I’m currently ploughing my way through the Cass Report into the state of ‘Transgender Medicine’ in the UK. I have not yet absorbed all of it but I’ve seen enough to understand that this report is a turning point.
The revelations that a section of the National Health Service allowed itself to be put in a position where evidence based medicine was abandoned in favour of ideology, resulting in vulnerable young people being, in many cases, mutilated and sterilised, are huge ones. What the Cass Report revealed about the goings on in the gender medicine field in the NHS have shocked many, especially those who might not have been previously aware of the extent of ideological capture by transgender activists that occurred in the NHS.
We’ve seen how an organisation such as the NHS, one that should be dominated by scientific and medical reality, embraced wholeheartedly the pseudo-science that is gender identity ideology. Basic medical and biological realities such as whether a patient is either male or female were chucked out of the window. Stuff that is key to patient treatment such as whether the person being treated is a man or a woman was abandoned in favour of the language and policies of transgender activists.
The Cass Report confirmed what many of us already knew and which we’d observed happening in the NHS, which is that the NHS had been captured by an ideology, the cult of trans. What’s worse is that it was captured in an astonishingly short time. The NHS went from reasonable accommodation for male to female transsexuals, such as putting them in private rooms rather than on male or female wards, to denying the existence of biology and erasing the words, such as ‘mother’ that only pertain to women, in approximately ten years. That’s an incredibly short amount of time for an ideology, especially one as logically and factually incoherent as the trans one, to enter an organisation and become dominant within it.
NHS management took on board the arguments of trans activists almost without question and implemented trans friendly policies right across the NHS estate. There was not one single part of the NHS, not psychiatry nor maternity nor general healthcare that was not dominated by the cult of trans. Those NHS staff that saw through this capture of the NHS by the cult of trans and who asked rightfully the awkward questions about the cult, ended up being monstered by their own management and forced out of the NHS or found that their career progression had been halted.
Whilst the NHS was not the only state or national entity to be captured by the cult of trans, this cult has also afflicted the education, media and much more, the NHS whose foundation is or rather should be based on science, is the entity that should never have been captured like it has. This capture of the NHS by the cult of trans is a massive dereliction of duty to Britons by the organisation. The NHS should have, when presented by the demands made by the votaries of the trans cult, told the cultists to do one and state that biological reality shows that those with XX chromosomes are women and those with XY chromosomes are men.
The problem is that the NHS didn’t take that path. Instead they allowed the cult of trans to dictate policy, with terrible results. The NHS became, under the influence of the transcult, a place where women were disrespected, erased and in some cases exposed to severe harm in NHS facilities and from NHS services. The NHS also became under transcult influence a place where child safeguarding was thrown out of the window, with the result that there are now a cohort of young people who have been mutilated and sterilised for no good reason other than to placate the demands of the transcult.
The Cass Report leaves us with one big question about the NHS and it is this: If an ideology as divorced from reality and as easily to challenge as that of the transgender ideology can embed itself so deeply in the NHS and in so relatively short an amount of time, then what other ideological lunacies are also guiding NHS management? What other ideological crap might be lurking still in Britain’s NHS and are these ideologies harming patients in a similar manner to how patients have been harmed at places like the Tavistock Clinic? I fear that the ongoing gender identity politics capture of the NHS might only be one issue where patient care has taken a back seat to ideology and there might be others.
However for the moment it looks like the Cass Report might not be the end of the cult of Trans in the NHS but to quote Winston Churchill, it’s certainly the beginning of the end.