I told you this would happen – British anger edition

A stereotypical angry mob from one of the Frankenstein movies


Quote: Decisions ‘… without the specific consent of electors… lack legitimacy and sooner or later will lead those adversely affected into open defiance or worse.’ The late Labour MP Peter Shore.

I take a few weeks off writing in order to do some gardening and DIY and I come back to find the country on the brink of going up in flames and the government of Sir Keir Starmer making statements that enhance rather than subdue the feeling that Britain has two tier policing and two tier government. After looking at the state of the country at the moment, I’m beginning to wonder whether I would prefer to be going back to shovelling chicken shit and sawing up a fallen cherry tree again.

I am reviving, for this article, the ‘I told you this would happen’ feature that has not been active on this blog for a few years now. The reason I’m doing this is that the current spate of angry British subjects taking to the streets could have easily been avoided by successive governments listening to and not dismissing, the views of the people.

For many years in various articles on here I have counselled governments to do something about the often imported problems suffered by Western nations, problems that a lot of ordinary people would love to have the political class sort out but which this class has not. In these articles (links below) I pointed out that the problems caused by open borders, identity politics and especially radical Islam needed to be solved to the satisfaction of the majority population by our political leaders as the alternative, which is people taking the law in to their own hands and the rule of ‘King Mob’, can be a whole lot worse.

Over the period of the last decade or more, I’ve watched Britain, under a variety of Tory, Coalition and Labour governments, by both action and inaction, pile problem after problem onto the British people, and often these problems are concentrated in working class or economically suffering areas. The people in this class and these areas have basically been told to put up and shut up by the political classes. They’ve been told that they have to accept, because of ‘diversity’, radical violent Muslims in their midst and have their daughters targeted for horrendous abuse by rape gangs that are more often than not made up of majority Muslim offenders. They’ve been told that they are ‘racist’ if they don’t want to live among imported people whose cultures, values and morals are often at great odds with our own. Their concerns about crime and quality of life issues, that have been in large part either created or exacerbated by border control policies that are virtually non-existent, or by local government policies that advance the rights of newcomers at the expense of everyone else, have been dismissed by the political class as nonsense or groundless.

With reference to the quote by the late and great Peter, later Lord, Shore (which I found on the X account of the SDP’s William Clouston) there has been a lot of stuff that has clearly not been consented to by the people. People were not specifically asked if they consented to pro-Hamas marches, resplendent with grotesque Jew-hatred, filling up the streets of the cities of Britain. People did not tick the box marked ‘open borders’ in full knowledge of what it meant and neither did they do so for policies such as state enforced multiculturalism, which have brought much division where once was relative harmony. The voters did not enthusiastically troop out down to the Polling Station so that their areas could be dominated by mosques that, as we’ve seen too often since 7/10, foment division and hatred from their pulpits. We didn’t look at policies that would make and have made our streets, children, parents, partners and friends hideously unsafe and think ‘I’ll have some of that’. On the contrary, much of the vote for the Tories over the last 14years was driven by voters who mistakenly trusted the Tories to bring down the levels of unnecessary ‘garbage migration’ of the unskilled, those unable to be assimilated into a modern society, those whose cultures readily accept and use violence and those individuals who see the United Kingdom not as as nation but as a glorified highly generous food bank. People voted for migration controls, they voted for the removal of those individuals whose presence here is entirely parasitical or harmful to the public good, but the Tories, as both Labour and Coalition governments did, let these voters down badly.

The failure by successive governments to listen to the people on very important matters, such as migration, resource allocation, crime and social cohesion has brought us to this point. Political class failure has brought to a situation where there is fighting on the streets, gangs of tooled up Muslims running around, angry and sometimes violent expressions by Britons about the mess the politicians have got us in and policing of protests that is now obviously politicised and differs according to which group is on the streets.

