Is it the end for Diane Abbott?

Diane Abbott - A politician who not only cannot be trusted to sit on a toilet properly, but chooses the wrong toilet.


There are lots of ways to describe the Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington. I’ve heard some (not many) describe her as a good constituency MP but there are many more voices that describe her as being ‘as thick as mince’, ‘thicker than a whale’s foreskin’ or ‘as dense as as a fat bloke’s Boxing Day turd’.

She does not have the best of reputations among the general public and that’s not just down to her perceived lack of intellect, but because she has a long history of race baiting and making the sort of statements that if they came from anyone other than a Black woman would be easily seen as racist. She’s made negative comments about how Scandinavian nurses wouldn’t be suitable for multiracial Britain, claimed that West Indian mothers are superior in their mothering abilities, that London taxi drivers were racist. She’s also praised the mass murdering Chinese dictator Mao Tse Tung and in 2017 showed amazing ineptitude over Labour’s plans to increase police numbers in an LBC interview where she got the maths spectacularly wrong leading to her to be mocked mercilessly afterwards as Diane ‘Eleventy One’ Abbott. She’s also been accused of hypocrisy over the issue of private education as she has condemned this part of the educational sector whilst sending her own son to a fee paying school.

Ms Abbott is incredibly disliked among the wider population outside of her constituency and although some are motivated by racism in their criticism of her, many more are not and are instead motivated to criticise her not because of who she is but because of what she says, does and writes. Now she’s in hot water for claiming that it’s not racism when Jews get it in the neck. One commentator on Longrider’s piece on the Abbot case said this: It’s always nice to see race-baiters hoist by their own petard.

Low IQ, low impulse control, low morality Abbot is so utterly revolting, both inside and out, that even the most committed anti-racist would be tempted to call her any number of now proscribed names and join the Klan.” I must admit that I agree that it is most delicious that Ms Abbott after a lifetime of accusing the world and his wife of racism, might be meeting her political end due to her own racist statements about Jews. Of course I’m not going to rush off and join the Klan because of Ms Abbott’s actions, but she’s most certainly at the rotten end of anti-racist campaigning and brings such campaigning into disrepute.

Despite all her screw ups and her race baiting she’s continued to be re-elected by her constituents and was even given the job of Shadow Home Secretary in her ex-lover Jeremy Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet. Now however she’s merely another back bench MP although one more high profile than some.

But Diane Abbott might have reached the end of her political road. What’s more is that she has reached that end not by losing an election or being sidelined by her party, but from her own actions.

Diane Abbott recently replied to an article in the Guardian about racism, well what else would Ms Abbott be commenting on, in which she said that prejudice against Jews was not racism but more like the prejudice against Travellers or the Irish or those with ginger hair. To Ms Abbott these sort of prejudices are not racism, but merely internal prejudices between White people. This showed a spectacular lack of knowledge about history on Ms Abbott’s part and also illustrated how Ms Abbott seems to accept that there is some sort of hierarchy of racism with black people being the most discriminated against and Jews being the least.

According to a report on MSN She (Ms Abbott) wrote that Jewish, Irish and traveller communities have experienced “prejudice”, but added: “This is similar to racism and the two words are often used as if they are interchangeable.

It is true that many types of white people with points of difference, such as redheads, can experience this prejudice. But they are not all their lives subject to racism.”

She apologised and immediately withdrew the comments following a backlash, saying an  “initial draft” of the latter had been sent by mistake.

If this was the first draft of a letter which was sent in error then it gives us an interesting window in to what goes on in Ms Abbott’s head and also what sort of attitudes might be common within the Labour Party both in her local party and the party as a whole. It also shows that Diane Abbott is grossly unaware that Jews are not always White. Only some Jews, the Ashkenazim who originate in Eastern and Central Europe are mostly white, but in Israel there are Black Jews, Brown Jews and Asiatic Jews who hail from Africa, the Far East, the Indian sub-continent and the Middle East and North Africa.

If a person wanted to give the impression to the public that only Black people are subject to racism, something that is clearly untrue, then Diane Abbott’s words were how to do that. The truth is that everybody and anybody can dislike someone not because of their politics, their personal conduct or their religious ideology, but because of their race. Everyone and anyone can be racist. Anyone no matter who they are can have what are called “in group preferences” which can also be accompanied by a disfavouring of out groups. However Diane Abbott only looks at one sort of racism and focuses on that to the exclusion of everything else. Ms Abbott certainly doesn’t seem to have moved in the same racially mixed circles that I have, where I have heard some of the most monstrous racism directed at Black Africans from Black Afro-Carribeans and vice versa.

