Another complete and utter mountain of bollocks from The Guardian.


The Guardian used to be a good newspaper three or four decades back. Yes I admit it had its biases even back then, but they did produce decent journalism and their picture desk especially when run by the late and very much lamented Eamonn McCabe as picture editor, was fabulous and nurtured and promoted the best in newspaper photography.

But now the Guardian is a pale shadow of is former self. Although it has broken some big stories in recent years, such as their work bringing the journalistic phone hacking scandal to public notice, it’s no longer a paper I would choose to buy and read. It’s become even more the house organ of the public sector middle classes than it ever was and continues to follow fads, such as transgenderism, with an intensity that is concerning for a newspaper that should be concerned with truth, including biological truth.

One fad that the Guardian seems to be getting very much behind is that of Veganism. They employ complete loons such as George ‘Moonbat’ Monbiot to bang on about the evils of meat and such like which is extremely tiresome. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve no problem with Vegan food or Vegetarian food and sometimes eat it myself but it’s a completely different issue when they push the Vegan issue into areas where it’s either not wanted nor appropriate.

The latest example of the Guardian pushing the Veganism line beyond where it is either reasonable or acceptable is a recent article they published on Vegan cat food. This is not only stupid but dangerous for cats as cats are obligate carnivores, a healthy cat has to have a diet that is heavy in meat although some cats with kidney disease have to have food that is lower in protein but still meat based.

The Guardian said:

Cats, owners will attest, are natural born killers and for most of their evolutionary history have enjoyed an almost entirely meat-based diet. However, fresh research has suggested that a vegan diet is not only safe for pet cats, but may have health benefits.

The study found that owners of cats fed vegan diets reported fewer visits to the vet, less medication use and said that their vet would be more likely to describe their cat as healthy. The findings provide reassurance to a growing number of owners who are considering alternative diets for their pets, the researchers said.

Biologically, what cats need is not meat, but a specific set of nutrients, said Prof Andrew Knight, of the University of Winchester, who led the research. “There’s no scientific reason why you can’t supply all the necessary nutrients through plant additives.”

Pet food production has a significant environmental impact and a growing number of cat and dog owners are interested in alternative diets.

Utter bollocks from the Guardian. You cannot feed a cat plant based food as the majority of its diet. Do that and you will have a very sick and malnourished cat on your hands. As for the nonsense about environmental impact I don’t believe for a moment the Guardian writers have considered where the meat for pet food comes from. It’s often the stuff that for various reasons is not suitable for humans and might otherwise go to waste.

So if you are a cat owner do the right thing. Ignore the advice of the Guardian and give your cat some meat.



Note.  All cats need meat but some cats can’t have cheeseburgers


6 Comments on "Another complete and utter mountain of bollocks from The Guardian."

  1. “Fresh research” is one of those phrases like “California Doctors have just discovered” – it means “This stands the truth on it’s head – we just made it up in the canteen five minutes ago – and there’s a few bob in it for me….”

  2. As soon as I see that phrase “a team of scientists”, or, “experts state”, with no named lead, I know it’s going to be a load of easily disproven bollocks.
    Another is about some “potential cure” that will be available usually “within five years”, code for never.
    All of these are worse when it involves a current fad that could attract substantial funding for the “correct” material that affirms said fads, veganism, the Cult of Trans, climate crap and of course Islamopandering and “palestine”.

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 19, 2023 at 5:57 pm |

      Vague claims by ‘a team of scientists’ is normally a good indication that the claim is bollocks

  3. Yes, indeed, I’m not a massive fan of the Guardian, too many lifestyle articles, but it’s my first go-to to see what is in the headlines as to what they cover as the most significant daily news. I’m not really interested in vegan cats, or dating couples, or renovations of an old farmhouses in Provence. But note that the Daily Mail carries a lot of dubious articles with quasi medical and dietary advice for humans, not just cats. The most sensible newspaper to read is probably the Financial Times which requires a subscription for the full content.

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 20, 2023 at 9:43 am |

      I agree that articles promoting medical quackery is something to be found across the board in British newspapers. At one point I might have agreed with you on the subject of the FT but it has become far too much of a home for distressed remainers to be able to take seriously anymore.

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