I’ve watched with concern Britain become a powder keg, an overstuffed one where idiots continue to add powder to a full barrel, making room for more powder by merely squishing the rest down into the barrel with a hammer. Sooner or later trying to hammer so much powder into the barrel will invite disaster because all that it would take to set off the powder conflagration is one small spark. As Douglas Murray said recently in reference to the ongoing street disturbances ‘What is happening in the UK this week is appalling. It was also all completely predictable. Indeed some of us warned about exactly this scenario for years. All of it was avoidable. But all warnings were ignored.’

Mr Murray is indeed correct. All the ongoing mess we are in could have been quite easily avoided, but the political classes instead chose to continue to dump their imported and seemingly unvetted or unverified pets on working class communities and economically struggling or vulnerable areas. It’s these areas that have suffered from the predation of Islamic rape gangs, dwindling access to services and having specific communal groups take over the local councils, using the carapaces of the old former mass membership parties as one means to do so. These areas, whose sufferings do not trouble the thoughts of the Metro Left who govern us, were told to put up and shut up when they were inundated with ‘refugees’ who fight in the street with machetes, or Muslim men who decide to go raping or noncing within a few weeks of entering the UK or who have had to deal with the sudden appearance of violent Sub Saharan and North African men, from some of the most violent cultures on that often benighted and tragic continent, filling their streets.

Nobody consented or voted for the problems that we have, but the Establishment created them anyway. As I said, the country has become a powder keg without even the safety valve of freedom of speech to take the pressure off. All it took for this keg to explode was one spark.

The Spark

I could be argued that the disturbances were not just ignited by one spark but several. Whilst the key point in kicking off the disturbances was the truly horrific murder in Southport of three little girls at a summer holiday dance class and the injury of many more by the son of a Rwandan migrant to the UK, this terrible series of preventable murders (they’d have been prevented if this Rwandan migrant had never been allowed in) came in as a pinnacle of several incidents, lesser sparks if you will. There was rioting by Roma in Harehills in Leeds following social services intervention to a Roma family. In this rioting we saw the police demonstrate clearly how differently they police minorities, especially volatile potentially violent ones, and how they police the rest of us. In the Harehills case the police basically ran away from the Roma rioters and only came back later when things had calmed down a bit. Social Services also caved in and returned all the Roma children back to the family in question and it’s unclear whether they returned these kids for legitimate reasons or as an act of appeasement in order to stop the Roma kicking off again.

The second spark that ignited the current protests and disturbances was when an Army Officer was stabbed and severely injured by a member of a minority who some say is a foreigner in Kent. The officer is still in a serious condition and a man named Anthony Esan has been charged with the attempted murder of the officer. The authorities rushed out a statement to the effect that this was ‘not terrorism’ but few members of the public, apart from that dwindling number of people who still trust the BBC, from what I could see on social media, were inclined to believe that statement.

The third spark came from Southend, when massive gangs of Blacks and Asians fought running battles in the streets of the town and on the seafront. Some of these gang members were armed with machetes. A lot of these rioters had come from London to Southend and had allegedly jumped the barriers at stations in London, in order to get on trains bound for Southend, where there was said to be an impromptu and not sanctioned beach party going on. It took the police a considerable amount of time to bring about some order and the general public of Britain got to see Essex Police struggling to bring the violence under control.

People were already pissed off by the time that the horrific Southport murders occurred. They’d endured years of being told to ‘fuck off’ by the middle class Left or been smeared as ‘racists’. They have seen police capitulating in Harehills, seemingly not treating seriously the possibility that the Kent stabbing might be terrorism and police struggling to put down a riot by many of the people that the middle class left had invited in, and treated as societally privileged.

There was also the furore over the Manchester Airport incident, where police officers were attacked by gang of Muslims, resulting in the breaking of a female police officer’s nose and Muslims grappling with an armed police officer. As of the time of writing, there have been no charges for assault of a police officer being laid at the feet of the Muslims who were involved in this fracas, even though weeks have gone by since these Muslims attacked the police officers. This failure to charge these violent Muslims has contributed greatly to the perception by the public that we are all being subjected to two tier policing.

