Quote of the Day 02/12/2022 – Difficult to disagree with this one.


It’s very instructive to examine just what the mainstream media highlights and what it does not. It’s also interesting to compare what gets massive levels of media interest and what is memory holed.

A good case in point is to compare the screaming ab dabs that the media are having over an off the cuff comment by an elderly former Lady in Waiting to her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to someone who is being widely described as a ‘race baiter’ and the ongoing scandal of deaths and disabilities caused to newborns by Britain’s truly awful NHS maternity services.

The case of Lady Susan Hussey asking ‘where are you from’ to a Afro-Carribean charity head who was dressed in identifiably African clothes and which has resulted in Lady Hussey being forced to resign, was given wall to wall coverage in Britain’s mainstream media. The furore over this story is still going on days after the story came to light.

However whenever there is yet another shocking scandal centred around newborn babies who are killed or massively disabled by incredibly poor care given to these children by he NHS, the response from the media is far more muted. At best there might be an article plus one follow up in the Guardian or the Daily Mail but these stories of monstrous NHS incompetence and traumatised parents and families very rarely get medium term coverage and certainly not the degree of coverage that might make the public ask some awkward and pointed questions about the safety of NHS maternity services.

The Twitter user ‘Lamps’ has also noticed that there is a disconnect between what stories the media chooses to cover and the genuine seriousness of a story. To be quite frank I tend to believe that babies who have been killed or been given life changing disabilities because of NHS incompetence is a far more important and relevant story than story about the clumsy words uttered by an elderly lady to an alleged race grifter.

This is what Lamps said;

Now I know that media outlets will choose stories on the grounds of appeal to their particular readers with for example a ‘scrote vs scrote’ murder unlikely to make to the front page of The Times, but what has happened with the Lady Hussey case looks to me less like the chasing of clicks or newspaper sales and much more to do with left wing bias in the media. Why else I ask would the media spend so much effort in promoting what is essentially a nothingburger story whilst ignoring stories that view the NHS, the left’s Sacred Cow, in a truthfully but necessarily unpalatable light?

The fact that our mainstream media, puts so much emphasis on a non-story driven by identity politics rather than the real and actual scandal of babies who died or were crippled because of NHS incompetence, tells us a lot about Britain’s media environment. It tells us all we need to know about how the media behave when faced with the choice of a story that follows the leftist narrative on race and one that is concerned with matters of life and death.

4 Comments on "Quote of the Day 02/12/2022 – Difficult to disagree with this one."

  1. ‘Ngozi Fulani’, real name Marlene Headley, was born in the UK to African/Caribbean parents. One parent was descended from a member of the Igbo tribe. Although not directly linked to the Fulani tribe, she has assumed their (sur)name. She has past form, when it comes to race-baiting.

    Lady Hussey, asking perfectly reasonable pertinent questions to this devious person, has been ‘Twittered’ by the mob. Who knew, before Social Media, that there were so many arseholes in the world?

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 9, 2022 at 9:56 am |

      Headley has quite plainly appropriated an African identity with very little basis for doing so. Yes I know that there is a ‘back to Africa’ thing going on with some Afro-Caribbean Britons where faddishly claiming an African identity is a thing, a bit like you see with some Irish Americans, but sometimes the pose gets exposed. I think that this is what might have happened with the meeting between Headley and Lady Hussey. Lady Hussey might have picked up that something was not quite right about Headley and her African claims and pressed the matter. After all Lady Hussey would be very familiar with Africa, African nations and some African customs and styles of dress because of her close work with Her Late Majesty, she would have been quite adept at seeing a fake African when she saw them.

  2. The Lady Hussey affair seems to me to be a classic case of someone looking for an excuse to be insulted and wanting to parade on the public stage. Its not uncommon for people to ask me where I come from as I have an accent. I am a white man and older now so nobody would be interested if I was feeling insulted or not. Not so many years ago I would have been told to grow up and show some maturity had I said I was feeling insulted, advice I would have been happy to take.

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