Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S***hole – Volume 164 – Not even the Dolphins are safe from rape.


I’ve not visited the ‘wonderful’ world of Pakistan recently. Other matters and other subjects have been occupying my mind instead. However I believe that I made a mistake taking my eye of the massive pile of festering shit that is the nation of Pakistan. This is because this nation, created for Muslims and by Muslims when it became independent, along with India, from Britain in 1947, is a source of untold levels of astonishment, disgust and amusement for those of us who live in civilised nations and societies.

Pakistan is the place where blaspheming visitors get burned to death, where Polio vaccination staff fear to operate because of Islamic clerics calling vaccines a ‘Jewish plot’ and a place where the very last thing you would want to be is a woman or a child or a goat. Pakistan is humanity’s ‘cautionary tale’ of how not to run a country and also of what happens when you put the worst types of Islam in charge of people whose adherence to backwards forms of Islam has already socially, morally and culturally ruined them.

Pakistan is somewhere where being a woman or a child (dead or alive) or an animal let alone a believer in something other than Sunni Islam, is not exactly the safest place to be. Stories and allegations of sex crimes abound against women, children and animals in Pakistan. There have even been reports of families having to put iron grilles over the graves of recently deceased female family members to prevent Pakistani Muslim men digging up the graves and sexually interfering with the corpses.

I thought I’d run out of ‘WTF’ moments when it came to Pakistan but this latest story I’ve found and which comes from a petition really struck me as pretty mad even for Pakistan.

Apparently according to the person who put up the petition, there has been an ongoing problem with Pakistani men catching blind river dolphins and raping them. This has allegedly become such an endemic problem that it is affecting the survivability of this particular dolphin species. Basically Pakistani Muslim men are said to be raping an animal species to extinction.

The petition said:

In Sindh near Sukkur barrage, in Indus, there is a species of Dolphins called “Indus Dolphins”. As pollution has gone unchecked in Indus, it has terribly impacted the Dolphins’ health in general. There is a specific species known as blind Dolphin, which has certain physical features that help her to “see” despite no eyes.

There is an alleged tradition in rural Sindh of raping Indus dolphins, a subspecies of freshwater river dolphin found in the Indus river. The locals are well aware of the tradition but don’t dare to condemn it as it is a well-established tradition of the area and has been widely practised.

The locals liken Dolphin’s genitals to the sexual organ of women,” the article titled “Disgusting tradition of having sex with blind dolphins in Sindh” was published in Urdu blog HumSub. It goes on to allege that the extinct species is not only endangered by the polluted water but also because of SEXUAL ASSAULT . 

I am sure that this is not the first time this news or information has come out. It must be known to the locals. How is it that this was never highlighted by any progressive who could read the local Urdu press? I am sure this inhumane tradition is practice by small group of people. Yet, not many are ready to question this matter. It is disappointing. 

Now of course it is right and proper that no single source of this allegation is treated like the entire truth. This story could of course be utter bollocks and there might be no dolphin raping going on. But, as many who have knowledge of Pakistan will know, this is one of those nations that leads the world in internet searches for some of the most seriously skanky, illegal and abusive pornography in existence. Basically if it turns the civilised man’s stomach then a Pakistani Muslim has probably searched for it online.

The allegation of dolphin rape is singular, there’s no other similar stories I can find out there. This could indeed be a false story. However with Pakistan having such an ignominious reputation for how its men treat women, children, corpses and animals and how they use them for sex, the idea that Pakistani Muslims are raping dolphins starts to not look too far fetched.






NB.  Title edited as the wrong volume number for this Pakistan Is A Shithole article had been used in the title.  Apologies but it is an easy mistake to make as there are so many examples of why Pakistan is such an awful shithole.

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