What will Labour’s 2021 conference be remembered for?

Sir Keir Starmer. Britain's Prime Minister who is failing to protect British children.


There’s been some pretty spectacular Labour conferences in my lifetime. There’s the one where Tony Blair took on the hard core lefties and got Clause Four removed. Then there is the conference in the 1980’s when Neil Kinnock excoriated the Left’s mismanagement of Liverpool for hiring taxies to take around council redundancy notices. Or the fight between the Bennites and the moderates when the party was in a state of utter shock after Margaret Thatcher’s general election victory in 1979.

All these fights were about stuff that meant something. They were about how Labour would manage the economy or whether it would be true to its Methodist social action roots or become a Marxist party.

But what of 2021? This year’s Labour Conference will be remembered for two things. The first is that Labour are still the party of choice for those who hate both Israel and hate Jews. Despite the purges of the mental cases, too many of the mental cases are still in Labour. The second thing that this year’s conference will be remembered for is the Labour leader’s inability to state the biological fact that only women can possess a cervix.

The fact that this is what Labour’s conference is going to be remembered for, wibbling Jew haters and Cervixgate, is not going to play well with the voters. I believe that the only way that Labour could get within sniffing distance of power is for the Tories to do something so monumentally stupid that even the mess that is the current Labour party looks good in comparison.