Worth A Read. 18/09/2023 (1) – The IEA digs into the cult of trans.

Books (Library picture)


This is the first in an occasional series where I highlight to readers of this blog stuff that I have found interesting or inspiring but which doesn’t fit completely into either the ‘Quote of the Day’ or ‘From Elsewhere’ categories. To start the ball rolling today I’m putting up two ‘Worth A Read’ pieces and this is the first.

The Cult of Transgenderism is a matter of concern to many. It’s a concern for parents, especially the parents of gender non-conforming children, women, sports administrators and competitors and those who believe in biological reality and the immutable nature of that reality.

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) has published a very interesting 24 page booklet about what the transgender ideology is, where it comes from and the sort of implications it has for the future of society. I’ll put up the summary of what the IEA found but I will also put up a link to the full pamphlet.

Here’s the summary of the IEA’s report into the cult of trans.

Transgender ideology and the rights of trans people to dress or present
themselves as they wish must be distinguished. One can challenge
the former while affirming the latter.

  • Proposed laws facilitating gender self-identification have serious
    implications for single sex spaces, sports, and for the internal functions
    of businesses and private organisations. They therefore warrant serious
    discussion and debate.
  • Many supporters of transgender ideology do not aim to win the debate
    but rather to prevent debate from occurring.
  • Supporters of transgender ideology in organisations including Mermaids
    and Stonewall have claimed that gender critical views such as denying
    the ability of people to change sex through an act of gender self-identification, constitute ‘hate speech’ and as such should be prosecuted.
  • Even under existing laws people with gender critical views have been
    subject to police investigation.
  • Transgender ideology must be seen as a product of a broader
    postmodernist approach which views the concept of objective truth
    as both a fiction and a tool of oppression.
  • Maintaining free speech in this area, as in others, is essential if we are
    to defend a liberal society based on rationality rather than coercion.


You can find the full pamphlet via the link below but if there are problems downloading it or reading it then you should be able to get it from the IEA itself


The IEA page for the report is to be found below if there are problems accessing the above link.
