Oh just look at the utter garbage the NHS is spunking our money on now.

This is utterly disgraceful and uncalled for waste.  I wonder how much it cost?  Too much I reckon.

16 Comments on "Oh just look at the utter garbage the NHS is spunking our money on now."

  1. ‘It’ is obviously missing….

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 22, 2021 at 5:50 am |

      You are correct. There’s probably some highly paid, taxpayer funded ‘inclusion and diversity’ NHS employee crying because ‘it’ was left off.

  2. Complete with that fucking rainbow Palestine rag. Proof again that they don’t have enough to do no that they’re killing off the cancer and chronic cases by omission and negligence. Meanwhile the same NHS is still grooming vulnerable children and permanently damaging their bodies, filling them with gender bending hormones in deference to the Cult of Trans. This is another scandal that will dwarf “Satanic Ritual Abuse” by several orders of magnitude.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 22, 2021 at 5:59 am |

      I absolutely despise that new rainbow ‘Palestine ‘ flag. What was wrong with the old Pride flag. I see this new flag that is being foisted on the world by the lunatic activists as symbolic of the encroachment into the world of LGB of the extremists of the cult of trans and the cult of imagined racial grievance.

      Negligence and incompetence is not something recent in the NHS, it’s been there for a long time. The NHS is unfit for the modern world. It might have been right for the 1940’s but not today.

      I’m utterly disgusted at the NHS and the way that they have uncritically jumped on the bandwagon of paediatric gender transition. It’s damaging children and making children make decisions that they may well regret later. It’s the modern day equivalent of lobotomy, a bad treatment for a condition that might be better treated with other methods. The court cases about childhood gender transition are going to come, they will start in the USA and then come here.

      There’s a big difference between the cult of trans targeting children and the SRA scandal. When independent minds examined the claims of SRA they found nothing, zilch, nada. There were no Satanic abuse cults, it was all made up by Christian evangelist extremists and eagerly taken up by social workers who wanted to climb onto the next trendy bandwagon. The damage done by the promoters of the cult of trans to children however is different, that sadly is real.

      • I have to disagree with you re SRA. An enormous amount of damage was done as Councils, the Plods and others eagerly bought into the madness.
        Dozens of families had their children stolen from them based on the wholly discredited and clearly bogus “anal dilatation test” plus only hearing what their “training” allowed them to hear.
        Many people never saw their children again, and many who got them back, found them emotionally and socially damaged after the SRA Cult followers got through with turning them against their parents.
        The “Trans” crap is far worse, because it’s encouraged the Munchausen Mummies to medicalise their disappointment at having a boy rather than a girl. I know of one in Pinner, from 6 years old groomed into being a facsimile girlie, the school on eggshells eager not to offend Mrs Munchausen and be reported for “phobias”. Indeed the welfare of the child is so far down the list as to make it inconsequential. It’s all about the dogma.
        Fortunately, but far to late for many, SRA was discredited for the utter crap that it is, but doesn’t detract from the gullible “officials” who bought into such obvious shit, terrified of being “deniers”, likewise the media who were in lockstep without the guts to ask obvious questions.
        Worst of all there are families who never got their children back, or who were scapegoated, stigmatized and often destroyed by what should’ve been dismissed as hysterical American crap from the very beginning. Some of these communities never recovered fully from the brainwashed Council zealots, the attendant brutal police actions and the sick joke the “justice” system turned out to be.
        The Cult of Trans will play out differently as the child victims, the facsimile “women”, penises cut off & post-mastectomy, fake “penis” fake “men”, or worse “women with penises” and “men with cervixes” are doomed to a lifetime of hormones, medical complications, confusion and faced with being at a 40% suicide risk.
        Naturally no-one will ever be fired, it was “the science of the day” while others are hounded, publicly vilified, punished, excoriated in the media, as “phobic”, while malevolent “trans” predators aided by complicit “feminists, the toxic Left and the LGBTQQPLUSVAT erase women from our consciousness.
        When, or rather if, the transinsanity bubble bursts, there will be another New Cultural Fascism to take its place.

        • Fahrenheit211 | October 23, 2021 at 5:36 pm |

          I think that you may be misreading what I said. I know that the SRA panic damaged a lot of families and that many of them never recovered from their ordeal at the hands of Social workers, police and council scum who bought into the lies and delusions promulgated by loony American Christians. I also know that none of those in authority have ever been brought to justice for their roles in any of the SRA panics that have come about. The SRA panics have also had a long term effect on families whose religion is neo-Paganism as they often now have to keep looking over their shoulders for when the next loony Satanic Panic comes around. Despite the La Fontaine Report that found tht SRA claims were pure unadulterated bollocks, there’s always the worry that it could raise its head again.

