From Elsewhere – A massive but funny turbo-rant from Leo Kearse – NSFW


NSFW due to extreme compound swearyness.


The comedian Leo Kearse has decided that he will offer some words of advice to LBC radio presenter and paragon of the liberal left classes, James O’Brien. His comment on Twitter/X about O’Brien is a masterpiece of carefully chosen and somewhat hilarious invective, aimed squarely at O’Brien. In it he says stuff that I wish I had said, such as describing O’Brien as nothing more than ‘Owen Jones’ dull uncle’ and how O’Brien is the product of a ‘frustrated orgasm’. Mr Kearse’s response to O’Brien was posted after O’Brien made a seemingly sarcastic remark about Mr Kearse’s description of himself as a comedian.

But enough of me. Here’s Mr Kearse’s majestic pop at James O’Brien.

The numb brained hypocriticunt literally has his own achievements plastered all over his own fucking profile but he’s decided to come after me, a comedian, for mentioning I’m a fucking comedian? Look at this fat fucking shitwit, Owen Jones’ dull uncle, this geography teacher turning up for a divorce hearing, this donkey nobody wants to ride, this farm scandal whistleblower, this dad on Robot Wars, this Channel Islands football coach, this David Aaronovitch for even thicker people, this mobile phone shop manager.

He looks like the sort of guy who puts “CEO” on his Tinder bio cos he wore suit to a Herbalife meeting. Fuck you, James O’Brien, fuck the plants that make the oxygen you breathe, fuck the frustrated orgasm that brought you into existence. If someone gave you a crayon you’d eat it. I bet you think you’re an intellectual because you don’t clap when the plane lands and enjoy Christopher Nolan films. You’re an obtuse, tedious, depressing, jowly, unimaginative dullard. If you were cut in half, both halves would live. If people look like their dogs then your dog is a cunt.

It’s quite obvious that Mr Kearse has a severe dislike for Mr O’Brien.

2 Comments on "From Elsewhere – A massive but funny turbo-rant from Leo Kearse – NSFW"

  1. 🤣

  2. Sheikh Anvakh | July 9, 2024 at 1:23 am |

    I wish he’d get off of the fence and tell us how he really feels about O’Bollocks.

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