There’s cringe and then there’s the Dawn Butler level of cringe.


During an election campaign there are always going to be politicians who get involved with publicity stunts or political campaigning events that go bad. In recent elections we’ve had Gordon Brown’s hot mic incident during the 2010 election where during a campaign visit he called a person who asked questions about immigration levels ‘a bigoted woman’, the faux pas in bacon sandwich eating etiquette committed by Ed Milliband and the infamous ‘Edstone’ where Miliband was mocked mercilessly for a carved stone with promises on it that looked all too much like a gravestone.

However, Dawn Butler who is standing for election in Brent in West London, has produced a campaign video that is the epitome of cringe. It is as you will see a rap video but it is one that doesn’t elevate either Ms Butler or her campaign but demeans it. It’s ‘politi-tainment’ of the very worst type. It doesn’t tell people in her potential constituency how Ms Butler will make their lives better, it just says that Ms Butler is a person that I cannot take seriously.

Does this look like a person who you could have confidence in as a constituent should you have to bring to her a potentially serious problem? Does it look like someone who can grasp the details of politics and fight for their constituent’s interests? No she does not. This is clown world politics. I suspect that Ms Butler’s foray into the world of Rap will be remembered but for all the wrong reasons. It will be remembered alongside Kinnock’s excessively and wrongly triumphalist ‘we’re alright, we’re alright’ speech to Labour activists towards the end of the 1992 General Election, the aforementioned Miliband gaffes and Peter Brooke the former Tory Northern Ireland secretary allowing himself to be filmed singing ‘Oh my darling Clementine’ on the day that a terror attack had claimed the lives of seven Protestant construction workers.

Ms Butler’s rap video might have made her feel good and her party workers feel good but it doesn’t at all show her in a very good light.

4 Comments on "There’s cringe and then there’s the Dawn Butler level of cringe."

  1. 👍

  2. Philip Copson | June 14, 2024 at 1:17 pm | Reply

    Surely it was “Well – alright!” the idiot was bawling out in the worst-ever impression of Mick Jagger?

  3. It may be bad syncing in the video, but it looks to me as if Butler is trying to lip-sync the “lyrics” (to be generous about the words) and failing at even that.

  4. ’ It is as you will see a rap video…’

    Typo there, you’re missing a ‘c’

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