Quote of the Day 18th October 2021. On Extinction Rebellion’s totalitarianism.


Today’s quote comes from Guido Fawkes speaking about the Extinction Rebellion group demonstrating in Tufton Street, London where many think tanks, and the Mother’s Union incidentally, have offices. Two Extinction Rebellion activists are due to appear in court over an earlier incident when offices at 55 Tufton Street were vandalised. It seems that the Extinction Rebellion arseholes have been back to Tufton Street, this time demonstrating outside the offices of the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

Guido said on the subject of Extinction Rebellion’s hostility to anybody who doesn’t share their views:

There is something fundamentally totalitarian in believing that all opposition is illegitimate and any opponents must be physically attacked. Vandalising buildings isn’t going to advance your arguments, nor is it a healthy way to conduct democratic debate in an open society.

Well said there Guido. Extinction Rebellion and indeed many other ‘green’ and ‘green Left’ entities are worryingly totalitarian.