Surely the NHS should be spending our money on medical staff?


Yes the NHS is wasting our money on worthless and useless diversity bollocks. At a time when there are 6 million people on NHS waiting lists, approximately 8.5% of the UK population desperate to get the treatment that they’d paid out for, the NHS choose to waste our money on this crap.

The NHS is not serving the population at all well. It only seems to serve its own staff and management.

H/T Old Holborn

3 Comments on "Surely the NHS should be spending our money on medical staff?"

  1. Thank you for highlighting this for us, most interesting.

  2. Stonyground | January 14, 2022 at 3:40 pm |

    See the latest post from Longrider for further info on the NHS, both in the OP and in the comments.

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