Quote of the Day 04th August 2024 – How not to calm a bad situation down.


When a politician speaks they should, if they have any sense, give some thought to how their words and actions would be perceived by their audience. If a politician promises oodles of money to one group just after taking money away from another group that many people might find more deserving than the first one, then it is almost certain to give an impression to the public that might not have been the intention of the politician.

This sadly is what Sir Keir Starmer and his government have done. They have allocated £28.4m for the security of mosques and ‘rapid reaction’ security for them (who by the ‘Starm-troopers’ perhaps?) not more than a few weeks after removing Winter Fuel Payments from some of Britain’s pensioners. Even though the cost to the taxpayer of Winter Fuel Payments are higher at £2.044B than the £28.4m Islamopandering payment, the fact that these two events, the splurging of money on Muslims and Mosques and the removal of Winter Fuel Payments are so close together chronologically looks bad.

This bad optics has been commented on by Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad who said:

I agree with Mr Benjamin in his assessment that we are in deep trouble. It’s trouble that the political classes should be doing everything in their power to deal with but unfortunately we are stuck with Starmer as PM and he’s obviously not got the flair for knowing what statements and actions calm things down and which do not.

Of course Mosques and innocent Muslims should not be attacked or harmed, but is public Islam-fellatio of the sort that Starmer is clearly engaged in is an effective way to stop such terrible things from happening? I don’t think that it is. The conjunction between the removal of Winter Fuel Payments and splashing taxpayers cash on mosque security is going to do nothing to convince the public that Sir Keir Starmer is going to govern for all Britons and not just some Britons.

Sadly there appears to be no money to provide extra security for schools, nurseries or the sort of school holiday clubs that was recently visited by a murderous bastard whose family should never have been allowed to enter or settle in the UK in the first place. Sir Keir’s underlying message to the British people appears to be this: You can go hang, your old people can go hang, your children can go hang (or get stabbed) and the towns and cities in which you live can do the same, unless that is you are a member of one of the state’s favoured groupings.

There’s got to be a better more peaceful and just way to get out of the situation that we currently find ourselves in.

1 Comment on "Quote of the Day 04th August 2024 – How not to calm a bad situation down."

  1. Not at all surprised – see my previous comments

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