Iranian influence on current ‘Palestine’ protests

Flag of the Iranian Islamic regime.


Many of us have looked on at the various ‘Palestine’ protests and have been horrified. We’ve been horrified at the naked Jew hatred that characterises them, the significant sometimes destructive criminality of the protestors, the large number of our Muslim neighbours who have been taking part in them and the sheer naivety and stupidity of many of the students and other young people who have been backing them.

Some of us have been asking the question ‘who’s paying for all this?’ Well it seems that the Iranian government may have had a significant influence on these protests. Funding for these protests might also be coming from Iran or Iran supporting sources as well.

The distinct possibility that there is Iranian involvement in these ‘Palestine’ protests has been voiced by Avril Haines the US Director of National Security. Her statement highlights intelligence that shows that Iran has been exploiting the ‘Palestine’ protests and in some cases Iranian government operatives have been posing as pro-’Palestinian’ activists.

Ms Haines said:

As I noted in testimony to the Congress in May, Iran is becoming increasingly aggressive in their foreign influence efforts, seeking to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our democratic institutions, as we have seen them do in the past, including in prior election cycles. They continue to adapt their cyber and influence activities, using social media platforms and issuing threats. It is likely they will continue to rely on their intelligence services in these efforts, as well as Iran-based online influencers, to promote their narratives.

In recent weeks, Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza, using a playbook we’ve seen other actors use over the years. We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.

I want to be clear that I know Americans who participate in protests are, in good faith, expressing their views on the conflict in Gaza – this intelligence does not indicate otherwise. Moreover, the freedom to express diverse views, when done peacefully, is essential to our democracy, but it is also important to warn of foreign actors who seek to exploit our debate for their own purposes.

Furthermore, Americans who are being targeted by this Iranian campaign may not be aware that they are interacting with or receiving support from a foreign government. We urge all Americans to remain vigilant as they engage online with accounts and actors they do not personally know.”

I find this to be a pretty good statement from Ms Haines and it sums up the situation well. It’s a very welcome public shot by the US government across the Iranian bows.

I believe that those taking part in these demonstrations and who have attached themselves to pro-’Palestinian’ groups and causes are taking part for various different reasons. The Far Left are doing what they usually do and using whatever means and whatever cause they can find to use to destroy Western culture. Those Muslims that are taking part are involved because of primarily Islamic reasons which include, based on what I’ve seen so far, on deeply embedded Islamic Jew hatred. The various anti-Israel and pro-’Palestinian’ protests we’ve seen have revealed that Islam derived Jew hatred is a far more common thing than many who are liberally minded might be comfortable with.

Many of these Muslim extremists and the Far Left activists who have been a big part of these hate marches are malevolent actors who have chosen to take the side they have and have done so for their own reasons. The Muslims because of baked in communal and theological Jew hatred and the Left because of the desire to destroy and because deep down Jew hatred is the dirty little secret of socialism.

However these pro-’Palestinian’ protests have also attracted an enormous number of the naive and the uneducated and those who desperately want to see themselves as ‘good’ and who attach themselves to causes where they can be seen to be taking the side of the oppressed or the underdog. It is these who are the ones who I believe have been the most manipulated by Iran and other Islamic entities.

I also have been in a position where I have supported a cause that turned out to be a front for or which was supported by an enemy nation. In my late teens I joined the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament mostly due to the very real fear of nuclear annihilation that cast a pall over much of my early life. I was also following the demonstrations in the hope, being an aspiring documentary photographer, of getting good rucks to photograph. I later left this group partly due to losing my political naivety somewhat as well as getting bored of photographing bored police officers facing down middle class hippies and Communists and there being not enough proper rucks.

Before I lost my naivety I found that I didn’t believe the tales of ‘Moscow gold’ being any factor in CND’s activities. Most of what I saw was hippies and Commies of the Corbyn type along with the ever entertaining ‘Brew Crew’, a bunch of pissheads who regularly turned up at CND demos shouting ‘Bombs not jobs’. The problem is the tales of Moscow Gold were to all intents and purposes true. In 2013 Douglas Murray pointed out, to Kate Hudson the General Secretary of CND that even Bruce Kent, a CND higher up, that it was only the Communist Party and the Quakers who kept CND going in the 1970’s. This goes against CND’s own myths that they are a clean hands peace group who were not in any way beholden to Moscow during the Cold War.

Mr Murray in an article for the Spectator dated 29th April 2013 and referring to the conversation he had with Ms Hudson on a BBC programme said:

In attempting to promote a more rounded view of CND than they necessarily present about themselves I cited information about the group’s past, in particular its past sources of funding. In doing so I referred to the letter from Dr Julian Lewis (now an MP) and others to the Sunday Times of 26 March 1995 (available here) headed ‘CND Cannot Rewrite History’. Of particular relevance, I think, is the final paragraph:

‘As for Soviet funding of CND, it was proven in November 1991 that the KGB bankrolled the British Communist Party throughout the 1970s – the very period when (as Bruce Kent repeatedly acknowledged) only the support of the Communist Party and of the Quakers enabled CND to survive.’

When I mentioned this information – which is already available and in the public domain – rather than refute the claim Ms Hudson said that I would hear from CND’s lawyers. I have not heard from them, but the BBC appear to have taken her threat to heart. This strikes me as a shame because I think an understanding of CND’s history is of importance in assessing their historical positions as well as their current ones.

I remember the denials from others involved with CND at the time in the early 80’s about support from Communists yet it appears that these denials were wrong. There was Communist influence and support for CND during the Cold War.

There is a parallel between what happened back then with regards CND and other peace groups and the current situation with pro-’Palestinian’ groups and causes. It could be a Moscow gold or rather Tehran gold situation again. It’s quite possible that a significant part of the funding and organisation for these causes and the groups associated with them could be coming from Iran. This means that a bunch of incredibly naive students and middle class leftists have been hoodwinked into supporting a cause being pushed by an Iranian regime that oppresses women, executes gays and is as adept at producing propaganda that encourages Jew hatred as the Nazis were. There is something incongruous about student protestors who believe in stuff like women’s rights, liberty for LBG’s, the pronoun culture and similar, supporting groups and protests that are probably being organised, either in whole or in part, by a nation that is vehemently and violently opposed to such things.

Ms Haines is talking about much that many of us suspected was happening which is that the Iranians are using destructive Lefties, the more rabid of our Muslim inhabitants and the naive to stir the shit in the West for Iran’s on advantage. Ms Haines and her department were correct to make this statement about Iran. Some of the more naive of the pro-’Palestinian’ protestors will cling on to the fantasy that there are no bad actors involved in their protests, but I hope that some do, as I eventually did, start to realise that they are being used by some seriously awful people with seriously awful ideas and ideology. I agree with Ms Haines that people can peacefully protest for what ever cause they like, even if it’s something I believe is completely mental like the ‘Palestinian’ one, but it’s a different matter when people are being manipulated by dangerous adversaries of the United States and of the West, into giving their support to particular causes.

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