NSFW Guest Post – On the subject of Hamas’s horrors


I’ve been sent this by a regular reader and they want it to be used as a guest post here so I shall, following some comment from me, do so. The letter is addressed to Mr Bob Blackman, the current Conservative Party Member of Parliament for Harrow East. Mr Blackman is also a supporter of the Conservative Friends of Israel group which is, I believe, puts him less on the side of the monsters of Hamas than some British MP’s have been. In this missive to their MP, the letter writer addresses the refusal by left aligned individuals and organisations to accept the fact that the Islamic terror group Hamas has committed atrocities against Jews in Israel and against foreign citizens who were visiting or working in Israel.

The letter writer, who for the purposes of this article I shall call ‘Sam’, makes the very valid point that conspiracy cretins and especially those enamoured of conspiracy theories about Jews do not always come from the right hand side of politics. He points out that there are many from the left hand side of the political aisle who are doing this as well and a lot of these leftist anti-Jewish conspiracy theories involve the October 7th Pogrom. Islamists are also very actively promoting 7/10 conspiracy theories, ranging from statements alleging that ‘Israel encouraged the attack on themselves in order to go to war with Muslims’ right through to claiming that the images that have been published of the 7/10 atrocity were AI generated fake images.

7/10 denial looks a lot to me like Holocaust Denial and probably comes from the same place, that of Jew hatred and the blind and mindless adherence to ideologies, like Islamism and far leftism, that shatter or as in the case of Islamism explodes in violence, when facts intrude into the ideological bubble. Some form of this denial was to be expected from the usual suspects within Islam and on the Left following 7/10 but it has been considerably worse than expected and considerably more present in the mainstream media, which has to a large extent memory-holed the actual 7/10 attacks in favour of promoting a completely dishonest ‘poor little Gazans’ narrative.

Whilst there are similarities between Holocaust Denial and 7/10 Denial there are also major differences. One of the major differences is that the Nazis went to great lengths not to publicise their crimes against humanity. Yes they did keep good records of what they did and these records were useful when prosecuting Nazi war criminals after the war, but they did not act proudly or boast about what they did. Despite having access to technologies, print, radio and film, that would have allowed the Nazis to boast about what they did, they chose not to. There are many reasons for this reticence of course, but I believe that part of it is that not every German was morally ruined by Nazism and even some Nazis, as Douglas Murray said recently, understood deep down that what they were engaged in was morally repugnant in the eyes of other Germans and the rest of civilised humanity.

There is no such reticence about publicising crimes against humanity with Hamas. They livestreamed their atrocities. They revelled in them. They murdered indiscriminately, they raped and tortured and did it all in the name of Islam and the Jew hatred that never seems to have left this ideology from its first day to now. It’s a bit grim to have to say this but if Hamas were running the Sobibor death camp then they would have livestreamed what went on at the place.

Hamas has accumulated a large amount of material documenting their attack on Israel. We can have every confidence in dismissing those who claim that things happened otherwise than they did as disgraceful liars. Sam believes that the public should see the raw footage of Hamas’s atrocities in order to shut down the deniers that have popped up. I’m in two minds on this. On the one hand I’ve seen enough of it to not want to see any more of it, but Sam has a point when he says that ‘sunlight is a disinfectant’ and that making people aware of Hamas and their depravity along with the dangers posed by extremist Islam in general would be a good thing.

Here’s Sam’s letter. I must admit I’m really uncomfortable with linking directly to the Hamas site, to be frank it’s not traffic that I want or need. However I promised Sam that I would publish his article. I do this because I agree with many of his comments including those about the dangers of Islamic extremism and the current outrage regarding biased policing that we are now seeing all too often. Therefore I will hide the actual Hamas web address contained in Sam’s letter (which is hamas dot com) and replace it with the hamas.suxcocksinhell address. This is a policy that I believe I have had in the past when it comes to other murky groups and individuals such as ‘Failed Fuhrer’ Griffin for example.

I’ll be very interested to see what, if any, reply is made by Mr Blackman MP to this letter.

Dear Bob,

Below is a link to Hamas official website.

Firstly, I ask that this site NOT be banned as that would merely serve to cover their crimes and give weight to the conspiracy cretins especially on the Left, that “it’s all made up”, a “Zionist plot” and the usual tosh. It also gives the absolute lie to Islam being a “religion of peace”, it isn’t, nor are these “lone wolves” or attributable to “mental problems” or that other hoary old chestnut that “it’s nothing to do with Islam”.

