I’m glad this crap flinging nutter is no longer a medical student.

Meet Maddie 'Twat' Budd another eco activist who has carried out yet another piss poor and barely supported stunt.


The often wealthy Trustafarians of the extremes of the environmental movement increasingly continue to show that they are scientifically illiterate and follow a course of politics by emotion rather than facts and reality. They have also confused the act of screaming like a thwarted naughty toddler with doing politics but also, thankfully in my view, continue to campaign in a manner that does a lot to harm what I’ve come to call the Green-Communist cause.

Not content with arrogantly and thoughtlessly blocking and disrupting roads, the Docklands Light Railway, airports, fuel transfer terminals and other bits of vital infrastructure, now the Green Communists, this time using a front group called ‘Stop Private Jets’, have carried out another self defeating action. This action involved a former (thank heavens) medical student who poured what is said to be human shit over a memorial to the much admired and highly publicised charity collector Captain Sir Tom Moore.

The human analogue of a bored shit flinging Chimpanzee at the zoo who committed criminal damage to the memorial is 21 year old Maddie Budd. She claims to be a former medical student but for whatever reason is one no longer. I must say that little of value has been lost to the medical profession by her now not being a medical student.

Here’s what the Derbyshire Telegraph had to say about this latest Green-Communist lunatic to vomited up by this movement.

A memorial to Captain Tom Moore in Derbyshire has been attacked by a protestor campaigning against the use of private jets in the UK. A video of the incident has appeared on the campaign group End UK Private Jets’ social media pages.

Maddie Budd, 21, poured faeces and urine over the statue of the late British Army Officer, in Thistley Meadow, in Hatton, Derbyshire.

This is yet another stunt that the Green-Communists have done that has turned out to be extremely counterproductive for their cause. These Green-Communists like Budd are so absolutely convinced that their cause is so very just and unimpeachable that it can be pushed and brought about by any means necessary. This is the mindset of the extremist, the person for whom the ‘cause’ outweighs everything else.

I’ve seen this mindset before in the enthusiasts for the revolutionary politics of the extremes of both the Left and the Right. These extremists have the conviction that they are absolutely morally and practically correct and that ‘come the revolution’ all will be well and the workers/the oppressed/your race/your religion/your ideology (delete which is not applicable) will be safe and everyone, except the dissidents of course, will skip hand in hand onwards to utopia.

The problem is it doesn’t end up like that. The particular Utopia that is being peddled is not real. The original alleged ‘oppressor’ might be out of the way but the revolutionaries that might seize power with a promise of freedom or justice or whatever, nearly always lead those nations they’ve assumed leadership of, not to utopias but to death camps, Gulags, re-education facilities, starvation, oppression and much else. It matters not whether the revolutionary movement has a flag that is red or blue or environmentalist green, ‘The Great Leap Forwards’ mentality so beloved of revolutionary thinkers is often not a leap into safety, security and prosperity, but a leap into a pit of flames.

Budd made a statement that not only told us why she believed she should do what she has done but also gave us ample information to enable us to judge both her character and her ideology. She’s certainly an extremist as nobody but an extremist would pull off a stunt like this and think that it would do any good whatsoever. Now I believe that political stunts can be effective and that non violent direct action is sometimes a valid tool to use, but such tools must be used both sparingly and with great thought. What we’ve seen from the Green-Communists is far from that. It’s continual high level disruption and destruction carried out by people for whom it is very difficult to have much sympathy. It’s often accompanied by incoherent whines, false catastrophism and an utter sense of entitlement from the protestors involved. All too often the Green-Communist organisations seem to be made up of people like feather-bedded NHS pensioners, those who are ‘professional’ ie dole funded full time protestors or the wealthy young offspring of equally wealthy parents who love to be able to virtue signal about their activist children. It remains to be seen which category Budd is in but she was obviously wealthy enough to get into medical school and to be able to throw it all away.

Here’s what this Budd character had to say as reported by the Derbyshire Telegraph.

Speaking about her protest, Maddie Budd, who is a former medical student from Wales, said: “People are going to say that he’s a hero, people are going to say that this is profoundly, obscenely disrespectful to his life, and to the NHS he stood up for and I agree.