Sir Keir Starmer the Labour Party leader, already battered from the large number of revelations that a lot of Labour Party members might be happier wearing a black shirt than flying a red flag, has suspended Diane Abbott from the Labour Party whip in the House of Commons. Personally I don’t think that he had that much of a choice over this action. This is because, outside of Labour’s Islamic vote that won’t be that bothered by a little bit of Jew hatred, Diane Abbott’s behaviour will without doubt put off a lot of people from voting Labour.

After the debacles of the Corbyn years, Starmer needs to show the public that he’s doing something, or at least to be seen to be doing something, about Labour’s weird, obsessive and wholly negative views when it comes to Jews and Israel. He had to act quickly as if he’d left acting against Abbott too long then Starmer could come over as even more of the weak fence sitter than he is. Waiting longer would have also allowed time for the far left to organise a more effective ‘Save Diane Abbott’ campaign where all the various cadres of weirdos and fraggles that make up too much of the Labour Party’s membership would have been on display to the public. The very last thing that Starmer needs right now, so close to local elections and relatively close to the next General Election, is for the public to be seeing what the composition of the party membership and its attitudes are really like.

Diane Abbott has managed to survive an awful lot of scandals and monstrous gaffes over the years and has no matter what she has done kept the support of both her local party and to a certain extent the Labour leadership. Now that the leadership has effectively abandoned her because she might be being seen as an electoral liability, it raises doubts about whether her political career can survive. She has joined her ex-lover Jeremy Corbyn among the ranks of long standing Labour MP’s whose extremism and scandalous behaviour is no longer tolerated by a Labour Party that knows that high profile political extremists are liable to be vote losers. Whilst many voters will be pleased about the prospect of finally seeing the back of Diane Abbott and her exit from the mainstream political scene, we should not be deceived by Labour into thinking that Abbott and Corbyn are the only worryingly odd types which have been or still are influential in the Labour Party. Voters beware, despite the fanfare of Abbott’s departure, there’s probably many more with similar attitudes in Labour branches up and down the country. You could vote Labour but still end up voting for Abbott-esque lunacy.

6 Comments on "Is it the end for Diane Abbott?"

  1. Julian LeGood | April 25, 2023 at 1:35 pm |

    I can’t, on the whole, disagree with you, though I think you’re over playing the “ex-lover” card. She’s clearly neither thick nor of low IQ, she achieved a “Desmond” in History at Cambridge, a university not known for admitting thick people of low IQ, BUT she’s pushing 70 and the disastrous LBC interview was the result of a diabetics “episode” That’s a known.

    Diabetics ( alone) might have some sympathy. Teresa May is diabetic and unlike Ms Abbott she DID have her finger on the nuclear button.

    Notwithstanding, 70 is a good age at which to retire before she’s retired. She had a good innings, but her reputation is shot to pieces and now is the time to pass “go”, collect, and write her memoirs.

    • Fahrenheit211 | April 25, 2023 at 2:32 pm |

      I know her educational history and that she went to a very good girls grammar. However for decades she’s pushed roughly the same sort of extremist identity politics as she always has even when such politics does little to make the lives of all Britons whether they be black or white any better.

      I would have some sympathy for medical excuses if this latest incident ws just a one off or something that only happened recently. However this excuse doesn’t wash with me as she’s been making outrageous statements such as praising Mao or making racialist statements about Scandi nurses way before any medical excuse could be reasonably used.

      Personally I think that DA’s reputation was shot to pieces years ago and she should have gone years ago.

  2. Siddi Nasrani | April 25, 2023 at 3:33 pm |

    Cartoon of Diane Abbott,

    “On balance Mao did more good than harm” – Diane Abbott.

  3. In a way l sort of see the point she was trying to make (even though l disagree) if only because l’ve heard it so many times that l don’t bother listening any more. Abbott, Lammy and many others have built lucrative careers by promoting this type of bo###xs so no l don’t see her disappearing anytime soon – too much easy money to be made from the gullible.
    Correct me if l’m wrong but didn’t the Nazis have an Ideology which saw themselves (the Aryan race) at the top with everyone else below and the Jewish peoples at the bottom? If so then l think that confirms the holocaust was an act of racism.
    P. S. I don’t buy the ‘ah but she’s not well’ excuse’ either – as far as l can tell she has always been a racist herself but l doubt she will ever be able to see that.

    • Fahrenheit211 | April 28, 2023 at 6:44 pm |

      Yes the Abbott / Lammy crowd have made a good living out of race baiting. She’ll probably end up as quest of honour at lots of taxpayer funded diversity shindigs, she certainly will not starve. Indeed the Nazis had a racial ideology with a scale of races with one at the top and the rest lower down.

      Agree that this is the new Abbott which is the same as the old Abbott.

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