Never Trust a Hippy.


I don’t know who originally coined the phrase with which this post is titled, I think it may be one of the Sex Pistols who said or wrote it, but sadly it has an element of truth to it. I have met enough of the sort of hippy that is all love and peace until you cross them or until you ask awkward questions about their particular guiding ideology, or who do not want under any circumstances to engage in any debate that doesn’t prioritise their emotions.

However not all hippies are middle class authoritarians in disguise, some of them that I’ve encountered have been decent individuals who’ve lived quietly and haven’t tried to push whatever their ideology is onto other people. But the hippies that have turned out at this year’s Glastonbury Festival are probably the worst sort of hippy imaginable. They are the rote learned leftie scions of wealthy families who can’t think beyond whatever mindless slogan or morally bankrupt cause that is their social class’s flavour of the month.

It takes a particular degree of moral depravity to cheer for a country of Jew hating murderers, ‘Palestine’ at a music festival, when less than a year ago people from said nation of Jew hating murderers massacred Jews at a peace oriented music festival. It takes a considerable amount of mindless arrogance and stupidity to claim that you are for ‘the workers’ as many leftists of the sort that attend Glastonbury do, whilst making virtue signalling artworks calling for the entry of those who make Britain’s workers’ lives a misery.

There’s always been politics at Glastonbury and festivals like it and there’s always been a contingent of middle class leftists, esoteric thinkers and hippies with unhinged and unfeasible ideas that attend these events. However this year was different. With the constant promotion of the ‘Palestine’ cause at Glastonbury by bands, activists and the failure by the organisers to moderate this promotion, this year’s festival has looked less like the big music festivals of the late 1960’s and 70’s and more like something we’d see coming out of Nuremberg in the mid 20th century. This may sound like hyperbole but I can find little that is more appropriate when so many bands and fans are promoting causes that only benefit the racialist murderers of Hamas.

As a thought experiment, I sometimes like to consider where I would or would not like to be Jewish at any point in time or space. London in 1934 might have been a bit shit but not that bad, comparatively anyway, and the same can be said of America at various times in its history. India might have been a good place to be Jewish and has been for some Jews. I’d think I’d be OK in the various islands of tolerance that existed, however briefly, in Europe at various times. However I don’t think I would have wanted to be Jewish in Spain during the Reconquista nor England in 1290 nor a Jew in any of the Islamic lands and it should go without saying that I’d want to be nowhere near Berlin anywhere between 1920 and maybe 1980.

Now sadly I have to add another name and another place where I really wouldn’t want to be Jewish and that is 2024’s Glastonbury Festival. Would I really want to shell out hundred of pounds of hard earned money for a ticket to Glastonbury, only to be surrounded by those who either directly or indirectly want me and those like me, dead? Of course I would not. Glastonbury Festival this year is like all the places I’ve mentioned above, it doesn’t look safe for Jews any more.

Never trust a hippy, especially if that hippy is displaying a ‘Palestinian’ flag.

6 Comments on "Never Trust a Hippy."

  1. F211…. I have just googled the price of spending a weekend at Glastonbury and it can exceed a fortnight package break to Malaga. The basic ticket is £355 not including vehicle parking, food or drink. Most young adults wouldn’t fork out this money for a weekend in a tent exposed to the elements. This means that the revellers are overwhelmingly from Ann affluent middle class background, hence their enthusiasm for trendy woke causes.
    Just I n case you didn’t already know.

    • Stonyground | July 1, 2024 at 6:06 pm |

      I’m not sure that it’s fair to judge people for what they want to spend their cash on or to speculate on whether they got it from the bank of mum and dad. My wife and I are retired and have a moderate amount of disposable income, I think that, at our age, we want to spend some of it before we die. When it comes to possessions we pretty much have everything we need so going to music events and creating memories is something we like to do.

      Not Glastonbury though, she likes Abba, I like JS Bach. So the Voyager show and a trip to Leibzig are on the cards.

  2. Stonyground | July 1, 2024 at 5:50 pm |

    The Devil makes work for idle hands. It seems that those that don’t have to trouble themselves with the tedious business of earning a living find themselves in need of a cause to occupy their time.

    It’s worth noting that Jews have, with hard work, determination and enterprise have tended to succeed against all odds. Lefties hate success, successful people draw attention to their own failures.

  3. Siddi Nasrani | July 22, 2024 at 8:59 pm |

    That’s a reply? 😕

  4. Siddi Nasrani | July 22, 2024 at 9:02 pm |

    This reply was for zirksty

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