From Elsewhere: The Doomgoblin now openly promotes Communism.


I’m really not at all surprised by this revelation in an article on the Unherd site. It is somewhat expected that the Doomgoblin Greta Thunburg would have taken a sharp turn Left like this.

At an event where Thunburg was interviewed the Doomgoblin came out with some quite alarming and very far left comments.

Unherd said:

But this isn’t the only thing about the Swede that has changed. Previously, she’d sold herself as a five-foot human alarm bell, a climate Cassandra. Her role was to warn, not to instruct: her most viral moments involved her scolding political leaders, not trying to supplant them. She strenuously avoided programmatic detail, saying such things were “nothing to do with me”. But now, on stage and in this book, she has found her political feet, specifically the Left-wing ideology of anti-capitalism and de-growth.

Interspersed among the usual directives about the need to pressure political leaders, her message was more radical and more militant than it has been in the past. There is no “back to normal”, she told us. “Normal” was the “system” which gave us the climate crisis, a system of “colonialism, imperialism, oppression, genocide”, of “racist, oppressive extractionism”. Climate justice is part of all justice; you can’t have one without the others. We can’t trust the elites produced by this system to confront its flaws — that’s why she, much like Rishi Sunak, won’t be bothering with the COP meeting this year. COP itself is little more than a “scam” which facilitates “greenwashing, lying and cheating”. Only overthrow of “the whole capitalist system” will suffice.

Yep. As expected. Once you scratch way the green from the environmental extremists you find the red of Communism.

2 Comments on "From Elsewhere: The Doomgoblin now openly promotes Communism."

  1. Her parents must be so proud of the monster they’ve created.

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