Stella Creasy the Labour MP for Walthamstow is whining again. Whilst Ms Creasy whining is not an uncommon occurrence, her current whine deserves comment.
She is upset that she can’t bring her three month old baby into the House of Commons. Now whilst I sympathise with her about childcare issues whilst a parent is working I have to say that it is inappropriate to bring a three month old baby into the Commons chamber during working hours.
My main objection to this is the effect that having such a young baby in her workplace would do to Ms Creasy’s work efficiency. As a parent myself I know how difficult it is to get anything else done when you are looking after a three month old. It is a constant round of feeding, nappy changing, clearing up sick and trying to entertain baby to stop it screaming its little head off and sounding like a not yet ambulant but very loud WWII air raid siren.
You have to give ALL your attention to baby especially one of this age. If Ms Creasy is allowed to bring her baby into the House of Commons chamber then how much attention will she be able to give to debates? I’ve no objection to Ms Creasy bringing her baby to work and using House of Commons childcare facilities but not to bring such a young baby into the Commons chamber. It’s distracting to her and distracting to the other Members.
I think she is making a point and seeking to be in the public eye rather than having any real need to take the child into the house. As some MPs are claiming to represent their constituency from the Caribbean maybe a screaming youngster in the house isn’t so distracting anyway
Some would say that a House of 650 screaming babies might be an improvement LOL. Yes I do believe that this is grandstanding by Ms Creasy.
“Three month olds do not belong in the House of Commons”. The child shouldn’t be there, either…
LOL nice one!