Sometimes a comedy sketch from years ago takes on a contemporary meaning.

Joe Biden, probably the worst US President since Buchanan.


Many years ago there was a British comedy show called Not the Nine O’Clock News and one sketch satirised the then incoming US President Ronald Reagan and made much of the allegations that he was not mentally sound enough to be President. History showed us that Reagan wasn’t demented when he took office and it turned out that Reagan ended up as being one of the better US Presidents and the one that helped greatly to end the Cold War.

However the Not the Nine O’Clock News sketch that was put together for Ronald Reagan unfortunately looks as it if could be more accurately and truthfully applied to the current occupant of the White House, Joe Biden. Mr Biden’s mental decline is becoming painfully obvious from gaffe after gaffe that he’s made and the fact that he needs to be quite plainly ‘managed’ by his handlers and staff.

Here’s the sketch that whilst written approximately forty years ago still applies although not to its original target but instead to the current US President.