From Elsewhere: The massive and well funded US Jew hatred network.


Many of us have looked on the takeover of US university campuses over the last year by some pretty deranged groups of Muslims and far left Jew haters and wondered ‘whose paying for these shitheads to do their performative Jew hating shit?’ Well if an article by Danielle Pletka in Commentary Magazine is even partially correct then a lot of that money is coming from the Islamic world and left wing funding trusts, funnelled via lefty and Islamic NGO’s to universities that fund departments that in Ms Pletka’s words: ‘that create an environment which fosters anti-Semitic discourse’. Having read Ms Pletka’s excellent and detailed piece on the funding of pro-Jihad and anti-Israel groups both on and off university campuses, I can see that there’s already a plethora of evidence of lots of money sloshing through a lot of NGO’s and being handled by and sometimes destined for the hands of some quite unpleasant and potentially dangerous Islamist types.

This article which I’ve linked below is well worth a read.

After reading it the quite troubling thought occurred to me and that it is unlikely that the contagion of Islamic money and money from entities that are less than pro-Western to put it mildly, is a problem safely contained in the United States. It is likely that similar Islamic money promoting specifically Islam-derived forms of Jew hatred is hard at work in Britain as well. It’s depressingly likely that the UK has its analogues of overseas Islamic funding and linkages to universities and NGO’s. If that is indeed the case then this money, plus intellectually compromised university staff, have created the environment where support for Hamas, a terrorist group, is becoming all too often normalised.

Maybe the way to fight this incursion by Islamic money and madness is to use as Ms Pletka suggested, such laws that exist for purposes of national security, to shut down the pipeline of money to universities and extremism adjacent Islamist NGO’s as well as the pipelines of money from Islamic and Leftist sources that have been recorded as going to Hamas or Hamas aligned entities. It does indeed look as if the Law is the only way that the problem of malevolent foreign funding of equally malevolent NGO’s and money ending up influencing universities and maybe other parts of the State. Let’s hope that both the law and more importantly those in charge of it use their powers to sever the links between money from Islamic nations and major Left leaning funders to questionable NGO’s and higher education and other entities of the State. There’s a major legal and fiscal unravelling that needs to be done with regards to the sort of money that is sloshing around the Left / Islamic alliance entities, but for the sake of security for all, not just Jews, it’s something that needs to be done.

2 Comments on "From Elsewhere: The massive and well funded US Jew hatred network."

  1. Sheikh Anvakh | June 20, 2024 at 5:16 pm |

    What took them so long? I have been warning about dodgy foreign funding of our toxic Univershitty Halls of Knackerdemia and malevolent “academics” for at least thirty years, having seen it in operation first hand during the Yom Kippur attempted genocide in 1973, when the NUS sided with the PLO and Arabs. How many times does it have to be said, that the real Nazis are on the Left, eager handmaidens and useful-idiots to the religion of death.
    The so-called extreme right have been a ridiculed busted flush in the UK for decades.

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