan is concerning himself with minor issues of complete bollocks such as banning cars from as much of London as he can or burnishing his own personal image, whilst London devolves into chaos.

Khan, as well as being Mayor of Greater London, is also the ultimate manager of London’s Metropolitan Police because the Mayor is the London equivalent of a Police and Crime Commissioner with political oversight of the police. Khan’s policies with regards to the police have been an absolute disaster for London. His hostility to stop and search saw a massive rise in violence in London’s Black community, a horrific rise in gang related activity and ‘postcode wars’. This violence has already taken the lives of scores of innocent Black Londoners who have been targeted for lethal violence merely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or if they are seen in an area with the ‘wrong’ postcode. Even though stop and search is now being used more than it was when Khan first came in, it has still not made that much of an impact and the violence continues to grow. Khan also diverted scores of police officers from front line police work, where they might have done some good and tasked them with staffing his various vanity projects such as the ‘London Hate Crime’ unit. This unit does the square root of bugger all in reducing the crime and violence that Londoners suffer from and appears to spend all or most of its time monitoring Twitter for ‘offensive’ comments. Under Khan the Metropolitan Police has gone from being one of the best, most effective and unbiased police forces in the world, to a shameful, ineffective one riddled with bias and political correctness.

As a former Londoner I’ve known that it’s always had good bits and bad bits, law abiding people and criminal but now most of London under Khan is now a crime ridden shithole where the criminals have the upper hand. Back then I could travel to Brixton or Barking or Islington or Isleworth and know that I had a reasonable chance of getting back home alive and unharmed. I could walk from Stratford to Manor Park at night and although I had to be wary, I did at least manage to do so without getting stabbed, shot or mugged. London under Khan is a very very different place.

London under Khan is now a place where shootings and stabbings happen on a monstrously regular basis. Khan’s tenure as Mayor has created a city where children fear the walk to school and where the innocent and civic minded die at the hands of criminals.

The latest atrocity that has occurred in Khan’s London happened in Essex Road in Islington. According to the Twitter account ‘London and UK Crime’. According to London and UK Crime, two men attempted to rob a woman in an Islington street and a long time local flower seller who had a stall on Essex Road, Mr Tony Eastlake, did the right, proper and heroic thing and stepped in to protect the victim from the two robbers. The robbers retaliated by stabbing Mr Eastlake in the back and killing him. There was probably no need for the robbers to behave in the manner that they did. They did it because they could and probably because they suspected quite rightly that there was little chance of them being apprehended by the police or given a suitable sentence by the courts. If these robbers are caught and convicted it’s likely that they would be able to convince the court that the killing of Mr Eastlake was ‘incidental’ and not pre-planned which would mean that probably, as per Sentencing Council guidelines, the would get six to 9 years of which they would serve roughly half. We could be looking at a situation where the savage robbers who killed Mr Eastlake could be out on the streets again after three to five years.

Yes I know that Khan does not control courts or sentencing, but he does control the police in London. It is Khan who has set the political priorities of the police and set the tone in which they operate. Khan fiddles around with damaging business destroying ‘Green’ policies and with virtue signalling whilst all around him London turns into a violent hell hole. If you wanted to create a character that would destroy the city that he is supposed to be running effectively, then that character would look and sound and feel an awful lot like Sadiq Khan.