So why do it then? Why do something that many will see as profoundly disrespectful of the life of a person who was an example of selflessness, even though in my view directing his good intentions towards the NHS doesn’t sit well with my quite negative views, based on personal experiences, of the NHS. Captain Sir Tom Moore at least did see a need and set out to meet that need in his own way. It might not be my way but it was his way. Because of what he did Cpt Sir Tom earned the admiration of many and because of that admiration people dug into their own pockets to memorialise him only to find that one of the memorials has been desecrated by a childish, brainwashed nutter. I look at Maddie Budd and consider my own early 20’s and although I can recognise and cringe at some of the twattish things I did and said back then, at least my twatishness was confined to being a bit of an arsehole in a pub and not coming to national prominence for being an outrageous self-entitled arrogant arsehole which is what Maddie Budd has achieved.

“I was studying to become a doctor because I believe in taking care of people. If we believe that the NHS is important, if we believe in taking care of each other, if we believe that NHS workers are doing essential work, why are forcing our healthcare system into collapse, why are we forcing our civilisation into collapse, why is basically no-one taking this genocide of all humanity seriously?

Let’s deconstruct Ms Budd’s rant, for that is what it is, a rant rather than a statement, shall we? Firstly there’s her claim that she started out in medicine in order to take care of people. That’s very laudable but it takes a lot more than a desire to help and good ‘A’ level grades to make the grade as a doctor. It takes a strong amount of application, of doing stuff that the student may not want to do and dealing with life as is rather than how she might want it to be.

If she can’t work out why pouring shit, which contains an awful lot of biological nasties, over memorials to much loved charity collectors then maybe she doesn’t have what it takes to be a doctor. Personally I believe that someone so immature mentally and so dominated by feelings over facts really should not be anywhere near the sharp end of medicine. Secondly she’s conflating a religious belief in the sanctity of the NHS with the need for an advanced society to have effective comprehensive healthcare systems, something that the NHS fails to be on very many occasions. Thirdly, taking care of one another is what individuals do, it doesn’t require a sclerotic monolith like the NHS to do that. She also fails to see that it is very obvious that although there are good people who work hard in the healthcare system and could indeed be classed as essential, that doesn’t mean that the NHS is not afflicted by an awful lot of waste and bloat. She then steers very firmly into tin foil hat wibble territory by claiming that some sinister force is forcing the NHS into collapse. That’s not the case. The NHS is collapsing because it was designed for the world of the 1940’s not the world of today and has never been forced by competition to treat patients like customers rather than annoyances. She then rants on about how civilisation is being forced into collapse but doesn’t say by whom just as she shouts out about genocide but is unable to show or tell us who is being subjected to genocide or by whom.

Maddie Budd is a silly little girl who has allowed herself to be caught up with a misanthropic green cult and because of that she’s made a complete arse of herself and heaped even more discredit on a cause that is increasingly seen as lacking contact with reality. She’s in all likelihood committed an offence of damaging property and specifically damaging a memorial for which there is a separate offence under the Criminal Damage Act 1971. This is an offence that can be tried either at a Magistrates Court of a Crown Court. Here’s the relevant part of the Crown Prosecution Service guidance on this.

A ‘memorial’ is defined in section 22(11A) CDA 1971 as:

  • a building or other structure (or part thereof), or any other thing, erected or installed on land (or in or on any building or other structure on land); or
  • a garden or any other thing planted or grown on land;
  • which has a commemorative purpose.

This definition includes moveable objects that are placed in, on or at a memorial that has (or can reasonably be assumed to have) a commemorative purpose (i.e. flowers).

Section 22(11C) and (11D) CDA 1971 state that something has a ‘commemorative purpose’ if at least one of its purposes (so not necessarily its sole purpose) is to commemorate one or more individuals or animals, or a particular description of individuals or animals or an event or  series of events (such as a war). It does not matter if the individuals  or animals are (or were) living or dead or identifiable at the material time.

Because Budd has trashed a memorial and has done so after the law was changed in June 2022 to make memorial damage a specific offence, it matters not that any damage is below £5000, it cannot be just disposed of at the lower court with consequentially lower maximum sentences. It is more than probable that this case has to go to Crown Court where this idiot will be looking at a much greater sentence than a magistrate can impose.

