Housekeeping – Back on social media.

'I say Caruthers! It says here that Mr Fahrenheit is loving using the Hive/PeakD blogging platform


Earlier this year I took a bit of a sabbatical from writing for a month or two as I needed to have a break from some of the stuff I was writing about and also because writing had become a chore. Although I have returned to writing I have also been taking a slightly longer break from social media.

However now I’m back on the socials or more particularly the more free speech oriented social media platforms. You can find me on Gab and Parler as @Fahrenheit211.

I’m also looking at other alt tech social media platforms with a view to joining and also looking at some of the various blockchain blogging alternatives that are starting to appear. So watch the ‘Social Media’ page here for updates on new socials and new outlets.