

Yesterday was the twenty first anniversary of the Islamic terror attacks on the United States of America. It was a day, as Ambush Predator most accurately put it, when ‘the world stopped turning’.

I remember looking on at the horror that Islamic extremism had brought to the United States and which was being displayed on the the screens in the office where I was working at the time. I knew the world would be different after September 11th 2001.

I knew that whatever hopes and dreams that we as individuals might have had for the new century that had not long begun were gone and that civilised people and civilised nations were instead going to have to fight back, in what way I didn’t know at the time, against what was obviously medieval savagery. That day was also when the Islamic mass casualty extremist savagery that had up until mostly, but not always, afflicted countries with Islamic or Jewish majorities, such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Israel, alighted like a malignant and malformed bird of prey on both America and the wider West.

We should never forget the September 11th attacks or those who died in them. But we should also not forget which ideology was firmly and squarely behind them and remind those who cower behind the dishonest phrase ‘religion of peace’, just what this ideology has shown that it capable of and why some of us believe that it should be looked on with at least some suspicion.

3 Comments on "Remember!"

  1. Islam is the most intolerant and hostile religion on Earth. If it didn’t exist the Middle East would be one of the best places in the world. The Arab world in pre Islamic times was more advanced than Europe was. Convincing the Muslim world that Islam is a lie is essential for a more peaceful future.

    • There is much truth in what you say Michael but the funny thing is most Muslims I have met are decent folks. It’s arguably that all religions are really lies but it’s a personal freedom to follow them. Could it be that Islam needs to disown those who do violence in its name in much the same way as modern Christianity no longer supports the violence and intolerance advocated in the bible?

      • Fahrenheit211 | September 18, 2022 at 3:05 pm |

        I’ve met a shedload of decent individual Muslims but I suspect that they are decent because that decency is inherent in them as individual human beings rather than a decency gained through faith in Islam. It seems to be the more a person cleaves to Orthodox Islam the more of a problem they can become. There are branches and sects of Islam that I have no fear of or no suspicion of. The problem is such sects do not make up the majority of Islam.

        We need to have some honesty about Islam in our society which includes honesty from the media and politicians if we are to both counter the bad bits of Islam and the bad effects of this ideology on our society and protect the decent individuals who are the sort of Muslims who are no more extreme than the average Church of England Vicar.

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