          However the difference with the false SRA panic and the Cult of Trans is that the Cult of Trans has managed to embed itself, often with the help of groups like Stonewall, in so many councils, broadcasters, the NHS, police forces and across the Civil Service. There’s people getting nicked for ‘misgendering’ people and police acting as the hired thugs of trans rights activists. There are also far more vulnerable people including children at risk of the cult of trans than there were endangered by the false SRA cult. Kids and teenagers who have obvious mental issues that should probably be treated more appropriately are being pushed into the trans route. I doubt that any of these troubled teens will be cured by their trans journey and as you say I suspect that they will swell the ranks of the self destructed in the next decade.

  3. It reminds me of the novel “1984”. Newspeak. VERY Orwellian. It is positively sinister as well as being a waste of taxpayers money. This however is something Corbyn and his Momentum cronies would approve of but what angers me is that our so called conservative government tolerates it while our health Secretary should stamp it out. It does remind me of how deeply the woke left has penetrated our public services.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 22, 2021 at 10:14 am |

      This compelled speech, which after all that is what it is, certainly fits the description of Orwellian. Yes you expect lunatic shit like this from Labour or the Laughable Illiberal Antidemocrats, but not Tories.

    • “So-called conservatives”. A perfect summation. One of the worst aspects is not just the failure, but the active connivance at allowing “self identifying” predatory cocks-in-frocks to use female facilities, exposing their dangly bits to all and sundry including children.
      Once they’ve had the dangly bits removed, I have fewer problems, as long as they aren’t predatory.
      What bothers me is that how many officials and “trans” mainly XY male activists have an unhealthy interest in children’s toilets and the contents of their underwear, and no-one seems to be asking these questions.
      I have no doubt that there are genuine cases of gender dysphoria, but they are actually very rare. It’s this sudden epidemic amongst confused, naïve, vulnerable young people that is not being addressed. Worse the NHS, officials, educators, are encouraging this toxic time-bomb by going down, for them, the easy route of pulls, potions and surgery, rather than careful questioning and counselling to find the real cause, in most cases, bullying and Munchausen Mummies who didn’t get the baby they wanted

      • Look too, at the collective insanity, at allowing clearly male sexual predators, comete with their dangly bits; sex and other offenders to “self-identity” as “trans women” and our idiot “authorities”, backed by perverse judges and “human rights” shysters, to be put on female prisons, the women unable to escape the predation, assaults and raprs, as has happened dozens of times, yet still continues. Where’s that f*cking asteroid when you need one?

        • Fahrenheit211 | October 23, 2021 at 5:17 pm |

          Sorry about the delay in replying but it’s only just turned sunset here. It is indeed a collective insanity. I used to have a great deal of sympathy for genuine transsexuals and even had a lovely post op TS GF for a while a person who just wanted to keep her head down and live the live she chose without bothering or inconveniencing anyone else. So many of the TS’s I encountered were tortured souls, often gentle ones, who found some form of peace by transitioning. I still feel sympathy for these people but that sympathy does not extend to the trans activists nor the non binary attention seekers or the misogynists in drag who seem to make up an increasingly large proportion of the trans ‘community’ and a majority of the trans activists.

          The situation in prisons is even worse than you say. Not only do women prisoners, who in the main are inside for mostly non violent offences and many of them are victims of mental illness or previous abuse either from the care system or others who have exploited them, have to put up with male predators pretending to be women,they also have to face disciplinary action from prison authorities if the don’t ‘correctly’ address the men in dresses as ‘she’. The prison authorities are colluding in the abuse of female prisoners by men claiming to be trans predating on them.

      • Fahrenheit211 | October 23, 2021 at 5:22 pm |

        I’ve nothing against sane adults over the age of 21 accessing gender identity counseling or even surgical and hormonal treatments that although provide the patient with a simulacrum of the body they want also as awful side effects both physical and mental. What bothers me is the targeting of children. Transing children, who by definition do not have the capacity to understand the long term consequences of treatment, is in my view abuse. I do wonder what is on the contents of the hard drives of some of those who are enthusiastic about transing kids, I suspect what is there might be pretty suspect.

  4. “Using correct pronouns shows respect…”

    Well there’s your first mistake.

    “Assumptions can be harmful”

    ‘Harmful’ being another one of those words that’s become entirely detached from it’s actual meaning…

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 22, 2021 at 10:13 am |

      These expensive and all too numerous ‘diversity and inclusion’ wallahs in the NHS do not explain why twisting language to cater for someone else’s delusion creates respect. Similarly the use of the word ‘harmful’ is not specified. What sort of harm? Is it long term or transient? How is the ‘harm’ cause and by what mechanism does it cause damage? None of these questions are answered.

    • “Respect” has mutated onto deferential despotism. I have a some philosophy, I will be appropriately polite to you, but respect is earned

      • Fahrenheit211 | October 23, 2021 at 5:18 pm |

        Agree there respect is earned. It’s a lesson tht I’m trying to teach my child. You don’t automatically get respect from others it needs to be earned and justified. I like the term ‘deferential despotism’, I might borrow that.

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