LOL ‘He’s fallen in the water’.


I would never, ever encourage or incite people to make police officers more than a little damp,  because I believe that police do a vital job for society and deserve respect, at least when they can get away from Twitter and their various ‘diversity’ courses of course.  However I could not help but laugh my arse off at this video that I obtained from the Old Holborn Twitter feed.  It’s like a slapstick that someone like Hal Roach would have produced in the early part of the 20th century.

I have no idea what the civilian had done to warrant being chased by a police officer on what looks very much like the banks of the tidal River Thames or thereabouts. I don’t know whether the civvy was wanted for a real crime such as assault or theft, a sexual offence or something similar or even if he was being chased because he was wanted for some clown world ‘non-crime’ such as telling an offensive joke on social media, In any event this video packs a big surprise when the officer and his quarry finally met at close quarters at the end of a pier. When I first saw it I thought ‘this guy’s going to swim for it’ and he looks much more fitter and in shape than the copper which made the prospect of a swim more likely. However that’s not how it turned out LOL.

What got me was the general lack of respect for the police officer from the members of the public who were watching this incident. Nobody stepped into help him and some openly mocked him. I doubt very much that this would have been the case back when police officers had and earned the respect of the public, before the police became what some have described as the thuggish uniformed enforcement arm of ‘woke’ culture. The fact that so many were cheering on the man running from the police and calling him a ‘legend’ shows that the low regard that the police are now held by some members of the public does indeed appear to spreading.

This low regard that the police are increasingly held in by the public has I’m afraid been brought about by police forces who fail to protect the public when required to do so, yet can always find masses of officers to do the bidding of the permanently offended or suck up to various left wing causes and organisations. Maybe the sight of police officers kneeling for the Marxist thugs of BLM contributed to the attitude of the members of the public who mocked the officer? It’s certainly a possibility that consistently seeing police forces being made up of lazy, slothful and politically biased officers could have contributed to the attitude of the civilians here. This is sad as a civilised country such as Britain needs a civilised effective police force that has the confidence of the public. Unfortunately that trust and confidence has been lost and I suspect that the police will find more bystanders in future whereas in the past they would have instead confidently assumed that they would have been assisted by the public in a situation like this.

2 Comments on "LOL ‘He’s fallen in the water’."

  1. Stonyground | June 16, 2021 at 6:43 pm |

    The commentary on the video does represent a very small sample. I would love to know how many people feel the same way. Speaking for myself, at present I am more afraid of the police than I am of criminals.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 17, 2021 at 5:44 am |

      I’ve seen similar videos one in particular where an officer got his trousers caught on the spikes on a gate that he’d attempted to climb, ended up hanging upside down and was mocked by a group of people as the officer literally shit himself. I’ve also had a contact in North East London who was a committed Neighbourhood Watch guy and had close dealings with the police, give up on the police due to their failure to tackle crime, contact complainants in a timely manner and the indolent attitude of too many officers. When those who are avid supporters of the police give up as this guy did, then something is really badly wrong. Then there are those who I have encountered where I live who fear reporting anti social behaviour by teenagers to the police on the grounds that they do not trust the police to keep their complaint or their details confidential and not leak it to the miscreants.

      I take your point that the people on the video represent a small sample but I do believe that an attitude of disgust at the police due to their failures to tackle crime and their obsessions with wokeness is building. I believe that this attitude was slowly building over the last ten years or so but recent events, such as the kneeling for BLM/Marxists and the now overt bias towards the political Left has accelerated the growth of suspicion of the police.

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