There is no limit to the depths of their religiously inspired depravity, their joy, celebration and exulting at their perverse, unspeakable, inhuman barbarity.

That so many especially on the Left are being indoctrinated in schools and universities is a serious concern. There needs to be a root and branch clear out of these Halls of Knackerdemia.

Meanwhile the idiot Plods look for “right wing” plots and people to beat up, while effectively giving the supporters of such Nazi brutality and depravity a virtual free pass unless they really cannot ignore the evidence. There also needs to be a root and branch clear out of the common purpose infested excuses for UK policing.

Here is the link: hamas.suxcocksinhell

WARNING, it’s appalling, but must NOT be hidden.

I am requesting that you raise in parliament that the UK enacts extradition proceedings against the Hamas leadership currently cowering in five star luxury in Qatar, to stand trial in the Hague, for real War Crimes, that like that of Eichmann, should be televised, complete with video.

This will at least partially expunge our national shame at sheltering Nazis after WW2 and the various Hamas leaders, who are, to this day living here in NW London despite their clear promotion and support for these crimes against humanity. They should join their fellow Islamic Nazis in the Hague.

Could you let me know what is going to be done, and perhaps the new Foreign secretary, considering his then involvement in Libya and Syria, should be willing to smooth the process.

Until these bastards are brought to justice, none of us, particularly British Jews can sleep soundly again.

Again, I ask you NOT to get the website banned. There is nothing more cleansing than daylight.




One argument in Sam’s favour is from General (later President) Dwight D Eisenhower who purposely visited recently liberated Nazi concentration camps in order to be a witness to the horrors that the Nazis had visited on Europe, horrors that were even greater than he imagined. In a letter from Eisenhower to George C Marshall in 1945 General Eisenhower said:

“But the most interesting — although horrible — sight that I encountered during the trip was a visit to a German internment camp near Gotha. The things I saw beggar description. While I was touring the camp I encountered three men who had been inmates and by one ruse or another had made their escape. I interviewed them through an interpreter. The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda’.” **
Letter, DDE to George C. Marshall, 4/15/45 [The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, The War Years IV, doc #2418]

** Text emboldened by F211 Editor.

Eisenhower knew what would happen to the accounts of the horrors of the camps and that these accounts would be dismissed by some as propaganda. A similar thing is happening today with denial of the 7/10 atrocities. Despite ample evidence of what happened, there are some who deny they happened or say they happened differently, in order to protect or promote their world view.

I certainly agree with Sam about the idea of the UK pressure on Qatar but how possible this will be politically would be hard to say bearing in mind that the UK imports 30% of its gas supply from Qatar. However even if this is not possible the Government should certainly be dealing with Hamas leaders and associates in the UK and doing its damnedest to remove them from the UK if possible.

At a bare minimum the removal or imprisonment of Hamas aligned Islamic extremists is what is needed. Everyone is at risk from such individuals. It doesn’t matter if you are Jew or non-Jew, Christian or Hindu, Buddhist or a Muslim who is decent (there’s plenty of those), man or woman or if you are gay or straight or a bit flexible on a Saturday night, extremist Islam is a threat to you. Those who promote such extremism, promotion that goes way beyond free speech and into incitement, should be tried and if convicted imprisoned and/or removed from the UK if possible.

Sam’s letter raises some interesting points about the need to make people aware of the depths of savagery that groups like Hamas can and will descend to. This is because Islamic extremist groups are not only a threat to Jews but to every single decent human being on the planet. What starts with Jews with regard exterminationist views such as those held by Hamas, never stops with Jews. Tomorrow it could be you.

2 Comments on "NSFW Guest Post – On the subject of Hamas’s horrors"

  1. Not sure what’s wrong with the link, but it doesn’t work.

  2. “Sam” is entirely correct of course, but suggesting that Islam isn’t “The Religion of Peace” (TM) or that Islamic terror is actually related to Islam will bring all of our Pollies out in Hives, cause them to have palpitations, hot flushes, and other such physiological manifestations of severe cognitive dissonance. Such things Simply Cannot Be in the world of politics (and Journalism too).

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