Mark Drakeford. When he sees money he just has to waste it.

Mark Drakeford the Welsh First Minister is wasting millions of pounds again.


The Welsh First Minister, Mark Drakeford, might be an appalling politician but he serves a very useful purpose in British politics. He reminds those of us in the rest of the United Kingdom just how badly the Labour Party would screw up society and the economy should they be elected to Westminster.

The Labour-led government in the principality is very open about policies that the national party do their damned best to hide from the electorate in the rest of the country. Welsh Labour push the dangerous and safeguarding busting Queer Theory in Welsh schools, they’ve run the healthcare system in Wales into the ground and waste money hand over fist on stuff that is really not necessary and which in a time of economic contraction are unaffordable.

The latest bit of Drakeford led Labour waste is for the Welsh government to pay for Welsh Language courses for 18-25 year olds and recruit hundreds of teachers to teach Welsh. This policy, according to a piece on the Guido Fawkes site, will cost Welsh taxpayers approximately £4.3 Million.

There’s nothing wrong with learning Welsh or any other language for that matter. What is wrong is that it will be both Welsh and English taxpayers via grant funding to the Welsh government, who will end up footing the bill for this. At a time when people are becoming increasingly economically stressed and when Wales has a number of other pressing social problems, wasting money like this is unforgivable.

As I said in my article on Queer Theory taking over Relationship and Sex education in Wales, taxpayers and voters in the rest of the UK need to keep an eye on what is happening in Wales under Labour. This is because what Labour do in Wales and what they do to the Welsh, will probably be done to the rest of us if Labour gain a large majority at the next General Election.

For the benefit of my Welsh speaking readers (yes I do have a few) below is an electronic translation of the above article into Welsh.

Mark Drakeford. Pan mae’n gweld arian mae’n rhaid iddo ei wastraffu. Efallai bod Prif Weinidog Cymru, Mark Drakeford, yn wleidydd echrydus ond mae ganddo ddiben defnyddiol iawn yng ngwleidyddiaeth Prydain. Mae’n atgoffa’r rhai ohonom yng ngweddill y Deyrnas Unedig pa mor wael y byddai’r Blaid Lafur yn chwalu cymdeithas a’r economi pe baent yn cael eu hethol i San Steffan. Mae’r llywodraeth dan arweiniad Llafur yn y dywysogaeth yn agored iawn am bolisïau y mae’r blaid genedlaethol yn gwneud eu gorau glas i’w cuddio rhag etholwyr gweddill y wlad. Mae Llafur Cymru yn gwthio’r Queer Theory peryglus a diogelu yn ysgolion Cymru, maen nhw wedi rhedeg y system gofal iechyd yng Nghymru i’r ddaear ac yn gwastraffu arian yn trosglwyddo’r dwrn i bethau nad ydyn nhw wir yn angenrheidiol ac sydd mewn cyfnod o grebachiad economaidd yn anfforddiadwy. Y darn diweddaraf o wastraff Llafur dan arweiniad Drakeford yw i lywodraeth Cymru dalu am gyrsiau Cymraeg i rai 18-25 oed a recriwtio cannoedd o athrawon i ddysgu Cymraeg. Bydd y polisi hwn, yn ôl darn ar safle Guido Fawkes, yn costio tua £4.3 miliwn i drethdalwyr Cymru. Does dim byd o’i le ar ddysgu Cymraeg nac unrhyw iaith arall o ran hynny. Yr hyn sydd o’i le yw mai trethdalwyr Cymru a Lloegr, drwy arian grant i lywodraeth Cymru, fydd yn talu am hyn yn y pen draw. Ar adeg pan mae pobl yn dod yn fwyfwy dan straen economaidd a phan fo gan Gymru nifer o broblemau cymdeithasol dybryd eraill, mae gwastraffu arian fel hyn yn anfaddeuol. Fel y dywedais yn fy erthygl ar Queer Theory yn cymryd drosodd Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhyw yng Nghymru, mae angen i drethdalwyr a phleidleiswyr yng ngweddill y DU gadw llygad ar yr hyn sy’n digwydd yng Nghymru o dan Lafur. Mae hyn oherwydd mae’n debyg y bydd yr hyn y mae Llafur yn ei wneud yng Nghymru a’r hyn y maent yn ei wneud i’r Cymry yn cael ei wneud i’r gweddill ohonom os bydd Llafur yn ennill mwyafrif mawr yn yr Etholiad Cyffredinol nesaf.

2 Comments on "Mark Drakeford. When he sees money he just has to waste it."

  1. Sadly you have a point.
    whenever I get angry over how awful the conservatives are at the moment and think how much they deserve the drubbing of a lifetime (make that TWO lifetimes) at the polls I look “across the aisle” and recoil in disgust and horror from the identity politicians, race baiters and grifters, uber-woke idiots and other proponents of unsavoury/disastrous ideologies we would get in their place.
    It pains me to say it, but the tories may still be the least worst choice.

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 3, 2022 at 9:49 am |

      I agree tht however bad the Tories look the current incarnation of the Labour party is worse. However unlike some I’m not going to vote Tory next time as I’ve had enough of being lied to about things like immigration and energy security.

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