The Southport murders were for many the final straw. After all, a children’s holiday club should be the safest place to send a child, a place where they can do nice things in the school holidays and the sort of places where I send my own child when school is closed. That it was not, and three innocent children ended up being murdered, allegedly by a Rwandan monster whose family our government had allowed into the UK, was the final spark that set Britain aflame. Trouble started out in Southport, the location of the murders, but soon spread out to other towns and cities.

The Government and Police response

The Labour government of Sir Keir Starmer said very little about the Southport murders apart from some handwringing statements about the tragedy. The first sign that the aftermath of this attack was different from what has gone before, such as after the Manchester Arena bombing, the London Bridge I and II attacks and other Islamic terrorist attacks, was Starmer getting barracked when he attended a memorial to the murdered in Southport. ‘Whose children will be next?’ was the cry heard from some in the crowd when Starmer came to lay a wreath in Southport. It was clear to me that the sheer visceral horror of the Southport Murders meant that the previous ‘nudge’ type policies used by governments to draw attention away from terrorist atrocities might not work. Stuff such as encouraging the singing of ‘Don’t look back in anger’ or drawing attention to the ‘nice’ Muslims in affected communities or demonising those who ask awkward questions after terror attacks or migrant linked violence, looked less likely to work this time and so it turned out.

I think that a lot of people have looked at the horrific murders in Southport and decided that they will no longer buy the narrative that the government is selling and decided without being directed to by any central organisation, to protest about the murders and the degradation of their communities.

The vast majority of these protestors were relatively peaceful, but in places like London overly aggressive policing of those who had turned out to express their horror at yet more kids dead because of Britain’s lack of border control, showed many people the sheer extent of two tier policing policies. These ‘patriot’ demonstrators were being subjected to far more police violence than those in the Islamo-Left pro-Hamas marches, who have called for a genocide against Jews, have had to face. The police, not just those in London, have looked well, bent not to put too fine a point on it. We’ve all see how Britons who demonstrate against the horrors that have been inflicted on our society face batons and riot shields where as the Islamo-Leftists and their rabid Jew hatred have been treated with kid gloves.

The response of the Labour government to the breaking out of trouble on the streets was truly awful. Starmer’s statement made things infinitely worse. His categorisation of those protesting following the Southport murders, was that they were all ‘far right thugs’. Many members of the British public, white, black, brown or oriental, took exception to this. They flooded social media with mocking statements about how ‘far right’ they are, when they are nothing of the sort, and are merely objecting to their valid concerns about the state of Britain being lazily classified by the government as ‘far right’.

Sir Keir Starmer compounded the problems by not just comparing ordinary but angry Britons with the Jackboot lickers but also promising that all available resources will be directed to protect mosques and Muslims. This pissed people off, as they could now see that the government was going to throw them to the wolves, whilst shoving massive levels of resources at a community that doesn’t exactly have the best of reputations, sometimes justified and sometimes not so justified, for living harmoniously with others, or respecting the rights of others. If you wanted to make a statement that denigrated the rights of the majority and instead promoted the supremacy of a different group, then you’d probably choose to do what Sir Keir Starmer has said and done. If you wanted to demonstrate that the majority and their concerns are worth less than the concerns of Britain’s Muslims then you would do as Sir Keir has done, which is to simultaneously smear ordinary worried Britons, of all races I might add, with those who follow Hitlerian ideologies, whilst promising that in the event of trouble the police will always rush to defend mosques first before any other job.

Why the targeting of Muslims and mosques in the disturbances?

There are many reasons for this. One reason is that there are a lot of people who really do not like Islam as a religious and political ideology. Islam has, often by the actions of its own adherents, made itself unpopular. It’s made itself disliked with things like religious extremism, multiple terrorist attacks, the disproportionate number of Muslims involved in particular types of sex crime, the cultural acceptance by some Muslims of what we would class as paedophilia and bestiality, the self-creation of often hostile ghettos and a lack of acceptance and loyalty to the British nation and its culture. There is a basic rule of living as a minority in a culture that is not like your own, and that is to not piss off your hosts. Jews have learned this (often at bitter cost) and is a lesson that has been learned by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Roman Catholics. Unfortunately it is a rule that too many British Muslims and British mosques have ignored or dismissed as ‘irrelevant kafir law’.

