From Elsewhere: Ivy League? More like Bindweed League it seems according to this writer.


I look upon what has happened to Universities both in the UK and the USA and I look on them in horror. No longer are Universities places where you go to have your mind expanded, your knowledge increased and to be challenged in order to grow. The situation in the higher Universities with regards the takeover of them by some of the worst examples of the far Left has started me thinking whether I would want my child to go to a University that has fallen in this way? It is as if the cancer of far Leftism that notoriously afflicted the Polytechnic of North London back in the 1970’s, where the Communists and Trotskyists in both student body and faculty, ran the college as a ‘red base’, has metastasised and spread to cover many of the higher class Universities of the Anglosphere.

This transfiguration of Anglosphere Universities from places of learning and growth, to red bases churning out weak, overly sensitive, disruptive, self entitled people equipped with a hair trigger sense of ‘offence’, hasn’t just been noticed by commentators and free thinking academics, but also by potential employers. There’s a fascinating but worrying article over at the Wall Street Journal about the type of people being churned out by Ivy League Universities and how they are too often unfit for the workplace.

The writer, whose name is given by the WSJ as RR Reno, who is a graduate of a top ten rated liberal arts college named Haverford College in Pennsylvania, has watched his Alma Mata become a ‘liberal hothouse’ and become dominated by far Leftism. RR Reno, who runs an organisation supporting social conservatism, also said that this problem of indoctrinated students with hair trigger senses of entitlement and offence is not confined to his old college. They said that this has infected the whole Ivy League. The writer said that a decade ago he would have quite readily hired someone from Harvard, Princeton or Yale etc, but now they steer clear of Ivy League graduates. However they are reluctant to do so today.

It used to be the case that if you were looking for highly intelligent, well educated, committed people with a maturity of mind and attitude to fill a graduate position in an organisation, then an employer, would have done well to look at the products of Ivy League Universities. That’s not the case these days it seems and suspect that this aversion to hiring Ivy League graduates because of the drift to Leftism in these institutions is not confined to the author of the WSJ piece. I would not be at all surprised if there are a significant number of employers who take the similar view that Ivy League Universities are producing whining brats who will either be a burden on the company or who will cause massive HR trouble because of the graduate’s identity politics obsessions.

What is really saddening about RR Reno’s piece is that the activities of the student left wing activists, who are a numerical minority, are having a terrible and negative effect on the majority of normal students. The normal students learn pretty quickly to keep their mouths shut and not voice any opinions that might be considered as opinions that ran counter to left wing ones. The author said that the normal students, that is those not connected with left wing activist groups, were in a similar Dhimmi situation as Christians and Jews are in Islamic lands. The normals, like the Dhimmified Christians in Jews in Islamic caliphates, have become a class of second class citizen and what’s worse these normals have accepted their position and state. The normal students have been utterly cowed by the Leftists and turned into people who may not speak up when speaking up may cost them, something that any effective work team needs to have. RR Reno commented on the subject of the negative effect that the left wing student activists and their campaigns have had on ordinary students. They said:

Student activists don’t represent the majority of students. But I find myself wondering about the silent acquiescence of most students. They allow themselves to be cowed by charges of racism and other sins. I sympathize. The atmosphere of intimidation in elite higher education is intense. But I don’t want to hire a person well-practiced in remaining silent when it costs something to speak up.

No properly run company or organisation wants to hire people who might be intimidated into silence by bad actors within the company by a possible miscreant making a completely unfounded allegation of ‘racism’. The possibilities are horrific. For example: An internal fraudster or an employee with bad intent could escape detection and removal because an Ivy League graduate had been silenced by a false allegation of ‘racism’. The normals have had the moral courage to speak out when needed beaten out of them by the Left whilst in college.

The author then went on to discus further the effects on normal students at places like Haverford and Harvard. They said:

Haverford, like Harvard and other top tier schools, graduates fine young people, no doubt many with well-adjusted personalities and sensible views of the world. But in the past decade, dhimmitude has become widespread. Normal kids at elite universities keep their heads down. Over the course of four years, this can become a subtle but real habit of obeisance, a condition of moral and spiritual surrender.

This is an utterly tragic situation. Not only have the left wing student activists made themselves unemployable anywhere apart from left wing groups, they’ve also afflicted and damaged the normal students.

It’s just as bad a prospect for the students who do resist the left wingery and intimidation in the University and whilst in education, fight back. They’ve had four years of having to be extremely combative when dealing with and living in a left wing environment. The author said that when these students enter the workplace they are sometimes too combative for the particular work environment that they are in.

RR Reno also made a grim prediction and observation of the products of Ivy League Universities. They said that the graduates of such institutions do not have the qualities needed to be leaders because the colleges that they attend have become captured by what I would call a mono-thought clique. The author stated that these graduates are followers rather than leaders. I don’t know about you but that idea gives me the chills. This is because history and especially late 19 and 20 century history is replete with individuals, often highly educated ones, have committed or organised atrocities on a massive scale, because they were taught to be followers not leaders and followed various ideologies mindlessly even though these ideologies created hells on earth.

Universities that once produced Presidents, captains of industry, brilliant scientific minds, creators of literary masterpieces now produce those who are only fit to uncritically follow orders may well be producing future monsters in human form. This destruction of the academy is something that we not only as individuals need to be angry about, but also need our political classes to do something about. The Ivy League seems to have morphed into a Bindweed League and the world will be much poorer because of that change.



2 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Ivy League? More like Bindweed League it seems according to this writer."

  1. Don’t be too harsh on those students who are silent. Most of the people in the West are cowed by this minority and losing your job, failing your degree, etc. will have a long term impact and will not be fixed even when this phase is over. Nobody goes back and rights wrongs. People in jail don’t get released because what they did wasn’t a crime.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 9, 2021 at 1:30 pm |

      I was not being overtly critical of the students who keep silent in order to avoid problems from the Mao-lings in University, more lamenting that their chances have been harmed even though they kept silent because they will not and cannot speak up in workplace situations where it is needed. Because they have been beaten down by the Mao-lings they have lost the ability to stand up for what is right when it is required.

      I certainly agree with you that this problem goes far wider than the University world and that often dishonest accusations of racism or some other sin have profound impacts on peoples lives. I’m wondering what the tipping point will be? Personally I don’t think that it will be one big tipping point rather that a critical mass of people shat upon by the Mao-lings will be reached. Lots of things seem to be leading up to this point and from different directions such as football fans rejecting the kneeling for the Marxists of BLM, a pushback by women against the wilder shores of the cult of trans, the justifiable and growing anger at the arrest of people like Marion Millar for showing a suffragette ribbon that some activst said was a ‘noose’ and pushback from within academia may lead to a rejection of the Mao-lings of social justice.

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