As I said earlier, there is a place in campaigns for judicious and limited use of NVDA and political stunts but stuff like this is absolutely counterproductive. In fact I’d go as far to say as the whole ‘stop private jets’ campaign is pointless in that there are a relatively small number of private jets in operation when compared to cargo jets for example. Private jets emit a tiny amount of exhaust when compared to cargo operations. Private Jets are emitters of a trace amount of what is already a trace (0.04%) amount of Carbon Dioxide present in the atmosphere. Maddie Budd is a foolish activist for a nothingburger cause and as well as exposing herself as a fool has also exposed the dark Communist Malthusian underbelly of far too much of what passes for environmental campaigning. It’s quite possible that she has been used by others in the Green-Communist movement and is taking the rap for those who encouraged her to do this but who want to keep their own hands clean.

Maddie Budd needs to grow up a bit and work out why this has been a counterproductive protest for a less than popular cause. I hope this maturity does come Ms Budd’s way, but from looking at various social media and other commentary about this case there is a growing demand that Ms Budd learn her maturity by having her spend a few weeks one of His Majesty’s Prisons.

This was a really poor stunt, aimed at a target that was wrong and for a cause that is so minor as to be meaningless. Maddie Budd has quite frankly shat on herself and her cause and worse than that has only achieved more opprobrium for the, already highly questionable, Green-Communist cause.

10 Comments on "I’m glad this crap flinging nutter is no longer a medical student."

  1. I’m all for letting them continue for a short while. Every day more and more people are inconvenienced and/or appalled at the actions of these fanatics. Each action harms their credibility.
    Then, suddenly, clamp down hard. Long prison sentences in special boot-type camps where they are kept in motion for 18 hours a day. There must be plenty of ex-PTOs whose experience would be of use.
    Come-on, Braveman, the ball is in your court. You would be then a credible candidate for a future PM.

    • Stonyground | October 3, 2022 at 4:47 pm |

      Boot camps? How about fossil fuel free camps? Create a miniature fossil fuel free paradise for these people so that they can experience first hand where their ideas lead.

    • Stonyground | October 3, 2022 at 4:54 pm |

      The part that I like about revolutionaries is that whenever they have actually been successful, they are the first in line to be disposed of. The last people that the new regime wants to have around are the rabble rousers who will rise up and overthrow them when everything turns to shit.

      Why was the moron targeting Captain Tom? Presumably he spent his entire life whizzing around the world in a private jet?

      • Fahrenheit211 | October 12, 2022 at 9:47 am |

        Eradicating the initial Bolsheviks is what Stalin did and eradicating the Nazi SA which spearheaded Nazi street politics was what Adolf did. Revolutions eating their own is my no means confined to one set of extremists.

  2. Siddi Nasrani | October 3, 2022 at 8:56 am |

    Well said Fahrenheit, the Green-Communist movement is like a watermelon!
    Green on the outside but Red on the inside

  3. Hear hear, another great posting.

  4. Stonyground | October 3, 2022 at 5:08 pm |

    Why are the enviroloons so confident that their cause is valid? Has it got anything to do with the propaganda from the BBC?


    • Fahrenheit211 | October 12, 2022 at 9:50 am |

      The BBC is not the mouthpiece of Greta rather than an impartial news provider that Britons should be able to trust. As an aside I’ve been looking at old BBC programmes and in terms of viewpoint diversity and serving up what Britons wanted this stuff is streets ahead of what they are doing now. Monty Python would not get made today and that should tell us how far the BBC has fallen. The BBC management defended the Pythons when they were criticised but now and with a programme with a similar degree of controversy, the BBC would just cave into the leftist activists of Twitter.

  5. I too am profoundly grateful that the “Budd lite” is no longer a medical student. If that is the quality of entrant we can easily deduce why the “NHS is being pushed to collapse”, i.e. the total unsuitability of the upcoming doctors.

    Whilst I was waiting for my COVID booster shot this week I fell into conversation with a former NHS doctor who decried the bureaucracy of the NHS. He was (previously) part of an ENT team in Wales which had seven (yes seven) “managers” and all too often whilst one would green-light a procedure and use of theatre time another would role up an nix it – even when it was an urgent case.
    These managers were being paid £150K pa to screw up the work of the doctors. Now he said that perhaps two were needed to cover shifts, so 5 could be sacked saving 750K, that is seven well-paid doctors or nearly 20 nurses.
    No wonder the NHS is a bottomless money-pit that delivers poorly for the patient.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 12, 2022 at 9:45 am |

      Over management, bad management and a managerial class that is all too willing to jump on whatever fad is passing by is a seriously debilitating problem for the NHS.

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