Other reasons are more local, such as in Hartlepool, where anger was directed at Islam, which might have something to do with the murder of a random 70 year old man by a Muslim who was motivated to kill by Islamic Jew hatred. This particular Islamic bastard is said to have ‘murdered because of Gaza’ and also attacked his housemate, who had chosen to abandon the cult of Islam. Because there were no Jews for the savage bastard to kill, he stabbed instead a random man, who was not Jewish, who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In other areas anger at Islam erupted because of past histories or potential past histories of Islamic Rape Gangs operating in these areas. There were also incidents as in the case in Liverpool of ordinary Britons getting pissed off with Islamic evangelists disturbing the peace of a shopping centre with loud Islamic music and allegedly the street conversion to Islam of children and mentally vulnerable adults. In the Liverpool incident, members of the public destroyed an Islamic evangelism stall in a shopping centre and chased away the Islamic propagandists.

It should go without saying that attacking random Muslims or attacking random property owned or controlled by Muslims is not the way to go. On the contrary, it’s what I have warned against happening for many years. Mobs, even if they start out with a righteous and right minded cause, are inherently unjust. Mobs do not judge people according to the sort of evidence that would be required in a criminal court, they roll up together the innocent and the guilty and mete out violence without discrimination to both. ‘King Mob’, that capricious and unjust leader of men, doesn’t make any distinction between the sort of decent Joe Mohammed Muslims or the rare sort of Muslims who make me want to dance around my kitchen singing ‘Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu’ and the rape gang members, terrorists and traitors that sadly do exist in Britain’s Islamic communities. All are targeted.

However, it has to be said that Muslims have not been entirely innocent when it comes to these disturbances. There have been reports from up and down the country of Muslims getting tooled up ready for violence, and in one case attacking with hammers and axes a relatively peaceful demonstration by Britons against the current dire situation we are in. This attack caused several injuries. There have also been reports of the so called Muslim Defence League attacking random British people in the street. Report on this from Turning Point UK here

The phenomenon of the newly tooled up Muslim has also brought to the public’s attention even more evidence that can be used to apply the label of ‘two tier’ policing. This occurred when a police community liaison worker confronted a group of armed Muslim men and politely asked them to deposit their weapons safely in the local mosque. If this is what indeed occurred, then it is a damning example of biased policing, because you can bet your bottom dollar that if this had been a group of armed Christians or Jews or other ordinary Britons, then the police would have violently intervened to disarm them. You can see some video of the incident in the video below.

It’s quite possible that if the Muslims had resisted the desire to manifest the ultra-violent aspects of their religio-political culture, and the Prime Minister had not given the public the impression that the Government will defend Muslims above all else, then there might not have been so much anger and violence directed at individual Muslims and Muslim property. Someone intelligent should have advised Sir Keir that telling the British public that they are Nazis, whilst also simultaneously telling the majority that they are not a priority for protection, was really not the best way to go.


Whilst the responsibility for individual acts of violence, from all sides, lies with those who have committed these acts of violence, the ‘ring’ in which this violence is occurring was set up and managed by our political classes. It is our politicians who, despite pleas from the public not to do so, propped open the borders. It is the political class, and the police that they manage, which has pandered to Islam. They deliberately ignored stuff like rape gangs, hate preaching in mosques, Islamic welfare, housing and electoral fraud, as well as the growth of the sort of religious extremism that really does look not that different from something you might find within the pages of Mein Kampf. It is this same political class at local and national levels, who have treated the murder of Britons by imported criminals as an ‘occupational hazard’ of a diverse society, something akin to a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a flood.

