Elon gets Twitter (and the British MSM gets all salty about it)

Elon Musk who now owns Twitter


So Elon Musk has finally managed to acquire the Twitter platform after months of speculation, court cases and allegations from Mr Musk that the site is riddled with bots. The purchase of Twitter by Mr Musk has been welcomed by those who believe in freedom of speech and who were unhappy about the opaque and capricious moderation policies along with the by now obvious left wing bias of the platform.

However the purchase of Twitter by Mr Musk has made some parts of the British mainstream media and the left get more than a little salty. Sky News in the UK for example has been wailing and gnashing their teeth over the purchase and are unhappy that although Twitter will not be a free speech free for all like the Gab platform for example, it will possibly be more open to diversity of thought and have moderation policies that are visible and reasonable.

Here’s some excerpts from a Sky News UK article and background information from Sky about the Twitter purchase that I saw this morning. They are obviously unhappy that it is now less likely that Twitter will censor stuff that goes against the leftist narrative as you can see.

Sky News said:

…his plans to cut content moderation are feared to lead to a deluge of hateful, harmful and potentially illegal content on Twitter.

He has previously spoken of his belief in “absolute free speech” and hinted he would allow suspended and often controversial figures, such as former US president Donald Trump, to return to the platform.


Experts have warned that the world’s richest man’s loose stance on moderation could be a route for the service’s “very worst” trolls to thrive, turning Twitter into a “Wild West” where anything goes.

For the record the ‘experts’ cited turn out to be a panel of activists put together by the Press Association which include the censorious left wing Hope Not Hate group and Sunder Katwala a left wing think tanker. It is difficult to find out via the Sky site just who else was acting as a volunteer for the Press Association’s ‘international panel’ examining Twitter but I suspect it contains a whole lot of other left leaning censorship enthusiasts.

There was on the Sky article on the Twitter purchase this ‘delightful’ comment by Martha Kelner Sky’s USA correspondent who said:

But there are major mid-term elections coming up in the US and a presidential election approaching in Brazil. Both of those events are likely to be plagued by misinformation and election denial.

‘Misinformation’ can be exactly what it says on the tin such as someone saying ‘the moon is made of green cheese’ when we can plainly see that it is not, but often the word ‘misinformation’ is used by the MSM to describe opinions that they do not approve of and I’d say that this is the case here. The very last thing that the left want, not just in the USA or Brazil but across the world, is Twitter functioning as a place where viewpoint diversity is allowed and where political manipulation of Twitter by the left is potentially less possible than it has been in the past.

The purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk seems to be upsetting all the right people so far which might be a sign that the purchase is a good thing for free speech. It’s upset the mainstream media, the leftist censors and from what I can gather it’s none too popular with identity politics grifters either. This in my view makes the Twitter purchase by Mr Musk a good thing.

3 Comments on "Elon gets Twitter (and the British MSM gets all salty about it)"

  1. You may well be quite right, it would be refreshing to see some of the more conservative accounts restored (for debate). But Twitter will still be bound under Equality laws and Hate Speech legislation whoever owns it. For instance opening the floodgates to a whole range of antisemitic material with no redress?

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 28, 2022 at 4:57 pm |

      I want to address your points in more detail but it’s getting near sunset here so I have to sign off but I’ll be back on tomorrow night.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 29, 2022 at 5:37 pm |

      Twitter being based in the USA will be subject to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. There is not the same repulsive, censorious and all too easily abused ‘hate speech’ legislation in the USA as there is in the UK. In the short to medium term, at least until Musk or someone like him brings out a competitor to the Apple App Store and Google Play which impose restrictions on what App creators can do or wht they let their customers say, these two members of the tech duopoly will impose their restrictions on Twitter.

      As for Jew hating nutcases on Twitter, they are there already there in the form of the Iranian Govt https://twitter.com/Iran_GOV Taliban supporters https://twitter.com/TalibanUpdates and similar from the Islamic world.

      At present up until Musk bought Twitter there seems to be somewhat of a double standard being operated at Twitter where Islamic Jew hating loonies get allowed to be published whilst non-Islamic jackboot licking lunatics are censored. Personally my argument for not censoring is that I want to know who my enemies are, what they are saying, who they are saying it to and is it having any real world effects? If I know who my enemies are then I can take steps to counter them.

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