Dave ‘burka’ Thompson’s messed up ‘finest’.


West Midlands Police is a disaster area. I’ve done a number of stories about them on here going back years and they are seriously messed up. They are riddled with identity politics groups who have in my view far too much influence as to how the West Midlands area is policed. Going back to at least 2013 there has been significant engagement by West Midlands Police with identity politics grifters like Tell Mama for example and they appear to have been at the forefront of abandoning any concept of honest and impartial policing and instead favour taking their orders from identity politics activists. Their Chief Constable Dave Thompson is a classic example of an officer who places the leftist concept of ‘equity’ (which is something very much different than equality) much higher than what he should be doing which is encouraging impartial policing and has even come out and said that he’d be relaxed about having UK police officers wearing burkas. If there was ever a senior police officer who I’d place highly on a personal list of officers not to trust then Dave ‘burka’ Thompson would be one.

Now CC Thompson’s force is in the news again and as expected it’s not for anything good. According to a post on Twitter by The Bad Law Project, an enterprise run by the free speech and better policing activists Harry Miller and Lawrence Fox, what appears to be an Inspector in the West Midlands area was videoed telling a person that they could not criticise the ideology of the trans and queer activists.

The victim of one of CC Thompson’s fuckwitted ‘finest’ said that although he didn’t believe that being same sex attracted was ‘unnatural’ he said that the ideology of trans or rather the extended additions to the LGB acronym which are TQ+ were ‘insidious’. Now the meaning of this word does in my opinion, based on what I can see having observed the TQ+ types for a long time, apply here. The cult of trans does indeed spread harmfully and is initially beguiling but ultimately harmful. It presents itself as a way out of distress for those with self image and identity issues and is an ideology that has captured vast swathes of Britain’s public sector. But it is a cult that has bad outcomes for confused and vulnerable young people and for the women who are expected to just put up and shut up about males in female spaces.

At the incident in question and which is shown in the video below a man was having a debate with another person in the street but as soon as he used the word ‘insidious’ this arrogant cop with Inspector’s pips barged in and told that man that his opinion was ‘discriminatory’. This is terrible and utterly bent policing. Even worse than that it is policing informed by the wilder shores of Queer Theory.

Here’s the video:

The Twitter thread on this incident makes for interesting reading. The vast majority of commenters are hostile to the police officer’s behaviour here and are seeing it for what it is, aggressive thought policing. Some in the thread point out that there’s the possibility that the officer in question is not from WMP itself but maybe from another force whose officers are helping out WMP at a time when WMP is particularly busy. Some correspondents mention the possibility that this officer is from Kent Police which is worrying in itself as it suggests that Kent is another force that has been compromised by its capture by gender ideology. Either way this is bad policing and I’m pleased to see that it is being called out as such. What we have here is a warranted police officer basically intimidating a member of the public and by extension threatening them with arrest for airing an opinion that a cult and its handmaidens do not like. We should be both alarmed and disgusted by that and maybe should call for individuals such as this to not be warranted police officers any longer.