Many of the problems that have manifested themselves on the streets were warned about years ago, not just by bloggers such as myself but as stated above by people like Douglas Murray. If we had had the sort of strict border controls that are necessary for national security, then the family of a Rwandan mass murderer might not be resident here. Islamic terrorism would be some horrible but curious thing, that happened in far away backward regions, of which we know little and which contribute little to the good of humanity.

I reckon that the problem is that it is such matters as failed border control policies, and policies that treat each group as different, and who need to be managed and policed differently, which have brought us to this point. It’s not Nigel Farage or Tommy Robinson or Elon Musk, ‘Russian disinformation’ or any of the current bogeymen of the Left and the Centrist establishment, who have stacked up the fuel for the current fires. It’s the more mainstream politicians who have formulated truly awful and failed policies and who have, with their wealth, insulated themselves from the problems that these policies have caused, who are truly and ultimately to blame for the current on street shit shows. We are living with the results of the failed policies of the liberal political class. It’s this liberal class who have laid the foundations for our current problems with street violence, division and a breakdown in social and community cohesion.

I told you this would happen, and it gives me no pleasure at all to find that after so many years of saying so, that I was correct.



Please search for ‘I told you this would happen’ in the main F211 search box to find these other ‘I told you this would happen’ stories



2 Comments on "I told you this would happen – British anger edition"

  1. Pleased to see you back – hope you and your family are doing well.
    Can’t really add much to what you’ve already put so well above except to echo others in asking what did they expect? If you keep kicking a dog don’t be surprised when it bites you.
    Pleased to see you mention the pm’s visit to Southport, after his infamous ‘taking the knee’ farce who would believe his visit was anything more than another insincere virtue signalling photo-op. I get the impression his presence added to the existing anger and may have been a factor in the subsequent unrest. Better than sending Lammy l guess but only just.
    Seems labour’s honeymoon is already over.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 5, 2024 at 3:57 pm |

      Family and everything are fine. Just waiting for the rubbish clearance guy to come and pick up the useless junk frm the garden job. He’s not having my chicken shit though, that’s mine. I’ve made a whole new lawn out of well rotted chicken shit.

      Thank you for the compliment. RE the kicking the dog until it bites analogy. Yes I think that there’s a fair bit of that going on and sadly it’s going to end up hurting what I call the innocent ‘Joe Mohammed from the tyreshop’ types rather than the Jihadi scum. I really don’t buy Starmer’s blaming of the ‘far right’. The reason I say this is that the far right, the real deal that any sane person would recognise as such the proper Jackboot lickers, don’t have much of a following or a constituency in the UK. Apart from some blips of election successes in local councils, such as in Barking and Dagenham in 2005** the true far right does really really badly at elections. Sure there are occasional Jackboot lickers involved in the current disturbances, but they do not have the support levels that would be needed to get the large number of bodies out on the street as we’ve seen recently. There might be some ‘I love Hitler’ tossers getting stuck in but I very much doubt that such people are in any way shape or form instrumental in organising stuff.

      I agree also that Starmer’s visit to Southport was a misstep and he probably failed to read the room as regards anger about the murders of three children coming as it did after other serious incidents and nearly two decades of Islamic terrorism on our streets. I reckon that he might have thought that the usual ‘don’t look back in anger’ shite as used after Manchester would have worked again. It’s notable that I don’t recall either May or Johnson being barracked like Starmer was. There is as you say also the stark comparison to him kneeling for BLM Marxists and how he’s been behaving when faced with his current security challenges. I would say that Starmer’s appearance wasn’t the big kick for the unrest but it certainly contributed.

      Labour’s honeymoon was over for me the day after they were elected.

      ** I’m familiar with Barking and Dagenham as I lived there for a while and have had family members living there as well. A lot of people voted for the BNP in that election not because they wanted these idiots to represent them or because they wanted to march into Poland with them, but because the local Labour admin was so shit and so DEI obsessed and so badly out of touch with what the original residents wanted them to do. It was another of those instances where not listening to your audience creates failure and Lab certainly failed to listen to their working class audience in B and D.

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