From Elsewhere: This is a very good thing to see. Mumsnetters go after the pronoun wankers.


I have no time and even less support for what call ‘pronoun wankers’, those individuals who advertise their loyalty to the gender identity cult by either including their pronouns in their email signature or in their social media posts. I see it as something extremely sinister for a person to advertise that they follow a particular political ideology in situations where it is plainly not appropriate to show adherence to that ideology.

I’m less inclined to shop with or interact with those who are pronoun wankers as they’ve advertised that they are probably not in agreement with me on a number of issues. Pronouns in a signature tell me that the person follows an ideology that is clearly anti-women, anti-science and anti-free speech and I have no desire to support such people or entities.

Thankfully I’m not the only one who is disgusted with the virtue signalling of the pronoun wankers. There are a lot of others who think the same or similar about the cult of trans and the associated pronoun wankers.

One of the groups that has been the locus of a lot of debate about the cult of trans and the rise of the pronoun wankers is the parenting site Mumsnet. Now I don’t spend a lot of my day reading Mumsnet, although I’ve occasionally found it useful in getting to the bottom of parenting issues such as why do small children delight in rubbing snot in Daddy’s hair, but I am also aware that users of the site have contributed greatly to the debate about the cult of trans. In fact the Mumsnetters have been so successful in raising awareness of the problems and dangers associated with the cult of trans that some members of the cult of trans truly and vehemently hate Mumsnet.

Now a Mumsnetter has decided that they have had enough of the pronoun wankers and the cult of trans that they are associated with, to write a letter to an organisation that they are a client of complaining about the pronoun wankers. I did not see this letter on Mumsnet itself but instead saw it reproduced on the excellent Graham Linehan Substack, which has become one of my go to places to find out about the latest outrages against culture and women committed by the Cult of Trans and also the increasing pushback against this cult.

Here’s part of the letter. Please read the rest on Mr Linehan’s Substack blog.

Dear XX

I am a client of yours but I am sending this from an anonymous email account as I do not feel safe sending this from my real account, and fear it will have repercussions on my treatment by your staff.

I wanted you to know that two of your staff who I deal with have she/her and he/him in their email signatures. I don’t know if this is a standard practice and encouraged by XX, or if this is peculiar to these two staff.

I see the statement of pronouns in email signatures as a political statement on an extremely controversial and divisive issue. It makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable, alienated, and quite fearful that I may not receive fair treatment if I disagreed with your staff on this issue. I wanted XX to know how I feel about this, and how many people are likely to feel.

The two staff are clearly female and male, and there is absolutely no reason for them to add these pronouns to their email signature apart from to make a clear political statement on their position on a very divisive issue. I do not believe your staff should be inserting their political positions into their communications with clients, especially on uniquely divisive issues. You would not expect to see staff stating their position on Brexit in their email signatures, with “Leave” or “Remain” added under their contact details. Or people stating “Christ is Lord” or “Allahu Akbar”. Or “Vaccinate now” or “Lift lockdown” added.

Read the rest and the positive comments about it on Mr Linehan’s substack which can be found via the link below:

I’m really pleased to see the pronoun wankers getting some pushback. The author is absolutely correct that the use of pronouns in email signatures, especially in a business environment is iffy. It shows that the person using them is all lined up with the gender identity cult and is, as the author of the letter says, no different from putting any other unwanted or unnecessary political or religious message in a business communication. This use of pronoun wankery seems to be spreading and I’ve even seen a female Rabbi use pronouns recently in a communication.  That particular incident of pronoun wankery made me wonder how comfortable a Jewish woman with gender critical views would be approaching this Rabbi for counselling or help with a personal, religious or relationship issue? I’m a man and I’m uncomfortable with pronoun wankery because it tells me that this person has signed up to an ideology that I do not support. The situation is even worse for women with regards pronoun wankery as it is women who are having their single sex spaces compromised or removed by those promoting the cult of trans. Women see this pronoun wankery and could quite reasonably assume that the services being offered by the organisation or the company are not for them because the entity in question has fully signed up to the cult of trans.

I’m fully behind the idea that when we see pronoun wankery that we should challenge it and challenge it in a similar way to how the author of the Mumsnet letter has done. The more I learn about the gender identity cult the more I see it for what it is, which is something regressive, homophobic and profoundly misogynistic. I can’t support such things and therefore I cannot accept or promote pronoun wankers or pronoun wankery.