Humza Yousef – Failing upwards

Humza Yousef showing off and falling off a scooter. This sort of attitude bodes ill for Scots.


So the Scots have a new leader of the Scottish National Party and First Minister of the Scottish government in the form of Humza Yousef. This is a man who can truly be said to have failed upwards as his record in previous positions as Scottish cabinet minister for the health, justice and transport portfolios, is truly not that good at all. Yousef is also seen by many as ‘continuity Nicola Sturgeon’ and is backing the same sorts of gender woo that his predecessor did.

Yousef might have won the vote of SNP members but it remains to be see whether he can have the confidence of Scots voters themselves many of whom are not that favourable to the sort of gender woo promoted by Sturgeon and which is likely to be continued to be pushed by Yousef. Personally, based on what I’ve read about when it comes to the cesspit that the SNP have turned Scottish politics into, Yousef is offering more of the same failed policies that ended up toppling Sturgeon. This could end up causing voters to turn to the Labour Party, a party that the Scots once abandoned in favour of the SNP.

Some have argued that the SNP’s choice of Yousef has made the Union more stronger as the Scots are less likely to want to be led into independence by this particular politician. However, if the Scots turn to Labour in disgust at what the SNP are doing then it makes a Labour government at Westminster much more likely than it was before.

Scottish and by extension UK politics might be in for some ‘interesting times’ following this leadership election and it remains to be seen how this will all pan out.